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Y/n pov

I watched Finn run back downstairs to me, he seemed so happy I was over with the puppy. I know he feels lonely, maybe I should try helping him more. I mean Jack is always busy lately with filming too I might as well just come spend time with him. Even though sometimes we might just be having sex, which nothing is wrong with that I enjoy it. I would love to just be his very close friend again. Then I saw his shirt, his favorite shirt.

It's a Beatles shirt, this shirt always reminds me of our birthday last year. It's a coincidence he wears this today when I just discovered he does drugs. For our birthday last year we went to the snow, we returned late at night at my house. That night I found out Finn liked me. Past tense, liked. It reminded me about the way I felt.

1 years before present
Finn and Y/n's birthday

"I forgot to give you both eighteen punches!" Noah laughs as we walk up my porch.
We just got back from the snowy hills,
"Oh God no!" I run into my house with Noah on my tail.
"Hey you forgot Finn!" Caleb yells at Noah chasing me.
I ran back to the group,
Noah was slowly returning,
"How is- she so small and- fucken fast." Noah says out of breath.
"She's a fast one." Millie laughs wrapping her arm around me.
"Well let's partttttayyy!" Gaten cheers.
We laughed and set up the table with drinks. I played music and went upstairs to change while everyone was having a good time.

After changing into my birthday outfit I looked from above the stairs down at everyone in my living room having a blast. Its weird its my birthday yet I feel so lonely. My dad is on a business trip for a week, I wasnt blessed with siblings. I didnt feel like celebrating much anymore so I went to this sitting room we have upstairs. It doesn't have a door just the door frame.

I sat and put my head down resting it on my hands which were on my face,
After a couple seconds I put my head up, someone knocked on the wall.

"Hey." He says.
"Oh hey." I say fixing my hair off my face.
"Everything okay?" He asks leaning on he door frame.
"Im just suddenly not in the mood." I sigh.
"Is it your dad?" He asks.
"Well kinda I suppose." I say looking at Finn walk in and sitting on the chair across from me.
"You know I don't know how you live like this." Finn says looking at me with the soft smile.
"Do what?" I ask.
"Live alone, I know you have your dad but he's always gone." Finn says.
"Well, its been this way my whole life. I'm used to it." I say.
"I have to live alone soon when my family moves back to my hometown." He sighs.
"Oh you'll be okay, it's nice sometimes." I nodded my head.
"I guess." He says looking down.

He has his thinking face on,
"What's on that big head of yours?" I giggle.
"Well-" he laughs.
I laughed and scooted my chair closer to his,
"Wanna know something?" He asks.
"Yeah of course." I smile.
"When we first met I liked you." He says.
"You did?" I ask shocked.
"Yeah I did, but thats normal behavior." He giggles.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Someone told me once that a male and female best friends can't be friends without the thought of liking eachother. So its normal for someone to feel something, when really its not real, just dumb old psychological behavior." He says.
"Interesting." I say.
So its normal I had feelings too?
There's no point in saying I felt the same, or still do. Since his feelings were in the past anyway.

We laughed it off then talked some more,
"Its funny we share a birthday." I say.
"It is cool." He says.
"If I had a chance to share a birthday with anyone, I'd still choose you." I smile.
Finn looked at me like I just told him I loved him,
"I'd choose you too, your my best friend." Finn says grabbing my hand softly.
I looked at our hands touching,
His fingers rubbed my palm,
"Im glad I met you." I say.
"Its fate." He whispers.

We stood up and hugged,
I put my cheek on his chest,
Usually Finn smells like cologne, or his sweet natural sent. But I got this strong aroma, its different. It shot right up my nose, I remember this smell. The one thing I remember about my mom is the way she smelled like marijuana. I immediately pulled away. Shit I just ruined the moment we were having,

"What's wrong?" Finn asks concerned.
"Finn, you smell like- weed." I say backing away from him.
Finn's eyes widened,
"Oh I can explain, when we were at the snow I went to the bathrooms and these guys were smoking pot. The smell must have stuck on me." He says.
It took me a while to answer,
"Im sorry I reacted that way it just brought back a memory I dont enjoy." I sighed, embarrassed.
"Don't worry about it, how are you feeling now?" He asks.
"Better." I say.
"Then let's head downstairs, you'll feel even more better." He shrugs.
"Okay, but before we go-" I say walking closer to him,

He looked down at me, confused.
Then I wrapped my arms around his chest resting my head on him.
Without a word he hugged me back Immediately, he held me gently. Fixing what I messed up, our hug.

We left go and he smiled,
Before we walked downstairs I heared the doorbell ring,
As we walked downstairs I saw this guy enter my house, Jack Dylan Grazer? Finn must have invited him, ive never met him.

"There's the birthday boy and girl!" Says Noah as we reached the end of the stairs.
"Hey Jack." Finn says going to him leaving me.
"Where were you guys?" Caleb asks me.
"We were just talking." I shrug.
Caleb walks away and Finn and Jack come back to me,
"Y/n this is Jack." Finn says.
"Hi." I smile.
"We've met before but it was short." He smiles.
"We have?" I ask.
"At the It movie premiere." He says.
"Oh right!" I laugh.

I dont remember that at all, that day I was too busy focused on Finn's fucken cute, sexy-

"Time to cut the cake!" Millie yells from the dining room.
She interrupted my thoughts.
We all went to the dining room,
Then Finn and I stood next to eachother in front of the cake.
Eveyone started singing happy birthday, of course Millie is recording us.
I looked over at Finn,
He looked at me with a soft smile.
I smiled softly too as he nudged my arm,
We both laughed,
"Happy birthday dear Finn and Y/n, happy birthday too you!" Everyone finishes.
We blew out the candles and they clapped,

Finn wrapped his arm around me and we smiled for Millie's video. Then Millie took pictures of us cutting the cake, Finn put a bit of frosting on my nose. After we ate cake we opened presents. It was a great birthday, I love sharing it with Finn especially. Usually I'd celebrate alone, this is really my family.


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