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Finn's pov

I was so confused when Y/n made me feel her stomach, but I did it anyways because she wanted me to. Then that's when I felt movement in her stomach, I gasped and had this wave of excitement.
"Your pregnant!?" I ask with a smile.
She bit her lip and nodded her head,
I chuckled and used both my hands to feel her stomach,
"For how long?" I ask still energized.
"Two and a half months now-" She says shyly.
"Wait- weren't we both still with ours ex's?-" I ask suddenly feeling my excitement fade.
"Y-Yes, your not going to like this-" She sighs.
I took my hands off her stomach,
"So it's Jack's baby?" I ask with this stomach turning feeling, and my heart pounding outside my chest.
"No Finn it's yours, but your not going to like how I found out who was the father." She says.
I sighed in relief,
"Whatever you did, I'm sure you did what you had to do-" I say.
"I told Jack that I was pregnant first, and the reason I did that was because I wanted his saliva swab so I could have a DNA test." She explains.
"Then the results were negative?" I ask.

Y/n nodded her head,
"Your the father." She smiles.
"Wow- I mean just- I'm speechless." I smile touching her stomach again,
"I know I was the same when I found out." She giggles.
"We did this, we made life!" I say excited.
"Yeah we did!" She laughs.
I pulled her close and hugged her around her waist, feeling the bump at the same time.
"I am going to be there for you and our baby, we're going to raise our child together, and maybe in the future our family could grow more." I smile.
"I can't wait for our future together Finn." Y/n whispers in my ear.
"Neither can I." I say hugging her tighter.
"But Finn, what will everyone think?" She asks pulling away from my grip.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"We're both teenagers, the media is going to think we're irresponsible and too young-" She sighs.
"I could care less what the media has to say about us." I say grabbing her hand.

"Our jobs could be effected, if the drama already didn't. I mean I haven't had an audition in months and I don't know what's going on with anyone-" She kept venting.
"Wait wait Y/n-" I say cutting her off.
"What?" She asks with a knot in her throat.
"Everything is going to be okay." I say standing up and hugging her.
"I'm sorry, I just don't know what's going on with my family." Y/n snuffles.
I could tell her was crying on my chest.
"What do you mean? What's going on Y/n?" I ask grabbing her cheek and wiping her tears,
"My dad has been gone for his business trip and my mom hasn't been here since we came back from the trip." She sighs.
"I'm confused- I saw Lucia the other day when I came looking for you, I dropped off the white roses and she took them inside." I say.
"She's been coming here purposely when I'm not here then leaving, I think she's just avoiding me. Since before she would always leave during the day, at this point she comes here to shower and change and that's it." Y/n explains.
Lucia is using her house, but why? It makes no sense at all? Before we left on the trip they had a horrible argument, maybe she is avoiding Y/n.
"Don't you have her phone number?" I ask.
"Yeah but she hasn't answered my calls or texts, I don't know what to do-" She cries.
"Listen we will figure this out I won't let your relationship with your mom fall apart." I say wiping her tears again.

Y/n pov

The way Finn tells me everything is going to be okay, I believe him.
"How?" I ask.
"Give me her number I'll call her from my phone." Finn says.
I nodded my head and gave Finn my phone,
Once he dialed her number he hit call.
My heart rate started increasing,
"Hello?" I hear Lucia say.
"Hey Lucia, it's Finn." He says cheerfully.
"Why are you calling me Finn?" She asks.
"Well first of all thank you for leaving the roses for Y/n, and I was curious to why your rarely at home anymore?" Finn asks.
"Y/n told you to call me didn't she?" Lucia asks.
"No actually it was my decision, she is here right now. But listen Lucia, Y/n needs you right now-" He sighs.
I heard Lucia sigh deeply,
"I'll be there tonight but I doubt she'll want to see me now-" She says.
"We'll see about that, thank you." Finn smiles then hangs up.

"She sounds different." I say.
"I noticed it too, I'm a little confused why she's acting this way- I mean she loves you clearly." Finn says.
"Well I've never heard her tell me she loves me, and I've never called her mom." I shrug.
"There's a lot going on right now, but what's the most important to you?" He asks.
"-our baby." I smile answering without hesitation.
"So everyone else can wait, right now we have to focus on our little boy or girl." Finn smiles.
"Or baby girl and baby boy." I joke.
"Twins?" Finn gasps.
"Well no it's still too early to see if it's more than one but at the next appointment we'll see if it's a boy or girl." I say.
"Oh I'm so excited." Finn picks me up and spins me around while I laugh hugging him,
"And we have our movie premiere tomorrow night!" Finn says putting me down.
"Ur right, our first event out as an official couple." I giggle.
"Wait should we tell the public about the baby yet?" Finn asks.
"Honestly they'll find out eventually so, why not?" I shrug.
"Are you sure my love?" He asks.
I nodded my head and smiled.

"Life couldn't get better than this-" Finn says touching my stomach and kissing my forehead.

Guys I'm back!!!

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