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Daily reminder: Men/Women ain't shit :)

Y/n pov

After the party was over Finn and we're getting ready for bed- I laid down in bed,
"So Nick thinks we should all go to that VCR place tomorrow, do you want to come?" Finn asks brushing his teeth.
I sat there full of horrible guilt-
I'm lying to him.
"No no I don't want to ruin your guy night." I say.
"You never ruin anything." He smiles leaning on the doorway of the bathroom.
"You always find a way to make me smile." I giggle.
"It's a gift." Finn winks.
I chuckled and suddenly I felt my eyes starting to water, I don't even deserve him. I've seen the way he's changed being with me, we're finally settling. It feels amazing, but deep down I can't believe myself for continuously lying to him.
When he got in bed I acted like I wasn't crying, Finn wrapped his arms around me to cuddle.
"The necklace looks beautiful on you, one day I'll get our daughter one with her name on it-" Finn says happily talking about to future, he continued to but all I could do was cry. My tears fell off onto his bare skin on his chest, he felt it and immediately gently lifted my face from his chest. Then saw my eyes pouring tears, more than I could even imagine.

"W-What's wrong my love?" Finn asks concerned wiping my tears.
"I've been hiding something from you." I cry.
Finn wiped my tears,
"About?" He asks with this fear.
"Lucia." I sniffle.
"She's back? Did she use the money on Leo's treatment?" Finn asks.
"No, Leo isn't even sick." I sigh.
"What? How do you know that?" He asks.
"I went to my old house the day you had an audition, I found an old bag in her room with things to do meth, and phone numbers." I explain but have voice cracks because I'm crying hard.
"Take ur time my love- breathe." Finn says fixing my hair and holding me.
"When I called the numbers, one of them was Leo and Steph's father, he hanged up as soon as he knew who I was. Then the other number was my moms sister, which I had no clue she had a sister. As soon as I spoke she hanged up." I continue.

"Her names Isabella, this morning I met up with her before going to Sophia's house. She told me everything, Leo's been cured from cancer for years and my mom has a meth addiction."
Finn couldn't believe what I was saying,
"Methamphetamine?" He gasps.
I nodded my head,
"Wait, Lucia took your money Y/n. Lucia used you." Finn says.
"I know, and she's just a fucken liar. I'm so stupid for ever trusting her with anything." I cry.
"Hey don't say that, she's manipulative- Lucia knew how caring and amazing you are, so she took advantage of that. But we can't let her get away with it." He wiping my tear.
"I've been putting aside calling her, I can't even think about facing her with balling my eyes out." I sniffle.
"I'll be there love, your not doing this alone. How long have you been keeping this in?" Finn asks.
"A couple weeks." I sigh.
"-You need to tell me these things Y/n, you can't let yourself carry all that alone. I'm here for you always, nothing will ever change that." He says with this emotional tone.
"I'm so sorry my love, I just couldn't say it-" I cry.
"Why?" He asks.
"If I say it out loud, then it means it's true. I don't want her to be this person, I want my mom." I cry more.
Finn said nothing and pulled my in closer,
I cried on her chest for what felt like hours. He knows not to bother me, just let me cry it out.

Finn's pov

Y/n cried in my arms till she fell asleep, I felt disappointed that she didn't tell me about this. But that doesn't mean she didn't trust me with it, which is a good thing. But I can't get my head around Lucia's actions. Showing up in her daughters life only for her money and a place to stay. Lucia knew Y/n would eventually come around to her and accept her as a mother. Then the way she spoke to me like I was like a son she never had, but she does have a son already. Leonardo and Stephanie have gone through exact same thing as Y/n. The only difference is Y/n is grown up now, they're still dealing with it by themselves. She could really help them, maybe even get them to become family. Y/n is strong, she'll get though this. Eventually I fell asleep too still holding her tight.

A week past, New Years Eve was here. Still not a sign of Lucia- like she disappeared into thin air. I have even tried contacting her and nothing. People just come and go from your life whenever they want. Y/n out of everyone has learned that the hardest way. But she's been better, there we're days where she didn't even want to get out of bed. Today was the first day I saw her getting ready, doing her makeup. I think she just didn't have the feeling to get herself ready. There was a party downtown at the top of a building, little does she know I have something special planned. I hope she says yes.

Y/n pov

The party was nice, fun. It got me out the house for the first time in a week.
"-Then I asked her if she will marry me." Noah chuckles.
"So when's the wedding?" Finn asks.
I came out of my zoning out and started listening-
"Well we're hoping for next fall." Sophia smiles.
Noah finally proposed to her-
"I'm so happy for you guys." I smile.
They know I've been having a hard time, so they try to cheer me up.
"Your definitely my maid of honor, I'm thinking of going wedding dress shopping next month- you want to come with me?" Sophia asks.
"Of course." I say.
"All that stress was for nothing huh Sophia?" Finn chuckles.
"Definitely, if only I knew why he was acting strange-" Sophia giggles interlocking fingers with Noah

Later that night..

"10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1!" We all yell.
"Happy New Year!" Finn and I yelled wrapping our arms around each other, then kissing.
I smiled once we pulled away,
He handed me a glass of apple cider-
Without looking at it I took a sip looking at everyone happily doing the same.
I glanced down while I was taking me sip and saw something at the bottom of it,
A ring.
Immediately I look to the side and see Finn on one knee beside me-
"Y/n L/n will you marry me?" He asks.
I was shocked, everyone around us was smiling, they knew he'd propose to me tonight.
I felt tears on the edge of my eyes-
"Yes." I say full of happiness.
Everyone cheered for us,
Finn smiled so big and hugged me.
All the things that have been happening these last months- faded away.

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