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Finn's pov

The next morning when Y/n woke up I made her breakfast in bed,
"Thank you my love." Y/n smiles.
"Your welcome beautiful." I say giving her a kiss on her cheek.
"Did you eat?" She asks.
"Yeah, but I'm going to go get more groceries for tomorrow's breakfast, I'll be back soon." I smile.
"Oh okay, be safe." Y/n smiles.
"I will, bye my love." I gave her a kiss on the lips then left quickly to my car.
I'm a horrible liar when it comes to lying to Y/n. But I can't tell her where I'm really going it'll be a dead giveaway of what I'm about to do. When I got to the pet store I looked around for more pit bulls. Since Y/n and I already have a pit bull, another one would be perfect. Theo is almost fully grown so it'll be perfect for him to have a friend. In the past Y/n has hated leaving Theo alone. I'm excited for our new puppy. That's when I saw a grey pit bull with these big grayish eyes. He's perfect for Y/n, she'll love him. I adopted him then bought a little bed for him to sleep in, and I drove back to the cabin.

When I got there Y/n was outside letting Theo do his business. This is perfect! I got out the car and put the puppy on the ground to play in the snow,
"A puppy!" She squeals.
"He's yours." I smile walking up to her.
Theo and the puppy where smelling each other,
"Really?" Y/n asks shocked.
"You said let's get another puppy, I had to get you one." I giggle.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She says giving me a huge hug. Y/n kissed my lips a couple of times then ran to the puppy and she played with him.
"So what's his name going to be?" I asks going to her.
"I don't know yet, I need to think." She smiles.
I loved watching her play with the dogs with a huge smile on her face. She makes me have butterflies in my stomach. Her laugh is so cute and her hair had snow all over. To get in on the fun I threw a snowball at her.

"Hey!" She laughs and throws a snowball back and hits my shoulder.
"Oh it's on." I giggle.
We had a snowball fight and we were running deeper into the woods,
Eventually I lost her, she's hiding. Then eventually I heard something from behind me, I turned around immediately but I saw a snowfall coming towards my face. Then it hit me, I wiped the snow off my face. But Y/n came crashing down on top of me.
She was laughing and laying on me,
"I thought we agreed not the face." I laugh.
"I'm a rule breaker." She winks.
"Hm is this a way for you to be closer to me?" I tease.
She blushes and lays down on the floor next to me,
"You just have to ask-" I wink.
"Stop trying to make me blush!" She laughs.
I pulled her closer then kissed her lips, I wanted to never stop kissing her. But her lips came off mine when the dogs attacked us. Y/n laughed and so did I. Best morning ever.

Y/n pov

Later that day Finn and I went to this amusement park, it was so fun. We brought Theo and the new puppy. Which let me just say how much I know Finn cares about me. When I said let's get another puppy I didn't expect another one the next morning. He went out of his way for me, he's so thoughtful. But we had a blast, there was so many rides and games to play. I never wanted to leave, but later that night was the best. Finn and I finally got the fireplace on and put a fuzzy blanket and pillows on the floor to cuddle by the fire. Then with Finn's phone we watched a movie together while we wore headphones. Nothing feels better than this. It's so warm and romantic. I could hear his heart beating and I could feel his hands gently playing with my hair,

I lifted my head off of Finn's chest and looked up at him, he's so handsome. I'm fucken blessed. He just looked at me a smiled,
"I love you." I say smiling then kissing Finn's cheek,
"I love you too cutie." Finn smiles.
I giggled when he kissed my forehead,
When the movie was over Finn and I just talked for a while still holding each other tightly, the puppy were in our room sleeping. I still can't think of a name for the new puppy though.
"What are you thinking about right now?" Finn asks moving my hair off my face and gently pulling it behind my ear.
"I'm thinking about two things-" I smile.
"What's the first one?" He giggles.
"What to name the new puppy." I say.
"I know you'll figure out a name, you pick great names." He says kissing my cheek.
"Thank you love." I giggle.
"And the second thing?" Finn asks.
"How romantic this is." I chuckle.
"This is pretty romantic isn't it?" He giggles
"Mhmm." I say looking up at him and coming closer to his lips.

Before I could kiss him he sat up still with me in his grip,
"Did you hear that?" He whispers looking around,
"Uhm no?" I say confused.
"Listen-" He says pulling me closer.
I shut up and started to listen deeply,
"What's is it?" I whisper.
"It's the sound of these two teens, who are in love-" He smirks and looks at me,
"You made me think there was something wrong!" I say playfully pushing him,
"I got you." He laughs.
"Yeah you did." I kinda giggle.
Then Finn smashed his lips on mine making me it of breathe after kissing for a while. He got on top of me and continued to kiss me like it was the last time he'd ever kiss me. When he stopped kissing me he moved to my neck and continued to touch the curves of my body.
Finn came back up to my lips and he smiled,
"Your so beautiful." He says cresting my cheek,
I smiled and he kissed me again, the more he kissed me the more I wanted.

(Stop reading from this point on if you don't prefer to read sexual things)

I got on top of Finn and we continued to get more passionate as each lip smack happened. He took off my shirt and I took off his, eventually we ended up naked with our bare skin touching each other. We made love to each other more lustfully than ever before. It was intense but more romantic. Finn made me feel amazing without having to be guilty about it. When I look into his eyes I see my future. He kept going faster making me moan louder. When he came to my ear I could hear him groaning. His touch is my weakness, I crave him. After we finished having sec we cuddled together and fell asleep with the warm fire beside us.

Sorry this part is kinda late :/ but here it is lol, also comment names on this part for the new puppy!! Then tomorrow I will take all the names and create a voting part;)

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