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Y/n pov

The next three days went by, Filming has been so fun. I've met amazing people and worked with them to make a great movie. My mom's parents came over to meet me yesterday, its weird how to them I'm just a kid they knew all grown up but I dont remember nothing about them. Having family is nice. I've never had grandparents, I only heared those little things about grandmas making good food and making people eat. Then how grandpa's spoil there grandkids, but ill never have that I suppose. Too much time was lost with mine. I got out of bed and got ready to leave to film. When I went downstairs in my pajamas I saw a odd box on the kitchen island.

"Hey your up." Lucia smiles.
"Yeah, um what's this?" I ask.
"It's a little present from me." She smirks.
"What? A gift?" I ask.
"I know your birthday is in a few months but I missed too many birthdays already." She smiled and sat down on the island high rise chairs.
"Well thank you I didn't expect you to buy me things." I say sitting down.
"It was no problem, but just know I wanted it to be really really special. I know your responsible and loving. Just what this present needs." She says handing me the big box.

What the hell is she talking about?
I took off the top and saw an adorable puppy looking up at me,
He had a blue bow on his head.
He licked my face as I looked down at him,
"A puppy?" I giggle.
"Its a boy." She smiles as I picked him up out the box,
"Dad doesn't let me have pets." I sigh.
"Why?" She asks.
"He says I don't have time." I sigh,
I know I can't keep him.
"Oh don't worry about him, you can take him with you everywhere you go." I say.
"But my dad?" I ask.
"Ill talk to him." She says.
"Oh okay, what type of dog is he?" I ask.
"A pitbull, I had one when I was your age. They're not aggressive or mean like people say, they're the most loving dogs." She smiles petting the puppy.
"He's adorable I love his brown color, thank you." I smile.
"Your welcome, now what are you going to name him?" She asks.

I looked down at the puppy starting to nibble my pinkie, then lick my cheek,
"I don't know, ill have to think about it." I say.
"Take your time." She says.
"Well I have to go film, ill bring him with me so he can get used to me." I smile.
"Great, ill see you later." She says.
"Yeah." I say going back upstairs.

Once Noah got me a dog leech for my birthday, he thought I had a dog. It was a funny thing but now its going to come in handy. I put him in a small bag I had though with his head popping out, he loved the car ride. Its really nice what Lucia did giving me a dog. I really love him just by spending five minutes with him.

Lucia's pov

Y/n left and I started making coffee for her dad who was about to come home. He walked in and looked confused.
"Morning, how was night shift?" I ask putting his coffee on the counter.
"Did I just see Y/n leaving with a puppy in her bag?" He asks.
"Um yeah I bought her a pitbull." I say.
"Seriously? Lucia, she's too busy for a dog." He says.
"Well she loved him, she told me about how you don't let her have pets." I say.
"You need to talk to me about these things!" He yells.
"What's wrong with me buying her a dog?!" I yelled.
"This is my house and you can't just come in here buying her things that disturb-"
"Dont act like you manned up and bought this house with your money, Y/n's the real reason behind all the income, but I'm starting to think the dogs not the problem." I cut him off.
He was silent, he knows I'm right,
"Im the problem?" I asked.
No response again, he just stood there and shaked his head,
"Wow." I scoffed.
"This wasn't the deal!" He yells.
"What?" I ask.
"You weren't supposed to buy her things!" He yells.
"Tim, did you expect her not to accept me? Is that why your acting like this?" I ask.
"Duhh! She's hated you her whole life. All you were supposed to do was meet her, stay a while, then leave." He sighs.
"Then kick me out if you hate the fact my daughter is starting to cling to me." I yell.
"I would, but it would hurt her feelings." He rubbed his eyes stressed.
"Whatever Tim, but I hope you know that im realizing what I missed, and im enjoying this." I sighed.

He just stared at the coffee I made him,
I went into the guest room and sighed. He's starting to see my true intentions.

Y/n's pov

I had my hair and makeup done as always for the film, I had my new puppy sit on my lap getting used to this life. If im going to have a pet I need to learn to keep him around, he is my responsibility. I held him still and went to see Finn. He just came out the changing room,
"Hey cutie." He smiles.
"Hey." I smile.
"A pitbull, he's so tiny. Who's dog is this?" He asks petting him.
"Mine, im glad I could tell you the truth. My mom got me him." I smile.
"That's nice of her." He says picking him up from my hands.
"I don't know what to name him." I sigh.
"You'll figure it out, I had a dog her name was Rosie, she passed away though." He says as the dog licked his face.
"Oh im sorry." I rubbed his arm.
He looked at my hand on his arm,
Shit too touchy!
I quickly removed it,
"Um its okay." He smiled.

Finn and I played with him till we had to film, I saw how much Finn loved having a dog to be with. Then I remembered Noah and the guys saying he lives alone. Maybe we could share the puppy. I know that sounds crazy and strange but I really think it would help him. I trust Finn, I know he'll take good care of him when he has his days with him.

We did our days scenes,
Then I caught up with him in the parking lot,
"Finn!" I yell.
"Y/n is something wrong?" He asks.
"Well actually, can we talk?" I ask.
"Always." He says.
"Our place?" I ask.
"Yeah, follow me." He says.

We got into our cars and I followed him to his place, when we got there he opened the door for me to get inside.
I sat down on his couch, and I let my puppy run around.
"I'll be right back, im going to change." He says.
"Okay." I smiled as I watched him run upstairs.

I know this is a good idea, he'll be happy to have someone here instead of being alone all the time, I put down the arm rest where it has cup holders and a bag of weed came out. Shocked I picked it up and looked closer. It is weed. Finn smokes drugs? Why? Is it because he feels isolated. I quickly shoved them back where they were and lifted up the arm rest.

Should I tell him what I found, but if I did thats basically me forcing him to trust me with his personal life. It hit me Finn and I still are not as close as we were last year. Then it hit me,
Our puppy could bring us closer!
This is still a great idea.


Also hehe I almost forgot, comment a dog name for this new puppy Y/n got! I'll take all the names and make a voting chapter with all the names. The name most commented on the voting chapter will be the puppies name! Be creative! I love you all, have a nice day!♡

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