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Finn's pov

Jack glared at me like he wanted to kill me,
"I knew you'd show up." He rolls his eyes and stands on the other side of the island counter,
"What did you do to her?" I ask madly.
"So was it before or after I told you I was cheating you decided to fuck my girlfriend?" He asks changing the subject.
Shit he knows, he must have got it out of Y/n. If he knows that, he definitely knows we're working on dating. 
"Before." I say with a smerk.
"How long?" He asks.
"At Noah's party, before we flew back to LA." I say.
"You made her- He says coming closer to me,
"Actually, she wanted me. You weren't giving her the attention she needed." I say getting closer to him too.
"Watch when Sadie finds out, she'll ruin Y/n." He says standing in front of me,
"If your so obsessed with Y/n, then you won't tell anyone. Your just saying that to get me to stay away. It's not happening." I say face to face to him.

Jack pushes me back,
"Your a piece of shit!" He yells.
"I don't care what you think about me!" I yelled back and I threw a punch at him, 
Jack swung punches back at me too but he missed a lot, we started to fight. He tripped me and I fell to the ground. So he got on top and started to punch me, but I found a way to flip him over and I was on top punching him back. Then I heared people pounding the door, it's the ambulance! Quickly I pushed Jack down on the ground and I ran to the door, as soon as I unlocked it tons or paramedics ran in,
"Where is the injured person?" They asks,
"This way!" I guided them to Y/n. 
They started to help her by checking her head and using a light to see into her eyes, Jack stood there next to me watching them help her. But I didn't care about him, I care about her. My heart started racing again, 
"Head trama." The woman says.
"How long as she been unconscious?" Another guy asks holding her head from where she is bleeding.
"I-I don't know I just got here." I say freaking out.
"About thirty minutes." Jack says.
"Age?" The woman asks
"Eighteen." Jack says.
I looked at him, he let her lay here for thirty minutes. What the fuck is wrong with him?! Is this her punishment for sleeping with me? 

"We have a eighteen year old female with a head injury and minor cuts." The woman says in here waki talki,
More paramedics ran in with a gurney, they gently placed Y/n onto it then rolled her outside, I followed them and watched them take her in the ambulance.
"Is she going to be okay?" I ask.
"It's just a head bump, she'll be okay." The man says.
"Can I come?" I ask.
"Are you her boyfriend?" He asks.
"Yes." I say,
"We're not supposed to allow it, but come on-" He says making space for me to enter the ambulance.
"Can I come?" Jack asks.

I slightly entered the ambulance but I watched what the paramedic would say to Jack,
"Sorry sir I'm going to have to ask you to stay and talk to the police." He says.
I looked to the side of house, there was three cops.
Jack glared at me,
Then I went to Y/n,
The paramedics put a neck brace on her, and sticked a needle in her arm.
I went on the other side of her and held her hand,
"It's going to be okay." I whisper in her ear,
My eyes started to water,
"It's good to talk to her while she's unconscious." The woman says,
"What?" I snuffle.
"She can hear you, I believe it." She says giving me a soft smile.
"Thank you." I say.
Then I fixed Y/n's hair out her face, and kissed her cheek.
I looked at her arms, the glass that shattered cut her arms and cheek.
That's when I saw my hand with blood, not just Y/n's, mines.
I cut my nuckles punching Jack.
"Ouch, that must hurt." She says,
"It kinda does, but what matters is her." I say.
"Your nose is also bleeding, and your lip has a cut on it." She mentions,

I touched my lip and felt the blood.
"I had to do it." I say,
"That boy did this to her?" She asks.
I nodded my head and sighed,
"The police will handle him, don't let him distract you from your girlfriend." She says.
I nodded my head again, then I looked down at my clothes, full of Y/n's blood.
This will leave a stain, 
I continued to whisper in Y/n's ear, then when we got to the hospital they rushed in immediately outside. When I got off the ambulance I heared them yelling,
"What do we got?" The nurse asks.
"An eighteen year old female with a head wound, she's been unconscious for more than thirty minutes. Possible head trama." The woman answers.
"Take her into trama room number three." This doctor says running out to see her,
I followed them inside,
"Wait this is Y/n L/n!" A nurse yells.
"Oh my God!" Another one yells.
"And your Finn Wolfhard!" She yells.
Well that's one way for the media to find out about Y/n and I,
"You two be professional!" The doctor yells, 

Then they ran into a room, but before I could enter the nurse stopped me,
"Are you family?" She asks.
"N-No but-" 
"I'm sorry only family allowed in trauma rooms." She says about to enter,
"But I need to be with her she can't be alone." I cry.
"She is in good hands, please wait in the lobby." She says entering the room.
I groaned and looked around, other people crying and in pain. My eyes filled with tear and they fell down my cheeks no matter how hard I tried to hold it in. When I got to the lobby I sat down, I couldn't stay still. Every second I was fidgeting. I can't believe she ended up here, I should have been there for her. We're not even officially dating and I'm not there to protect her. What felt like forever later, I see Y/n's mom and dad rush into the hospital. They see me and run over to me,
"What happened?!" They ask.
"J-Jack, he hurt her." I say with a knot in my throat.
"Jack?!" Her dad asks.
I nodded my head, and Lucia gave me a hug.
"Thank you for being there for her." She cries.
"Of course." I say.
"Your a good man Finn, I'm happy she has you." Her dad says.
I nodded my head saying thank you.
That doesn't make me feel better about what happened.
"I can't believe I let that fucker date my daughter." Her dad groans frustrated.
"She's going to be okay dear, I cant believe what he did but it is what it is now." Lucia says.
We all dat down together and waiting for the doctor or a nurse to tell us what was happening.

also I love yall♡

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