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Y/n pov

The week flew by, it was surprisingly such a good concept Finn and I had sharing Theo. We switched days and spent a lot of time together, sometimes with Jack of course. Finn and I would sneak and have sex sometimes while we're on breaks filming and at his place when I pick up Theo. But this weekend it's Jack's birthday party. He's been planning this for weeks. Its going to be huge. I had Theo today and was getting ready in my room. Once my makeup and hair was done I went downstairs for a snack. I was thinking about Jack, how I have to act like his perfect girlfriend for everyone. Then I kept thinking about Finn, he hasn't opened up yet. I'm not that fucken stupid I know its going to take time but I've been open and honest with him more than before. I grabbed a fruit snack,

"Something on ur mind?" Lucia asks.
"How'd you know?" I ask.
"I make the same thinking face when I have something on my mind." She giggles.
"Oh, well like mother like daughter." I smile.
"Come sit? Want to talk about it?" She asks.
I sighed and went to join her in my backyard on the balcony.

"So whats up?" She asks.
"Its Jack, and Finn." I sigh.
"Uh oh, boy problems." She smiles.
"I've never had someone to talk to this about, its weird." I say.
"Its easy, just vent." Says sipping her coffee.
"Well, you met Finn and Jack before so- uhm-" I felt speechless I don't know how to talk about my problems with someone.
"Talk about Jack first." She says.
"Okay, Jack. He thinks Finn likes me. But it's not true, we were really good friends in the past and we're getting close again. The only difference is we're in relationships. Which is making it hard for us to be friends." I say.
"Wait back up I thought this was about Jack?" She asks.
"Oh yeah I mean, so since Jack thinks he likes me its effecting our relationship when im with him. But we have responsibilities together. Finn and I are not romantic at all-"
"And Jack can't see that because he's jealous. But Jack never makes an effort for me anymore like he used to. Then when he's mad he-"
Hurts me, grabs me-
"Yells and blames me for everything." I sigh.

"Wow, that's just- wow." She says shocked. Lucia put her mug down on the table then faced me.
"Jack loves you right?" She asks.
"Well y-yeah." I say.
"Then he'll always be protective, even if he's not there. Before you and Finn would hang out a lot you didn't really hangout with guys. So he feels threatened by Finn all of a sudden coming back into your life again." She says.
"How do I fix Jack and I?" I ask.
"Do you really deep down want it to be fixed?" Lucia asks.
"Of course." I hesitated.
"I noticed you kept turning away from Jack and talked about Finn, what's that about?" She asks.

Damn she's a good listener,
"Well Finn's the problem in our relationship." I say.
"He's not the problem, he's always been there just not as close to you. I feel the real problem is between Jack and you." She shrugs.
"How? He's jealous of him." I ask.
"Hes jealous his girlfriend is with another guy, that he knows likes her." She mentions.
"Finn doesn't like me Lucia. Its Jack trying to make me stay away from guys." I sigh.
"Okay whatever you say if you really think he doesn't like you okay, I think your in denial. But the best thing to do now is just simply reassure Jack. Tell him you love him, he's the only guy for you. Maybe then he'll back off." She says.

I'm not even going to ask for an explanation as to what she means when she says im in denial. Deep down I think I know what she mean, but no.
"Thanks for the advise." I gave a side smile.
"Oh by the way, ive been meaning to ask, why did you end up sharing Theo with Finn?" She asks.
"Um well I felt bad for him." I admit.
"Why?" She asks.
"He lives all alone, I thought he would like a pet. But not one he always needs to watch and take care of." I say.
"So you care about Finn's feelings?" She asks.
"Well yeah, he's my friend." I sigh.
"Interesting-" She says with a thinking face.
"Is there something you need to say?" I ask.
"What makes you think that?" She asks.
"You have my thinking face on." I giggle.
"Like mother like daughter." She laughs.
"So what is it?" I chuckle.

"Listen Y/n, im not going to ask this clearly but I want you to consider that- you might like Finn. Love is strange, sometimes you don't realize when your falling for someone. Just think about it dont say anything, but go have fun at ur party." She says.
I stood there for a second and nodded my head, after I grabbed my bag with my clothes in it from upstairs, I grabbed Theo from his play area.
"Ready for this party?" I ask.
Of course Theo doesn't answer, but he does bark sometimes.
He barked playfully,
"Well at least your excited." I sigh putting him in my car.

I drove to Jack's house, im early of course. I already knew Jack was going to be drinking, as well as all his friends. It isn't a party without illegal teen drinking, thats what Lucia laughed about once. When Jack opened the door for me he hugged me,
"Happy birthday!" I smile.
"Thank you babe, you look so pretty." He smiles.
"Thanks babe." I smile.
Theo was trying to run around but I had him on his leech.
"Can I let him run around? He loves to play." I ask.
"Of course, but when people start coming you should keep him in my room." Jack says.
"Okay." I say then unhooked his leech from his collar.
"Whats in the bag?" Jack asks.
"My dress for your party." I say.
"Oh well you can change in my room." He says.
"Yeah ill be right back." I smiled.

Theo has developed an attachment with me and Finn. He follows me everywhere, so he came into the bathroom with me.
As I changed upstairs I heared the doorbell ring, then the voices of everyone. Millie, Caleb, Sadie, Noah, and Gaten. I got excited to hangout with all of them together, Its been a while since we all were in the same room. But I haven't spoken to Sadie since the beach. Finn says she's trying to be better, but how far does better go to fix what she has done. Whatever, I don't care. She knows about Theo though, I guess she met him when Finn had him one night. Nothings wrong with that, I mean duh they're dating. People who date kiss, share secrets, and have se-

The thought of Finn with someone else besides me makes me mad. Of course I'm jealous over that dumb shit when he's not even mine.

After fixing my dress I went back out, I was at the top of the stairs,
"Y/n!" Noah and Caleb say excited to see me.
"Hey guys." I smile.
"Aw is that Theo?" Millie asks as Theo ran down the stairs happily.
"Yeah thats him." I smiled and started walking down the stairs.
I realized Theo wasn't running to Millie like a thought, he saw Finn coming from the backyard sliding door

Finn's pov

I drooled seeing Y/n. Everyday she looks so fucken beautiful, but I couldn't stop staring this time. Other times I resisted or looked when I could. She's wearing a short tight dress,
It's off the shoulders with long sleeves,
The white color with slight shimmer brings out the shine in her smile,
Her skin glows with her beauty,
I could just feel her soft legs as I crest them with my fingertips,
Her heels made her taller,
But she's still the most gorgeous shortest girl I know,
I got déjà vu of the scent of her hair as I held her tighter in my arms, where I know she's safe.
Her voice is soft and kind,
It echoed away in my mind as I was mesmerized by her walking down the stairs,
"Finn?" Sadie asks.
"Wha- oh y-yeah?" I ask coming back to reality.
"Blue or red lights?" She asks holding both of them up.
"Uhm both." I sigh.

Fuck, I need to hold her tonight before bitch birthday boy somehow takes her away from me.

Its almost Christmas hehe

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