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Y/n pov

The next morning..

I woke up with more morning sickness, it took a while to go away. Even after vomiting I still felt like absolute shit. How do woman do this!? But that's not the point. I'm scared of my baby's future. Whoever the father is will determine who I end up with in the future. I'll have to leave Finn if it's Jack's. But if it's not I'll get to stay with Finn. If Finn still wants to even be with me after hearing the big news. I doubt he would be unhappy about it, it's just terrifying to even think about.

Sophia and I got ready to go to Jack's house. Sophia was only going to drive me and stay outside whatever room we are in. In case Jack tries to hurt me again, really it's in case he gets mad I have someone there. I'm pregnant now, I don't want to risk myself anymore. My baby could have already been hurt when Jack threw me at the glass door. No more risks. So we drove to Jack's house and I was trying to mentally prepare for what was about to happen. This decision is all on Jack, I won't force him to give me his DNA. Even if it's his I won't force him to stay, one things for sure though. I will be the best mother I can be to my child.

We got out the car and walked up Jack's porch,
"You ready?" Sophia asks about to ring the doorbell,
"I got this." I say not so confidently.
Sophia gave me a comforting smile and pushed the doorbell. Then Jack opened the door surprisingly.
"Y/n?" He asks confused to see me.
"Hi Jack, it's been a while." I sigh looking at his nervous body language.
"Y-Yeah, it has. Not that it isn't nice to see you again but why are you here?" He asks holding the door with one hand.
"I need to talk to you, it's important." I say.
He opened the door wide for us to come in,
I walked in and got a flashback from the last time I was here.

"I assume your here to watch me." Jack sighs when Sophia walks in.
"Like I'd let you be alone with her ever again." Sophia scoffs.
"I deserve that." Jack sighs.
"Let's talk privately." I say.
"Okay follow me." Jack says walking away.
"Stay here, I'll call you if I need anything." I say to Sophia.
She nodded her head and I followed Jack to his living room. Then we sat down across from each other. He looked really nervous, I could tell because he was fidgeting his feet.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Jack asks.
Saying it out loud is harder in front of him. I took a deep breathe and got ready to just shoot it out there,
"I'm pregnant." I say quickly.
Jack's jaw dropped,
He was speechless.
"I've been pregnant for almost three months." I sigh.
"W-Wait- that means-" He gasped.
"It could be yours." I finish.
He covered his mouth with his hand and just stared at me.
"This is crazy." He says shocked.
"I know." I sigh.
"So you don't know if it's mine or Finn's?" He asks.
"No, and that's why I'm here. Finn and I are not in the best place right now. He doesn't know about the baby. But I need at least one of your guys DNA so I can have it tested to see if it's your baby or his." I explain.

"Anything you need Y/n, I will do it." I say.
"Really?" I ask kinda smiling.
Not because of what he said, but because he is helping me figure out who's the father.
"Of course, what do you need me to do?" He asks.
"I need a swab of your saliva." I say pulling out a cotton swab and plastic bag from my pocket.
"Okay, do it." Jack says standing up.
I stood up and walked to him, he opened his mouth and I rubbed the swab on the sides of the inside of his cheeks. Then I put it in the plastic bag.
"Thank you Jack, I really appreciate it." I say.
"Y/n, if the baby is mine- does that mean you'll be with me?" He asks.

I looked up at his hopeful eyes,
"You know I grew up basically without parents, I want my baby to have both. Does that answer your question?" I ask.
"I get it, but how will it work?" He asks.
"Let's just figure out if your not father or not first." I sigh.
"Your right, but Y/n-" Jack grabbed my arm gently.
His touch just reminded me of how it felt when he threw me on the glass door.
"I am so sorry, for everything I did. Nothing I can do will ever take what I did back, but I do everything I could to fix it if we could just be friends." He says rubbing my arm.
"I don't want to hold any grudges, but I shouldn't forgive you. Honestly I don't know why but I do." I say.
"I know I hurt you, so bad. But if this baby is mine, I will do everything in my power to be there for it and you." Jack says touching my stomach.

"Thank you, that means a lot knowing I'll have you if it's yours." I say touching his hand that was on my stomach.
He slightly smiled and rubbed my stomach,
I just let him feel my little bump.
"Well I should go, I made an appointment so they could take DNA from the baby to compare to yours." I sigh.
"Right, how many days does that take?" He asks.
"About two to five days." I answer.
"Okay great, call me if you need anything." He says.
"I will." I say walking away with him following me,
When Sophia saw me she gave me a "Did everything go okay?" look, so I nodded my head.

Then Jack opened the door for me and Sophia,
"Just because you cooperated today doesn't mean what you did slides." Sophia says madly.
"I know Sophia." Jack sighs.
"Good." Sophia says walking out.
Then Jack saw me and hesitated to give me a hug, but I just grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
"I'll see you later." I say.
"Bye Y/n." He smiles.
After getting in the car Sophia and I drove to the testing center. When we got there they put me in a room alone. A doctor came in and got the DNA from the baby, it was really uncomfortable how she got it. But I had to go through with it, it was hard not having anyone there to hold there hand. Sophia isn't family or the father so she wasn't allowed.

The pain was hard to bare, I just wanted to hold someone's hand. I gave them Jack's saliva swab after and they told me to come back in three days for the results. Three days will be hard to do. I still haven't spoken to Finn, and he stopped trying to see me. Sophia told me she told him I needed space. Then that note he left meant a lot to me because he is willing to be patient for me.

Soon I will post a vote for what you guys want the baby or babies gender to be, also if you guys want Y/n to have identical twins, fraternal twins, one baby, etc.

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