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Y/n pov

2 weeks ago before present

"And cut!" Shawn the directors yells.
"That was the last scene of the show!" Ross cheers.
We all celebrated happy we finished another season, ugh I hate that its the last. I looked over for Jack but he was gone, I shrugged not thinking about it.

"Hey Y/n do you know where Millie went?" Caleb asks.
"No sorry." I sigh.
I sat down on my chair with my last name on it, and sighed again. I sit next to the snack table,
"Where's Jack?" Finn asks grabbing a water bottle.
"I dont know." I say.
"Whats wrong?" He asks.
"I don't know lately I feel like Jack and I are distant." I sigh.
"Well, it happens. Relationships change." He shrugs.
"Yeah your right I'll just talk to him, thanks." I say.
"Your welcome, I'll see you tonight at Noah's party." He says.
"He's having a party?" I ask.
"Yup to celebrated our new season!" Noah comes outta nowhere.
"Ill be there." I giggle.
"Finn come on let's go." Sadie says.
"Okay okay." Finn looked at me and smiled saying bye. I smiled back then he walked away.

Before I was dating Jack I had a little crush on Finn. That smile just reminded me of the time we kissed. It was just in the moment though he didn't like me. Plus that was three years ago when we filmed Stranger Things season one. Wow I just realized how fucken long its been. We've grown up, but I've known Finn way longer than Jack. Its weird how I met Jack through Finn and ended up with Jack when I first was into Finn. How could I not be he's good looking I feel weird calling him handsome when im dating Jack.

"Hey." Jack says.
"Where were you?" I ask.
"I was getting you lunch." He held up the bag of food,
"Aw ur so sweet thank you." I kissed his cheek.
"Congrats on the show babe." He says.
How could I be mad at him, he got me food. I did want him here though,
Then I saw Millie coming back,
"Hey Mil, Caleb was looking for you." I smile.
"Oh okay thanks Y/n." She smiles.

I noticed her shirt was messed up, the buttons on her shirt were on in the wrong holes, that's strange usually the stylists make sure everyone was perfect before filming. So why is her shirt messed up?

"Millie, your shirt is messed up by the way." I point out.
"Oh thanks for mentioning that, are you guys going to the party tonight?" She asks while fixing the buttons,
"Definitely!" I smile.
"Great we'll see you there love." She smiles.
I waved and she left to talk to Caleb,
"So you wanna go eat lunch at the bus then get ready to go to the party tonight?" Jack asks kissing my cheek,
"Yeah, let's go babe." I say.

We ate lunch together in my private bus then changed, I wore simple jeans and a nude spaghetti strap with my vans. Jack wore a t-shirt and jeans. After spending some time together we went to Noah's house where everyone was at. Some people were outside drinking soda in their cups while people inside were doing the same. Jack and I went outside,

"So what's happening for you guys now since the shows over?" Gaten asks.
"I'm auditioning for more Netflix shows, you know stay with the company." Millie says.
"I'm auditioning for a role in a movie." Noah says.
"That's smart, I'm planning on taking a break then model here and there." Sadie shrugs.
"I have an audition for a game show." Caleb says.
"That's so cool, I have an audition coming up when we fly back to LA." I say.
"I got a role in a movie so that's my plan." Jack says.
"Wow congrats, I have an audition too though when were back in LA." Finn says.
"So were all going to be separated." Gaten says.

Realizing that made it hard to think we wouldn't see each other daily. We are like family in a different way, we've spent years together and lived together for months on months.

"Well we will all still be in LA, we can get together often." Sadie smiles.
"Yeah let's not get fucken sad now, this party is to celebrate our success this year." Noah says.
"Noah's right, come on lets party!" Millie and Caleb cheered.

We all danced and drank soda, then we got sugar high. But all sugar highs come down eventually, a full evening of celebrating and people left little by little. Jack, Finn, Noah, Sadie, Millie, Caleb, Gaten, and I were the only one's left since we were the closest. I wanted to leave and go home and sleep but Jack wasn't listening,

"Come on let's go play video games in my room." Noah says.
"Yeah!" Jack and the guys say.
"Wait Jack im tired can we go?" I whispered in his ear.
"In a little bit babe." He says.
"Finn you coming?" Caleb asks.
"Nah, im tired." Finn says.
He left and it was Finn, Millie, Sadie, and I. I was tried so I went to the guest room downstairs to lay down but before I got in the room I heared there conversation,

"Well I'm leaving its really late." Millie yawns.
"Finn im going to go with her." Sadie says standing up,
"Oh okay I'll just go play with the guys maybe." Finn sighs.
"Bye love you." She kisses his cheek then leaves.

Finn was all alone,
I felt kinda bad for him.
I just leaned against the bed then saw alcohol on the nightstand, tempting.
Then I heared the door slightly open,
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Finn says.
"No you didn't scare me." I smile.
"Do you want to lay down I just feel so lonely out there." Finn says.
"No actually im not really tired anymore." I say.
"Oh okay, mind if I come in?" He asks.
"No come in." I say.

He came into the room, nothings wrong with this we're just talking.

"So have you talked to Jack?" He asks leaning on the wall in front of me.
"Nope." I sigh.
"Yeah I assumed you didn't when he ignored you about leaving." He shakes his head.
"Its fine but how about you and Sadie how are you guys?" I ask.
"Eh we got into an argument before coming, stupid shit. That's why she left without me." He rolls his eyes.
"Ouch sorry." I looked over at the alcohol again,
"You want some?" He asks.
"I couldn't its Noah's not mine." I laugh.
"He wouldn't mind a bottle gone." He got up and grabbed two glasses and poured in tequila. I knew Jack wouldn't like me drinking without him watching me but I just wanted a little drink and some attention. I cant necessarily get attention but fuck it I can get a drink. He handed me the drink and I grabbed it,

"Thanks." I smile.
"No problem." He says.
We chugged our shots then I set the cup back down, I cant get drunk Jack would notice.
"Remember when we kissed?" He laughs.
"I had a feeling you would bring that up." I laughed.
"It was kinda cute." He shrugs.
"Really?" I ask shocked.
"Yeah you were so shy." He giggles.
"Well it was just a peck and in the moment." I shrugged.
"True, sometimes I think what would have happened if I didnt end up with Sadie or if I never introduced you to Jack." He bit his lip.

What is he trying to say?

"We'd probably still be friends." I say.
"Yeah I guess so." He sighs.
He stopped leaning on the wall and came next to me leaning on the bed now like I am.
"Honestly, I don't know why im with Sadie, we're so different." He says facing me.
"Sometimes its good to be with people that are different from you because you learn more about being in relationships." I say.

I faced him too,
We got a little more closer


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