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Happy New Year everyone!!;)

Jack's pov

I woke up on my couch, I saw everyone who was drinking passed out asleep. My throat was burning and sore as fuck. My head was spinning, oh shit. I threw up in a bucket next to my head. Millie must have put it there, I see her asleep on my other couch next to me. Sadie was wide awake.

"Nice party." She says.
"I blacked out." I groaned trying to sit up too fast.
"Isn't that the best?" She laughs.
"Why aren't you with Finn?" I ask.
"That dip shit left without me." She sighs.
"Damn, sucks." I sighed and looked around again.
Noah was snoring on Gatens chest, those fuckers.
"Y/n isn't here." Sadie says.
"Oh-" I just realized that.
"Did she go home?" I ask.
"I think she got a ride with Sophia." She shrugs.
"Fuck." I sighed standing up and walking to my kitchen.

I took a pain pill and sat down,
Sadie followed me. God she's weird.
"No offense Sadie but what do you want?" I ask rudely.
"Gosh someone's grumpy." She scoffed.
"No shit." I roll my eyes.
"I have a deal for you." She says sitting down across from me.
I looked up at her, she doesn't look like she was drinking much,
"About what?" I ask.
"Y/n." She says.
"What? Ugh your crazy, just leave me alone." I say.
"Hm then I guess ill just tell Y/n about you and Millie-" she says walking away.
I watched her back turn away and I stood up immediately, then I grabbed her arm.
"How the fuck do you know about that?" I ask mad.
"Dont worry about how I found out, just worry about how I tell your girlfriend." She says pulling her arm.
"Okay okay, let's talk upstairs in private." I whispered.

She followed me past the bodies of drunk asses to my parents reading room,
"What the hell do you want to keep your mouth shut?" I ask closing the door behind me.
"All I want is my boyfriend to be with me." She says.
"He's dating you dumbass." I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, but he's in love with your girl." She says.
"In love?" I scoffed.
"Jack, think about it." She shakes her head.
No no no, my girlfriend, with another man fuck that. He can't love her that way they're just friends and he likes her. He admit it.
"What's your deal?" I sighed.
She seemed happy I was willing to listen to whatever she has to offer.
"So clearly Millie is obsessed with you, she want you so bad, but your with Y/n. For whatever reason you want Y/n and not Millie, which by the way wow-" She paused.
"Just get to the point." I groan.
"You want Y/n, and I want Finn. I'll do anything for him, if you can get Y/n to stay away from Finn, then I can have him. While he realizes he'll never have her blah blah blah- Then you can have her all to yourself." She smiles.

Eh good but it needs something better,
"How about instead of just simply taking them away from eachother we completely break there friendship." I suggest.
"That's even better!" She squeals.
"I hate that he's always with her, she's mine." I sigh madly.
"So what im hearing is, your in?" She asks.
I nodded my head yes,
"Great! We'll both get what we want, im going to take Millie home, I'll text you." She says walking out the room.

I dont like the fact she knows about Millie and me. But finally someone with a connection with Finn can help me get my girlfriend back from that bitch Finn fucken Wolfhard.

Y/n pov

Finn and I spent the whole morning together, tomorrow I have my Jimmy Fallon interview on TV. Turns out its a double interview with Finn for our new movie! I'm more excited about it now. Then that's when I got a call from Jack.

*phone call*

"Hey baby." I say.
I looked at Finn on the couch with Theo,
He looked mad.
"Babe? Why aren't you here with me?" Jack asks.
"Im sorry I got a ride with Sophia last night I felt shitty." I lie.
"Well no shit you were drunk, I feel like crap too." He says.
"Are you mad at me?" I ask.
"Yes I am mad." He sighs.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because you used to be here to take care of me when I had hangovers, but I wake up with you nowhere to be seen." He yells.
"Baby please calm dow-"
"No I won't calm down, come over and bring me some condoms. I'm out." He says.
"Fine." I say.

*end of call*

"Uhm, I have to go." I sigh.
"Y/n why do you let him talk to you like that?" He asks standing up.
"He's hungover, he's always mad the next day after getting drunk. I need to go take care of him." I say.
"Take care of him? Are you kidding me? You need to take care of yourself first, but you wouldn't have had to if you weren't drinking in the first place." He yells.
"I was-"
"You were what? Bored?" He cuts me off.
"I was upset." I say.
"Why?" He asks.
Because my old feelings for you are making my relationship fall apart.
"Our talk made me upset." I say.
"It made me upset too, but im not drunk. I stayed sober and took care of you when your dip shit boyfriend won't even respect you!" He yells.
"But your over there with Sadie all up on you, you didn't stop me!" I yelled back.
"You said we should stay out of eachothers relationships and that's what I did!" He sighs.
"And yet again we're getting into eachothers relationships, again." I say with my tone coming down.

There was a moment of silence,
"If a guy asks you for condoms its because he wants you to bring them so you could have sex-" he says with no emotion.
"Im not going to sleep with him." I scoffed.
"Your always doing what he does or says, I doubt your not going to refuse if he tries to." He says.
"We shouldn't be caring about who we sleep with." I say.
"You care?" He asks shocked.
Fuck, I really exposed myself with that one.
"No, of course not." I lie.
"I dont either-" he says backing away from me.
"I shouldn't have got into you and Jack's sex life." He sighed.
"We're best friends, it happens." I say.
"Not in this way." He mumbles.
I pretended not to hear him,
"Ill see you tomorrow at the interview, Theo is yours for the day." I say leaving out the house.

I gave Theo a kiss goodbye and walked past Finn who was looking more speechless than ever.
I walked to my car and got into the driver's seat, then I felt tears in my eyes. It's like we both know we love eachother, but we can't be together. I cried in the driveway for a second before I saw Finn's door swing open and Finn came out.

Ik 2020 was the worst fucken year literally ever, but what was your favorite part of the year?

Mine was finishing my first story I'd ever written on Wattpad♡

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