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Jack's pov

After I got released from the police station I drove to Sadie's house like she said, as soon as I got there I saw she was on her porch crying. I should have known telling her would make her cry for weeks,
"Do you feel like Finn is so worth it now." I say walking up to her,
She looked up at me, her eyes are pink and puffy,
"Shut up Jack I don't need your shit right now." She says putting her head back down,
I sighed and sat down next to her on the porch,
"She surprised me today." I sigh.
Sadie didn't respond and just kept her head down,
"She's never once did stood up to me, but today she did. I can't help but feel she's becoming better because of him-" I sigh.
"He loved me, the reason I dated him in the first place was to make her jealous. But she gets whatever she wants!" Sadie cries.
I wrap my arm around Sadie and she continues to cry,
"Ugh I need a drink." I whine.
"There's some tequila in my fridge, feel free." She says.
"Thanks, but I could use a drinking pal." I say nudging her.
"Jack I'm not in the mood." She says standing up,
I stood up too,
"Come on get your mind off it." I shrug.
"The pain will just come back." She sighs.
"One drink, please?" I ask.
"Fine, your pushy." She says going inside,
"Well that's my specialty." I laugh walking inside her house,

She gave me the bottle of tequila, and I got her to take one shot. Then another, then another, and another. We were drunk laying on her couch like some bums, I can't somewhat control myself. But she can't,
"You know what I realize-" She burps.
"What?" I groan.
"I can never beat her, Y/n is his weakness. I'll never compare." She says.
"That's deep." I sigh.
"Don't you feel the same?' She asks standing up unbalanced, then she trips and lands on the couch I'm on,
"Why should I?" I scoff,
"Because she'll never love you the way she loves my Finn." She says sitting up next to me,
"Shut up, she loves me. We're just going through a rough patch, it happens." I groan.
"Well haven't we got ourselves in some situation." She says.
I look at her and she was facing her whole body towards me,
"What are you doing?" I ask.
Then she put her hand on my lower stomach and with her fingertips went up to my jawline.
"It's only fair we sleep together too, since they did that to us for months." She whispers in my ear.
"Your trying to seduce me?!" I say pushing her away and standing up.
"Well that's one way to reject me." She says crossing her arms.
"Your being a stupid ass drunk person." I roll my eyes.

She stands up and trips again and I catch her,
"Come on lets just sit back down and talk about what's next." She sighs.
I let her go and she flops back on the couch.
"Nothing is next, don't you get it! I put her in the hospital. She's gone from me, you on the other hand can't get over anything! But im not one to talk, this shit fucken hurts!" I yell.
"Ugh tell me about it." She scoffs.
"I dont ever want to let her go, I love her. But I ruined it, I know her she'll never forgive me. Especially since she's with- Finn." I groan.
"Then let's break them up!" She says.
"You know Finn won't go back to you even if we did." I roll my eyes.
"I don't want Finn anymore I want Y/n to feel what I feel!" Sadie yells.
"Trust me, she did way before you did. Leave her alone, she's happy." I say about to walk away but she grabbed my arm and used me to stand up.

"Whats with you and not being able to walk when your wasted." I say.
When she stand up she wraps her arms around my neck and smashes her lips on mine. At first my eyes were wide open disturbed by how she wants to only have sex with me to get back at Finn. She's being childish, but I felt this grief that made me kiss back. I turned her around and slammed her on the wall while kissing her. She was begging for me. Then I remembered that the girl I love is fucking my ex best friend. What am I doing pretending that Sadie is Y/n? I pulled away immediately,
"What's wrong?" She asks with a confused look on her face,
"Your not Y/n-" I say madly.
Then I backed away and quickly left her house.
I know she was mad, but I dont care. I'm done working for her, she can do this shit by herself. Since she intends on still breaking them up, but I won't allow her to hurt Y/n. She's been through enough.

Sadie's pov

Everything is about Y/n! Everyone loves her! She gets all the guys, all the attention, all the fame, everything! Jack wouldn't even sleep with me because I'm not her. I turned my phone on and went on Instagram. I took a picture of the tequila bottle, and wrote the caption-

He hurt me for the last time, I'm done with him. All I care about now is Y/n. She needs to pay for screwing my boyfriend for months-

Then I wrote about everything, exposing Jack, Finn, and Y/n for all the things that have happened today. This sure will hurt Y/n's feelings, the word knowing she is some slut. Not so Miss Perfect anymore. I'm the victim here! Comments rushed in, I ignored them though. Its best not to see what people are saying. I don't want to be mad anymore.

Y/n pov

The next morning I woke up with Finn besdies me again, he looked so mad. But when he saw I was awake he immediately hid his anger,
"Goodmorning my love." He says.
"Uhm Goodmorning, is something wrong?" I yawn.
"Y/n, something happened last night after you feel asleep." Finn sighs and squeezes my hand.
"What is it?" I ask.
"The world knows what we did, and they know so many details-" He says handing me his phone,
"What? How?" I ask grabbing the phone and looking at this post of Sadie.
I read what she wrote in the caption, she exposed Finn and I. She called me a slut for sleeping with Finn.
"She needs to take it down this cant happen!" I say.
"Even if she did there is tons of YouTube gossip cancels that already told everyone about it." He sighs.

Saide just ruined our careers, this will effect us badly. I was supposed to leave the hospital happy that I got over this shit. But now there is just more I have to deal with after this. Its my fault I'm the reason if Finn or I can't get any auditions. The movie Finn and I filmed is coming out in a month, what if people don't want to watch it because we are in it.

How are we doing today? :)
And guys help me out a catch my errors of there are any I'd really appreciate it so I can fix them♡

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