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Millie's pov

The next day I went back to the hospital to enjoy Jack giving me attention, and that's not even the best part. In front of Y/n! Not once did I feel guilty for making me jealous, plus maybe this head injury will show him that he truly is in love with me. But when I arrived Angela came out the room before I walked in,
"I don't think you should be here." She sighs.
"Why?" I ask confused.
"He got his memory back, and somehow the word got out you've been sleeping with my son." She says seriously.
"Are you serious?" I ask with my jaw on the floor.
"Dead serious." She says crossing her arms.
"Well I think we should talk." I say.
"Whatever, I doubt he wants to see you though." Angela says standing away from the door for me to enter,
I was about to talk in but she stopped me,
"May I ask, when was the first time he cheated on Y/n with you?" She asks.
"July, when we filmed the last season of Stranger Things, and it continued from there." I might as well tell the truth since the whole wrong probably knows by now,
She just nodded her head like she expected it to be a long time ago, then I walked in.

Jack immediately looked pissed off,
"Hey baby." I say sitting down next to him.
"Get the hell away from me, I never want to see you again." He says mad.
"Just because it's out now you hate me?" I ask confused.
He just crossed his arms and faced away from me.
"How did she find out?" I asked scooting a bit away from him.
"She tricked me while I still thought she was you." He sighs.
"She must have had a suspicion or someone told her something." I say realizing I told Sadie.

Sadie is the last person to tell her, she hates her because she's close to Finn. It makes no sense for her to want them apart, unless Jack told someone.
"Did you tell Finn?" I ask.
He gave me a look,
He did!?
"You told him-" I say realizing it.
"He wouldn't tell her." He rolls his eyes.
"Are you fucken kidding me, Jack he obviously cares about her. Why wouldn't he say something?" I ask mad.
"I used his dumb feelings to try to get him to stay away from her." He groans in frustration.
"Well nice going your the reason we got exposed." I put my head down.
"I'm going to get her back, if you came to try to try to be wit me-"
I looked up at his eyes,
"It's never going to happen." He says seriously.
"Your an asshole." I say standing up walking away,
"Thanks." He winks.
"Ugh!" I yelled and ran out the hospital mad as shit.

I want to fucken kill her.
Then I saw Sadie's car park next to mine,
"Sadie?" I ask.
"Oh hey Mil." She says coming out the car,
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"See how Jack's doing." She says.
"Thats nice." I sigh.
"Are you okay?" She asks.
"I'm pissed off." I whine.
"Let me guess, Jack still wants her?" She rolls her eyes.
"Yes! Like how fucken stupid is he?!" I yell.
"Wow, im going to talk to him about this." She says.
"Really? Well he has a short temper today just warning you." I sigh.
"Trust me I know his temper." She shakes her head.
"Can you come over later?" I ask.
"Yeah ill see." Sadie says waving bye.

Sadie's pov

Jack ruined everything! How does he fuck up not opening his mouth saying he's cheating!? It's so simple, I walked into my room and I saw him putting on his shoes. He's about to leave the hospital?
"Jack." I say walking in,
"Sadie." He sighs.
"Do you have any idea how bad you screwed our plan?!" I say trying not to yell my lungs out at this dumb ass.
"Shhh your in a hospital you know." He rolls his eyes.
"You fucked up Jack, you ruined everything. Only you can fix it." I say seriously.
"You think I don't fucken know that, your the millionth person to yell at me about this shit, I'm going to find Y/n right now." He says finishing tieing his shoes laces,
"Good luck nobody can find her, she's missing." I scoffed.
"I'll handle it, don't worry about it." He sighs annoyed then walks out the room

Y/n pov

Sophia kept her promise and didn't tell anyone I was here, but I couldn't help but cry more and more. My head still hurt, and my throat was scratchy. I'm never getting high again, it wasn't worth it if I just had to come down again to my reality. But I stayed in Sophia's guest room by myself while she had to go film for her newest movie. I knew I could trust Sophia because she offered me somewhere to go when she knew I was alone crying.

But the doorbell rang and I got scared,
I got up and went to the door slowly, then I looked at the peephole, Finn?! As soon as I opened the door revealing myself he jump on me giving me a huge bear hug. Immediately I hugged him back,
"Your going to be okay, I promise." He says holding me tightly,
Tears fell down my cheeks as I hug him back.
"Wait-" he says pulling away and keeping his hands on my shoulders looking at me then the hoodie,
"You smoked!?" He says leaning closer and smelling me,
"Ugh I was hoping I'd stop smelling." I sigh.
"Why would you smoke?!" He asks, he seemed mad.
"I-I found it in my car, and I was in pain so I just did it." I confess.
"Y/n-" He groans.
"But you do it." I say.
"Im fucked up your not, don't let me influence you." He sighs.
"How did you even know I was here?" I ask.
"Sophia called me, something about she thought I was the best person to comfort you." He says shyly.
"Sounds like her." I say.
"She was just worried, and im glad she called me I had been looking for you. Your missing." Finn says.
"Shit-" I whine.
"Come on let me get you fixed up." He says grabbing my arm gently.
"I can take care of myself Finn." I sigh.
"Stubborn, as always." He giggles.
"Just come in." I say.

Finn came inside and he told me to shower, Sophia text me letting me know I may borrow clothes. After my hot shower I wrapped a towel around myself and went into her room, grabbed clothes and went to the guest room, where Finn was with his hoodie I wore. Shit I forgot I left the bag of weed in the pocket.
"Uhm do you mind leaving while I change?" I ask.
"Really? Not like I've never seen you naked before." He giggles.
"Ugh whatever, you know you just want to watch." I laugh.
"Maybe." He smirks.
I dropped my towel and his eyes lit up, I just giggled and changed into other clothes.
"How do you feel?" He asks patting the bed for me to sit down.
I sat down then he grabbed both my hands,
"Im here for you." He softly smiles.

They're might be a lot of mistakes in this chapter but if you would like to correct me I will not be offended by you helping me out :) also have a great day beautiful!

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