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Y/n pov

I went home from the audition terrified, but im unsure why. Either its because it makes me nauseous thinking about making a romance movie with Finn or how Jack will feel about us working together. I got home and Jack was there alone, my dad was at work I guess.

"Babe, how did the audition go?" Jack says as he sees me walking in,
"I got it." I smile.
But I wasn't really excited,
"I knew you would, come here." Jack hugged me and kissed my forehead,
"Finn got my characters love interests roll." I say.
He seemed shocked,
Then he wrapped his arm around me,
"Well thats unexpected." He says as we walked upstairs to my room.
"Are you mad?" I ask.
"No of course not its just acting." He shrugs as he flopped onto my bed.

Little does he know its more than that, well not in that way. Finn doesn't like me in that way, and neither do I.

Jack stood up,
"So when does filming start?" He asks grabbing my hands.
"Sooner than usual, next week." I smile.
"Thats great, im happy for you." He says.
I just want to tell him how I feel, that we're distant.

"Jack, I know I mentioned this last night but I feel us drifting apart." I sigh.
"Oh this again." He sighed.
"I know what you said is kinda true but if things are changing it should be in a good way not this way." I say.
"Okay, tell me why you feel this way." He says, finally he's going to actually listen to me! I sat down and faced him,
"Ever since you came with me to filming something changed. You stopped kissing me as much, you stopped loving me, and really being there for me when I needed you." I say.
"Thats crazy Y/n, you know I love you." He sighs, I just shook my head no,
"Im always there for you?" He says confused.
"I told you I wanted you there for my last scene of Stranger Things, but you weren't there." I sigh.
"I was getting you food, you said you were hungry before you did the scene." He says.
"But even before that why did you stop showing me love and giving me attention?" I ask.
"I just did today and I do when we're having sex that is love." He argues.
"Please dont get mad we're just talking." I say grabbing his hand.
"Ur right im sorry there's no need to yell." He says.
"But Jack, having sex isn't just love its my commitment to you." I say.
He seemed speechless of what to say,
"Y/n, I will change. Just please be patient with me, you know me, and how I am." He says cresting my cheek.
"Okay babe, I love you." I smile putting my hand on his.
"I love you too baby." Jack says kissing my lips.

Fuck, déjà vu. Finn kissed me like this that night. I pulled away from Jack's grip on my face,
"What's wrong?" Jack asks.
"Sorry im just nervous." I say.
"Why babe?" He asks.
"Well I got a new part I have to learn about being another person." I say.
"Your really smart, I know you'll be amazing." He says.
"Thank you Jack." I smile.

Finn's pov

After leaving the audition I went to Sadie's house to have a homemade dinner date. Somehow she got the house all alone, I felt a bad feeling going into her house. She is cooking me food and trying to fix us but I still cheated. That love just isn't there anymore, but I need it to come back! I don't care what it takes it needs to come back. If I loved her once I can sure love her again. I dont even know what love is, did I ever even love her?

"Finnie! How was the audition?" She asks opening the door for me,
"It was actually good, I got it." I smile.
She squealed and hugged me tightly.
"I'm so proud of you, your going to be amazing as usual." She smiles.

I smiled and kissed her, I don't know why I feel so different about being with her. I mean she shows me love and affection, she tells me she's proud of me. She's everything I need, so why wasn't it enough why did I do what I did. 

"Come sit down, let's eat." She says.
We sat down together and she brought plates of food,
"Wow this looks good." I say.
"Thank you, your sweet." She smiles.
She sat down and we started eating,
"So who got the role of Natalie?" She asks.

Fuck, I know she wouldn't care if it was someone else. In stranger things I had to kiss Millie and she had no problem with it, that's how it should be. But this is different, it's Y/n. She's super jealous of her, I'm not sure why.

"Dont be mad babe." I say.
"I cant tell by ur tone its someone bad." She says.
"Y/n got it-" I say.
"You have got to be fucken kidding me!" She says.
I didnt say anything,
"Ugh I hate that bitch and now she's going to be all over my boyfriend for a movie for the world to see when people know we have issues." She rolls her eyes.
"Dont call her that." I say.
"She is a bitch." She sighs.
"No she's not." I say.
"Why are you defending her?" She asks mad.
"You hate her for a fucken dumb reason, that's why you shouldn't call her that." I sigh.
"Wow ur on her side." She says.
"Im on nobody's side." I say.
"This is bullshit, your supposed to have my back! Quit the part!" She yells.
"What!? You want me to quit my job?" I ask mad.
"Ugh fuck this, get out my house!" She yells.
"Whatever, I don't care. Listen to yourself I have a movie roll to get my name out there more and you want me to quit just because of a person who just wants to work, nothing more." I say with a serious tone.
She sat there mad,
I stood up.
"Im not quiting." I scoffed.

As I was walking out thats when I remembered why I was unhappy in the relationship. She's too difficult for me, I can't believe her. So unthoughtful and not supportive at all. I left and was driving home when I got to a lane. If I go left I go home, if I go right I go to Y/n's house. Fuck.

Sadie's pov

Finn left man, I felt terrible. I love him so much. But now this is making me think of when I didn't. Three years ago I saw Y/n and Finn kiss when they were filming season one. I wasn't a famous actress, I knew who Y/n was though and I always thought how lucky she was. Then I saw her out at Starbucks with the cast of Stranger Things. She was alone with Finn and they kissed behind the building. Then I saw an audition for Max on Stranger Things season two. Because of my hate and jealousy of her, I took the guy she liked. At first it was all act, then it got serious. I fell in love.


Also I am currently having some issues in my personal life, I try to post daily but sometimes it doesn't work out. But thank you for being patient and understanding.

Another thing, a really long time ago I wrote a couple of chapter to a Jack Dylan Grazer x-reader and I never posted the chapters. Let me know if anyone would be interested in reading it, then seeing if I should continue it.

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