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Finn's pov

Y/n started to kiss my neck, I bit my lip trying not to flip her back over and kiss her. I've been trying to be gentle, and satisfy her needs. Not like before when we would just have sex without a romantic before. I'm trying to show her we feel more than just fuck buddies. I know she feels the difference. Or maybe it's just me, either way this is more meaningful than the other times we've done it. Her lips moved to my lower stomach, she's doing the same I did with her. The satisfaction we we're making each other feel was so tender. Even I have never experienced something so loving. 

She was on top of me kissing my lips,
"Are you sure you want to keep going?" I whispered in her ear.
"Yeah of course." She whispered back, then she started to unbuckle my jeans.
We ended up completely naked still teasing eachother,
I got on top and put a condom on,
Y/n crested my cheek and smiled,
This makes her happy.
I put it in and she gasped,
First I was slow and I put my forehead on hers as we went on.
"Your so beautiful." I groan.
She seemed nervous that I said that,
We continued until we finished.

Y/n rested her head on me and fell asleep peacefully,
I held her tightly,
If I could pick one moment to relive the rest of my life, I'd pick this exact second.
When she's in my arms I can imagine her being with me, living together, and having a family with her. But then I think about how I might not get to ever hold her again after this time. There is never a guarantee we'll do it again. At any time she could tell me it's over between us and I would of course have to respect that. After she fell asleep I fell quickly asleep, before I passed out I kissed her forehead.

Y/n pov

I woke up the next morning in Finn's arms, he woke up too. Shit, I must have fallen asleep on him.
"Um, sorry I didn't mean to bug you and fall asleep on you." I say sitting up.
"No no it's okay, I enjoy ur warmth." He smiles sitting up with me.
I giggled and heared my phone,
I picked it up and saw a message from Angela.

*text messages*

Just updating you, Jack is still asleep
Oh okay, is it normal for him to be asleep this long?
The doctor said with his accident its normal
So it's a good thing he's asleep?
In a way yes, he should awake soon
But don't worry about him, go film and do ur job
Okay, thank you Angela. I'll come by after filming
Of course!
See you later

*end of text messages*

"Is Jack okay?" Finn asks.
"Well he's still asleep." I sigh.
"Oh." He says.
"Hungry?" I ask.
"Of course." He giggles.
"Stay here ill go make us breakfast." I smiled getting out of bed.
"Okay, you don't want help?" He asks.
"No this is my favor back to you, since you made me breakfast yesterday." I smile.
He smiled and I left my room,
When I got downstairs I saw Lucia there with Theo,
"Lucia?" I ask.
"Y/n." She smiles.
"I thought you had an emergency?" I ask confused.
"Turns out it was nothing serious, but how are you sweetie?" She asks.
"I'm good." I say.
Fuck, how am I going to tell her Finn's upstairs in my bed without her figuring it out,
"Do you have a friend over, I heard talking?" She asks.
"Oh yeah well, Finn is here." I say.
"Finn?" She asks.
"Y-Yeah." I sigh.
She sighed,
"Im not going to butt in, but I think I know what's going on Y/n. I'll get out of the way and stay in my room." She says walking upstairs.
Now she knows our secret.
I just shook it off and cooked breakfast,
After eating with Finn we left to the set.
Once we got their the day was flying by,
Finn and I had our scenes. Mainly kissing scenes today for some reason. I was stuck on my phone all day waiting for Angela to text me though about Jack. Nothing came up though,
"Hey Y/n." The director says coming up to me.
"Oh hello." I side smiled.
"I can tell your worried about Jack." She sighs.
"Wait how did you know?" I ask.
"Social media is going crazy." She sighs.
"Oh, of course they found out somehow." I sigh.
"Well I am going to end this day early, so you can get over to your boyfriend." She smiles.
"Oh my God thank you so much." I smile.
"No problem, we all got to be their for our loved ones." She says.
She told me about her husband who passed away from a car accident, I felt bad for her.

But I quickly ran out into my car,
Without saying bye to Finn I left to studio in a rush to the hospital.
I parked my car in the parking lot and checked my phone,

*text messages*

Jack just woke up!
He's asking for you
I'm on the way!

*end of messages*

Holy shit, Jack's awake! I ran into the building and up the stairs. When I got to his floor I stopped running, I speed walked. The blinds in his room were open, I looked inside and saw him sitting up,
"Look Jack, Y/n's here." She smiles as I walked inside the room.
"Hey baby." I smiled as I grabbed his hand, but he moved it away.
"Your not Y/n." He says.
"W-What? Jack im your girlfriend." I say.
"No your not." He says.
I backed away from him,
"Sweetie its okay, he's having memory loss." Angela says coming up to me.
Before I could process what was going on, Jack threw up in this bucket.
I ran to him and held his hair back,
But he pushed me off him when he was done throwing up.

The doctor came in,
"Jack, it is nice to finally see you awake." He says walking in.
"Who are you?" Jack asks.
"Im your doctor, my fellow nurses and I have been taking care of you." He smiles.
"Oh, thank you." He says.
"I am here to check to see if you have a concussion." The doctor says coming closer.
"He just threw up, is that a sign?" Angela asks.
"Nausea and vomiting is definitely a sign, tell me Jack, how do you feel? What is going on?" He asks.
"My head hurts bad, I cant remember how I got here, im confused, my stomach hurts, my ears are slightly ringing, and my eyes hurt the light is too bright." Jack says covering his eyes.
The doctor quickly turned off the light,
"Jack, do you know who this is?" He asks pointing at me.
Jack looked at me,
"No, ive never seen her before. But do you think you could get Y/n here? Is she coming?" Jack asks.
I felt tears in my eyes, he doesn't remember me? But he's asking for me, who is he talking about?

Some of yall be good at guessing what's going to happen next :)

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