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Y/n pov

I was honestly shocked that Finn allowed Jack to stay over to eat pizza with us. I mean what changed? He hates him, or he hates that I'm with him. Since he says "I deserve better". If he really felt I did indeed deserve better, why doesn't he do that myself. Oh yeah because he has that wicked bitch on his side. I thought when he dumped her, basically that we'd have a chance. I was so stupid, I'm with Jack. Finn knows I love him, but I'm starting to feel like I love Finn more than anyone. Woah, woah, woah love is a strong word I mean like. I confess, I like him. It was kinda obvious but who the fuck can blame me.

The way his curls bounce and reflect light from the sun makes me have goosebumps. His eyes feel like they're holding me when he admires me. You'd think I'd say he's amazing in bed but that doesn't even matter to me, it's all him. I wouldn't care if we didn't have sex, I just enjoy his company more than anyone. Jack is crazy to think Finn feels the same. I mean he used to, when we first met. But that was because we were so close to the point where we considered if we had feelings for eachother.

I started to think about how I fell for Jack. He asked me out and I just said yes for the fuck of it. But I actually fell in love, or I thought I did. I think I've always loved Finn, but I dont even know what love feels like. When I first started dating Jack he was protective, loving, and always there for me. But now he's too overprotective, abusive, and never there anymore. By abusive I mean how he yells and grabs me when he's mad. I loved him, past tense. I cant leave him with hope that Finn and I will be together thats childish. But Finn is always there for me, he's protective, and he cares about me.

Finn isn't mad about Jack being here with us but he keeps looking over at me giving me a gesture asking if im okay. Everytime I give a soft smile so he could relax and stop holding his breath if Jack was hurting me.

"Is Sadie coming over?" Jack asks with his arm around me on Finn's couch.
He has his arm around me like im his property.
"No she's not feeling well." Finn says.
Jack suggested Sadie come over,
I know he only did that so she could know we were alone together. Jack knows how much Sadie would hate that. But Finn told us about how she's trying to change.
"Oh no she's sick?" Jack asks.
"Yeah, im trying not to see her because when I get sick ill be sick a whole week." Finn says.
"I remember when you were sick before filming Stranger Things." I say.
Jack squeezed my hand tightly,
Like he was telling me to shut up.
"Yeah you brought me soup and a thermal blanket." He laughs.
I nodded my head.

The pizza came and we were eating,
When I was done I got up and fed Theo. I gave Finn the bed, food bowls, treats, and snacks. But I needed to put my set of everything in my car.

"I'll be back im going to put Theo's things in my car." I say.
"Okay babe." Jack got up and kissed me, while he kissed me he grabbed my ass.
I was shocked and jumped.
I pulled away and I turned around to grab the bag of Theo's things and he smacked my ass. I looked at Finn and he seemed so mad. I fake smiled at Jack then went outside to my car.

Jack's pov

"I know what your doing Jack." Finn says sitting down with his arms crossed.
"And I know what your doing." I roll my eyes.
"I'm not going to tell her your cheating on her." He sighs and looks down in a depressing way.
"Really? Uhm why?" I asked shocked.
I was expecting him to yell and tell me he's planning on telling her.
"It would hurt her too much, and I hate seeing her in pain." He says.
"Wow- Finn you really like her don't you?" I ask.
He nodded his head,
"I confess, I love her." He says.

For one second I felt guilt. Am I standing inbetween a perfect relationship. I dont feel like I'm in love anymore but I hate the thought of her with someone else. She's been perfect for me. But no. I'm her boyfriend, she's mine.

"Back the fuck off, I dont want to warn you again." I say.
"I hope you know that we're always going to be together now, we have a pet now, and a movie to film." Finn says.
"If I catch you flirting or touching her, I'll beat ur fucken ass." I threat.
"You can't hurt me, she'll leave you." He smiles.
"No she won't." I scoffed.
"She cares about me, and you know it. That's why you feel threatened by me." He shrugs.
He's right-
"Kill your feelings." I say.

Then Y/n came back in,
"Okay everything is in my car." She say.
"Great, let's go home now babe." I say wrapping my arm around her.
"Oh um okay, Finn do you want Theo tonight?" She asks.
"You keep him tonight." He smiles.
"Okay, ill give him to you tomorrow after filming, come here Theo." She pats her thigh and Theo came running from his bed. Y/n picked him up then we left to the car.

We drove in separate cars to get to her house, I followed her closely. When we got to her place and went inside her parents were arguing.

Y/n pov

"What's going on?" I ask putting Theo down.
"Just grown up things dear." Lucia says.
"That dog is the problem." My dad admits.
"Um Jack do you mind waiting in my room ill be there in a second." I sigh.
"Of course, ill take Theo." Jack says picking up Theo then walking upstairs.
I took a deep breath then went into the kitchen where my parents were,
"Dad I know you think I can't have a pet but I figured out how I could keep him." I smile.
"How?" He asks.
"Finn and I are going to share him, he's our dog." I say.
"Share him?" He asks confused.
"We're going to switch days of who has him." I say.
"That does sound like a good idea, she took him to filming too." Lucia says.
"Fine you can keep him as long as Finn helps." Dad says.
"Yes thank you dad, I know you'll love Theo he's the best puppy." I smile.
"Aw is that his name you decided on?" Lucia asks.
"Yeah Finn and I picked it." I say.
"That's great sweetie." My dad says.

I went upstairs and saw Jack playing with Theo on my bed,
"Im sorry I overreacted earlier babe." Jack says.
"It's okay, I wasn't thinking about how'd you feel If I was with Finn. Since you think he likes me." I say sitting next to him.
"Im glad you understand." He says.
"Ill tell you when im with him from now on, and you need to promise me you'll tell me when ur filming late." I say.
"I promise." He says.
"Okay thank you." I say.
Jack stared at me,
"What?" I giggle.
"Oh come here." Jack says pulling me from my waist closer and kissing me.

We ended up having sex, it was kinda hard to let him fuck me because I'm really sore from Finn and I having sex earlier. He always leaves me sore.

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