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Y/n pov

"You let her ruin the friendship we had." I sighed.

Finn was an amazing friend to me, everyone knew how great friends we were. Not that close with personal stuff but we had a good relationship at the time. On social media we were known for the bestest of friends. We had good and bad times.

"I know, I regret it. That's why I don't let her control me anymore." He says.
"Thats good you learn from mistakes." I say.
"Yeah, im surprised you don't try to fix yours." He sighs.
"What are you trying to say?" I ask.
"Jack-" He rolls his eyes.
"This again." I shake my head.
"Well you haven't took my opinion." He says.
"What exactly is your opinion?" I ask.
"He will never treat you right." He says.
"So your saying I should leave him?" I ask madly.
He didn't say anything,
"Wow, right when I thought we could be great friends again." I sighed.
"I never said leave him." He says.
"You didn't deny it." I say.
"Ugh you know what if your going to be with him at least be tougher, I know you your strong you don't let people push you around but somehow you let Jack." He argues.
I scoffed,
"At least he loves me." I yell.
"What are you trying to say?" He asks.
"Nobody wanted me, Jack did. Nobody loved me, Jack does. I was all alone till he came into my life." I argue.
"Are you fucken serious!?" He yells.
"What? That's the truth." I shrug.
"I lo-" He hesitated to finish his sentence,
"You what?" I ask.
"Nothing." He says standing up.

I watched him walk away then slam the door, I pissed him off. But why? Finn's always confused me, and I wonder if it's because he never tells me how he truly feels. He was about to tell me he loves me but I know its not romantically. We've known eachother for years, and he's barely telling me he loves me. It's hard to imagine never being great friends again, God it's all my fault. I should have stopped it when he kissed me, it shouldn't have gone this far. We'd still be good friends just working on a movie together. If we didn't he'd be with Sadie and we wouldn't have been close friends like we we're when we weren't in relationships. Maybe that's the way it has to be. I couldn't eat anymore with the thought of his hesitation to tell me he loves me.

Finn's pov

I am pissed off, she's wrong. I kept replaying what she said in my mind, her tone.

"Nobody wanted me, Jack did-"
I wanted you.
"Nobody loved me, Jack does-"
I love you.
"I was all alone till he came into my life."
I was in your life.

She doesn't realize I have always been what she needs. I wanted her, im too late. I was stupid being too shy and thinking she doesn't feel the same. I love her, shit. I'm still in her life but in a different way. I'm her wall between her and Jack. She kissed me back that night for a reason, it was a mistake that's now making us miserable. It's best we stop and just get through filming this movie. It makes me mad how she is still with him. I hate it with passion, he's going to continue to hurt her till she's damaged.

I went outside for some air, I just need to get through today. But now that I see Y/n won't leave Jack. I have to fix Sadie and I, Y/n doesn't see anything with me. Sadie does, as much as she pisses me off sometimes.

*phone call*

"Finn?" Sadie asks.
"Hey." I say.
"I was hoping you'd call." She says.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because, I love you and I want to fix our relationship." She sighs.
I took a deep breathe,
Am I making a mistake?
"I do too." I say.
"Why? I know you don't love me anymore." She sighs.
"Ur right, honestly I lost that love we had. I know its going to take time for it to be fixed. I could be making a mistake right now but I think its worth a try." I say.
"Ur so sweet Finn." She says.
"So we're back together?" I ask.
"Yeah, but we're taking it slow." She says.
"Okay, can you come over tonight?" I ask.
"Sure, and im sorry for everything." She sighs.
"We'll talk about it later." I say.
"I know it'll take time for you to forgive me for that but I'll be patient." She says.
"Good thats what we need. I have to go now, filming is about to start." I say.
"Okay bye." She says.
"Bye." I say.

*end of call*

There problem somewhat solved. I went back into the studio and I watched Y/n having her makeup touched up. I thought about how to tell her we need to stop sleeping with eachother when we want to. It's wrong, I didn't force or manipulate her into it but now it has to stop. I hate that its come to this, but I knew from the beginning it wouldn't last forever.

Nothing lasts forever.

I watched her do her scenes with her characters roomate. They didn't need me for this part. Then we did scenes where she saw me around school. We made eye contact and I gave her a smirk. David tries to show Natalie he's interested by his cocky smile. Well technically my smile. After that we were done for the day. I still have hope for Y/n though.

Y/n pov

It wasn't weird acting with Finn afterwards, it was like nothing happened. I guess that's what we are known for acting like everything is okay. That's why this is my life job, acting. I changed back into my regular clothes then went into my car. Ugh, I have to go home. She's there, Lucia. Another problem nobody knows about. I have to face it eventually, but I dont want to. I drove home imaging my dad yelling at me or her bitching about my actions yesterday, but I dont care. Then I thought about moving out, I turn eighteen soon. I could rent a house, like Finn does. But the only reason I'd do that is to just get away from my biological mom. Fuck my life.

I got home and walked in like nothing had happened, more acting even when im off work.

"Y/n?" A woman's voice asks from a distance, Lucia.
Damn it,
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Oh, your back." She says coming down the stairs into the kitchen where I was drinking water.
"Well, it is my house." I say.
"How was filming?" She asks.
Besides Finn and I arguing,
"Good I guess." I say.
"I've always wondered, is it hard?" She asks.
"Is what hard?" I ask.
"Acting?" She says
"No, it's fun." I say.
"That's great." She smiles.

She looks exactly like me, it's weird. Her smiles matches mine.
I nodded my head and was about to walk to my room.
"Listen we got on the wrong foot yesterday, please may we restart?" She asks.

How can you restart? Restarting my whole life is impossible. I was mad but before I snapped at her again I thought about my dad. Just give her one chance.
"Okay." I say.
"Really?" She smiles.
"Yes but im not doing it for you im doing it for my dad." I sigh.
"Okay, as long as we can start over." She says.
"Whatever, I need to practice my script for tomorrow." I say.
"I know your busy, but can we please talk?" She asks.

For dad Y/n.
"Fine." I say.

Sorry for my lagging yall :/

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