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Guys I'm back! Sorry for the disappearance, I was having family issues but I am back to continue what I love to do! Your all amazing thank you to the people who reached out asking how I was♡

Y/n pov

We were at Asher's house, before we got here Jack gave me jeans I left at his house before and his thrashers hoodie. They were playing video games, I was so bored honestly watching. The day was going by so slow it makes me want to be at my house dealing with my family problems. Later on during the day Millie showed up with some friends, she came and sat down next to me,

"Hey babe." She smiles.
"Hey." I say.
"So how's everything?" She asks.

Well besides my mom and that I cheat on my boyfriend,
"Everything is good, how about you?" I ask.
"Pretty shitty." She sighs.
"Why? Are you okay?" I ask.
"Well there's this guy, I love him but he doesn't want to be with me, he wants to be with another person." She says.
"Aw Millie im so sorry, that's a hard situation." I say.
"Thanks, how are you and Jack?" She asks.
"Great actually, he's been trying to fix our relationship since we've had problems." I say.
"Oh yeah, the night of the premiere was wow." She says.
"He did hurt me there." I admit.

The guys started yelling continuing on playing the game.
"Well, as long as its better, honestly he seems distant from you now." She says.
"Yeah, how did you know?" I ask.
"Oh just a hunch." She shrugs.
"Hm." I say.
"Sadie called me last night-" she says.

Last night Finn and I had sex,
"She thinks he's cheating-" Millie finishes.
"Really with who?" I ask nervously.
"Well she tried to ask me if I knew." She says.
"Oh, well I don't think so." I say.
"Who knows." She shrugs.

I know. The day went on and on, it got dark and Jack drove us to his place. We went to his bed and had sex. It was pretty strange sleeping with him after Finn and I have had more sex than Jack and I the past month. I fell asleep in Jack's arms, the next morning I woke up and started getting ready for the day. The first day of filming is always weird, but we all have to make it work out. I wore Jack's hoodie and basketball shorts, I have to change anyways for the movie. As soon as I got to my car I saw Jack running out the door and I rolled down the window,

"Babe? Is something wrong?" I ask.
"I forgot you had to leave early, good luck baby have a great day." He smiles.
"Thank you Jack." I smiled.
I left and went to the stage areas,
Stage 13, that's my area. I went inside the building and saw makeup artists getting the other actors ready. I sat down and had my makeup artist get me ready. My character Natalie is very shy, she keeps to herself, she's innocent. For her she's a natural girl with a unique style with tops and jeans. Her hair is always down with natural wavy hair, which I don't have so she curled my hair wavy. I changed into the clothes then I saw the director,

"Hello Jan." I say.
"Hey sweetie, wow you look great!" She smiles.
"Just like Natalie." Finn popped outta nowhere and joined the conversation.
He was wearing slightly ripped black jeans and a Beastie Boys rock band shirt.
"And you look just like David." Jan smiles.
"Well I'd say we fit the rolls pretty well." Finn smiles.
"Oh let me take a picture of you both." She smiles.
I nodded my head and Finn wrapped his arm around me.
The flash nearly smacked me in the face,
"Ill tag you both, we're starting in five." She says walking away.

"Great now we're officially going to spend every single day together." I sigh.
"Why the disappointment?" She chuckles.
"Millie told me yesterday Sadie thinks your cheating." I say.
"So you think by us being together daily she'll find out about us?" He asks.
"Yes." I say.
"We're on a break, she's supposed to be living her life not worrying about me." He sighs.
"Well- she l-loves you." I shrug.
"No, no she doesn't." He says.

Finn's pov

"I dont know." She says.

I want to tell her all about how obsessive she is over me, but then if I did I'd have to tell her about my other feelings, why I never felt a good connection with Sadie. Maybe I'm a little obsessive with Y/n. Yesterday was hard for her, she thinks I didn't hear.

"So, I remember you told me ur mom passed away when you were little is that true?" I ask.
"Uhm- yeah I was four, why?" She lies.
"I'm just curious, my parents slipt when I was six." I say.
"Right, I remember you told me." She says.
"Its weird I remember you said she died when you were six." I say.
"Six? Oh yeah I was six, I dont remember her so its not really something I remember well." She lies again.
"Makes sense." I say.

She lied and lied. I understand why im not her BFF or anything, but I wish she was open to me. Does Jack even help her with the situation she's dealing with?

"You know my mom came home to see my brother and I once, then I cursed her out for always being a bitch to my dad." I say.
Shit was that too personal?
"Oh im sorry, that's not easy." She says.
"Yeah nobody really understands because they don't have a similar situation." I sigh.
Come on Y/n, tell me the truth. I could tell she was thinking,

"Y/n, Finn! Time to shoot." Jan says.
We were separated in the beginning of the movie im basically not in it until she sees me around campus then her friend introduces us. David has a somewhat girlfriend, he's not really interested on being with her though. I did solo short scenes with her there to show im not interested. We finished and I snuck into Y/n's area, she was doing a scene with the other actors. When they finished she looked at me confused,

"Are you okay?" She asks coming up to me.
"Yeah im great." I smile.
It was hard to hold it in she is so beautiful that I can't stop smiling,
"Okay everyone thirty minute lunch break!" The producer yells.
"Wanna go eat?" She asks.
"Yeah." I say.
We walked to the McDonalds across the street and then to the private break room,

Eating with her was nice, she's kind.
"So what are we doing for our birthday this year?" She giggles.
Y/n and I have matching birthdays,
December 23, 2002.
"Well what do you wanna do?" I ask.
"Last year we went to the snow, we should have a party at your place." She says.
"My place? Why not yours?" I ask.
She hesitated, will she talk to me now?
"Your place is nicer, unless you don't want to." She shrugs.
"No no thats fine, our birthday is in four months though." I giggle.
"Its never too early." She laughs.
I laughed with her,
"I like talking to you." I say.
She stopped and stared at me,
"Honestly I never thought we could talk and have conversations like this." She sighs.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because we're friends with benefits." She says.
"That doesn't mean we can't be close." I say.
"Well we fell off bad when you started dating-"
"Dont say her name." I cut her off.
"Right sorry, why did you stop talking to me though?" She asks shyly.
"She- made me." I confess.
"Sadie, of course." She rolls her eyes.

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving♡

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