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Y/n pov

"Even if Finn loves you or fucken not you were always with him instead of me, then you tricked me while I had been in a horrible accident!" Jack says raising his voice louder.
"At least I got the truth!" I yell.
He groaned,
"You made me feel lonely, you were always busy with some bullshit, now I can't even imagine all the times you were in bed with her while I was worried about us!" I yell again.
"Of course its all my fault yet you were still around him all the time and made me feel alone!" He groans.
"You were the one cheating on me!" I yell.
Jack sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"Your right, please Y/n I don't want to fight with you anymore." He says giving me a sad look.
I feel like a hypocrite, im here yelling at him because he cheated yet I've been doing the same. His words sound like all lies to me now, nothing he says makes me thinks he's really sorry. But he can't stop telling me that Finn loves me, its like that's his way of saying I'm the wrong one. Yet again, Jack making me feel bad for my mistakes. I can't let him control my feelings like that ever again.

"Jack you lost me, end of story." I sigh.
"Your wrong-" He says standing up,
"Wow." I scoffed.
"I'm in love with you Y/n, and I'll-" 
"Stop saying that you love me!" I yell standing up,
He looked at me disappointed,
"You did the worst thing you could do to break our bond. Jack, I gave you my body, I gave you my trust. With that I gave you my love and commitment to our relationship. But you had sex with another woman, I bet you did it without a cross in your mind about me. The worst part is I was clueless while you snuck around so much. You could throw me around and hurt me physically, and I'd give you another chance. But you can't cheat and get away with it!" I vent,
"Y/n your my soulmate, I need you in my life. I'm nothing if your not in my life-" He says getting closer,
I just looked to my side and not at him,

Jack moved my hair out my face,
"Look at me Y/n." He says grabbing my cheek,
I turned at looked at him,
He looked at me like I was a prized possession,
"We're fucken done." I say throwing his hand off my face,
I started to walk to my door so he could leave,
And he followed me still trying to make me reconsider,
"Nothing you do will make me stop trying to win you back. Your the only person for me, your going to be my wife-" 
I opened the door and stood to the side for him to walk out,

"We love eachother, Y/n I am in love with you." He says.
"God don't you get it Jack!? We were never in love, if you cheated without thinking of me, then you never loved me. This- what we had, was never love. Now get the fuck out my house." I say,
"You might not see if now but we're in love. I'm never going to stop fighting for you-" Jack says walking out,
Before I closed the door he stopped it,
"Never forget what we have." He says looking into my eyes,
I just glared at him for a second,
"Let go." I say seriously.
He stepped back and I closed the door,
My eyes filled with tears,
Once I locked it the door I ran upstairs to Theo.
He was very happy to see me and I quickly looked out my window, finally Jack is leaving.
Theo comforted me while I cried to myself.

Finn's pov

Sadie droves us to this restaurant in Beverly Hills, I was surprised to see a lot of photographers by the entrance.
"Why so much photographers?" I ask as we walked to the entrance.
"That's paparazzi not photographers, a lot of celebrities come here for dinner, it's like a paparazzi hotspot." She says.
"Wait paparazzi? You know I hate them-" I sigh.
"It'll be quick it's okay, plus security holds them back." She says grabbing my arm so we could make an entrance,
There was a man outside the building asking for reservations,
The paparazzi kept yelling and asking too many questions at the same time so I just ignored them,

"Hello reservations for Sink and Wolfhard." Sadie says.
"Oh yes, I'll be right back to see if your table is ready." He smiles then enters the building,
Sadie smiled at me then leaned her head on my shoulder,
Then I heared Y/n's name, so I started to listen to the paparazzi.
"Finn Wolfhard are you and Y/n L/n romantic in any way?"
"Do you know more information about Jack cheating?"
"Are you and Y/n best friends again?"
"Is there a reason why Jack cheated on Y/n?" 
"How are you best friends with Y/n, yet on a date with Sadie?"
"The media says your cheating on Sadie?"
"Is Y/n your secret love interest?" 
I looked to the side and one security guard couldn't hold a man from the paparazzi, so he pushed his way through to us,

"Is it true that Jack cheated on Y/n?" 
"How is Y/ handling this situation?" 
He asked all these questions shoving a microphone to my mouth,
"It's not my place to speak on the topic-" I say.
"So you do know information about this issue?" Another woman yells from the crowd of paparazzi,
Then the guard grabbed the guy and pulled him back to the crowd with the other paparazzi's. 

"Sorry for that, your table is ready-" the waiter says opening the door for us,
"It's okay, thank you." I say as Sadie and I walked in,
We got to our table and had a lot of small talk. Sadie felt bad I got mobbed with questions, but I felt guilt. Something is definitely going on with social media, those paparazzi questions were close to asking, "Is Y/n cheating? If so is it with you?"

"Gosh it is really pouring outside." Sadie says looking out the window,
I looked out the window and saw the horrible rainy sky,
"It is pretty bad." I say.
"Remember our first kiss, it was raining just like this." She smiles.
"Of course I remember." I sigh.
"Finn, im really trying to make us work. We have so many memories together, it would hurt me so much if we let that fade." She says with a soft grin.
"Sadie- it's been fading." I say.
"I know you don't love me, but I can't let you slip away from me." She sighs.
"After everything, we've become toxic." I say.
"What are you saying?" She asks.
"We're unfixable." I say.
She looked stung,
"Then why are you still sitting here with me?" She asks.
"I honestly don't know." I sigh.
"Ill tell you why, because you still care about me and you know it." She says madly.

I sighed, so much for a nice date out.

This class is boring :(

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