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Y/n pov

Before Finn and I went inside Finn held my hand,
"It'll be okay." Finn whispers in my ear as we stand in front of the door,
I nodded my head then Finn knocked on the door, honestly I have nothing to be nervous about. I've already kinda met Finn's brother before in the past, it wasn't a proper introduction but I knew who he was.
The door unlocked and Finn's mother had a huge smile on her face,
"Finnie!" She squeals then hugs Finn tightly,
"Hey mom." Finn kinda chuckles.
They stopped hugging then she looked at me,
"You must be Y/n-" She says coming in for a hug, I hugged her back,
"Yes that's me." I smile looking over her shoulder at Finn who was smiling.
He gave me a thumbs up, and I giggled a little.

"I'm Mary, Finn's mom." She smiles.
"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Wolfhard." I smile.
"Oh no please call me Mary, it's nice to meet you too sweetie. Come on it, and bring your two little dogs too." Mary says opening the door wider then Theo and the new puppy ran inside.
"Thank you." I say walking inside with Finn,
They have a nice house, it's very comforting.
"Finn your home." Finn's dad says coming downstairs,
"Hey dad." Finn says.
They hugged and he greeted me,
"So your the girl my son has fallen for." He giggles shaking my hand.
"I guess that's me." I giggle.
"I see why he has, I'm Eric." He smiles.
"I'm Y/n." I smile.

"Well make yourself at home." He says bending down to pet Theo,
"Thank you so much." I say.
Then I picked up the new puppy and Finn's brother came down the stairs.
"Aye little brother! I knew I heard your voice." Nick says giving Finn a huge hug,
"Don't embarrass me." Finn says laughing.
"Oh I won't trust me-" Then Nick gave me a hug,
"Nice to see you again Y/n, Finn doesn't ever shut up about you." He laughs.
"What did I just say!" Finn nudges him,
"Whattt?" Nick laughs.
I laughed a litte,
"It's nice to see you too Nick." I laugh.
Nick smiled and picked up the new puppy,
"As I know Theo but who's this little guy?" Nick asks.
"Oh we don't know his name yet, but Finn gave him to me." I smile.

"Aw how sweet." Mary says petting him,
"Y/n still needs to name him." Finn giggles wrapping his arm around me,
"I can't decide." I sigh.
"We could help if you need it." Eric says.
"Really? How about you guys pick his name." I smile.
"Yes I'll name this little guy." Nick smiles.
"Well while you think of a name let me help you both get settled in." Mary says.
"Thanks mom." Finn says.
So we went back outside, Eric and Mary helped us bring our luggage to Finn's old room.
"Your room is cute." I giggle looking at the posters.
"I haven't been here in so long, clearly my room in my house in LA shows nothing of my childhood." He laughs.
"It's be so long since Finn has been home, gosh I missed you." Mary says hugging Finn and kissing his cheek.
"Mom-" Finn whines.
I just smiled a little.

"Well we'll let you both get settled in, thanks for coming Y/n." Eric says.
"Thank you for welcoming me." I smile.
Once his parents left Finn tackled me and picked me up.
I laughed and he placed me on the bed and kissed me,
"See I told you they'd love you." Finn smiles.
"Ugh you were right." I admit.
Finn continued to kiss me, then the door swings open and I pushed Finn off me quickly.
"Guys I picked the name!" Nick says coming in.
Then he saw us on the bed looking shocked,
"You two just got here and your already doing the nasty." He says disgusted.
"Shut up." Finn giggles.
"It's just weird thinking my little brother having sex." Nick laughs.
"Sorry Nick, what's the name though?" I ask seeing the puppy in his arms.
"His name is Marlo!" Nick smiles.
"I love it." I giggle.
"I do too, I'm surprised you came up with it so quick." Finn says standing up and grabbing Marlo from his hands.
"Ha ha ha." Nick rolls his eyes.

"Thank you for the name." I smile.
"Of course, honestly I'm surprised Finn gotta girl like you." Nick laughs.
"God shut up." Finn punches his shoulder.
"Well then." I laugh.
"Yeah I'm going to go before Finn has an aneurism from me embarrassing him." Nick laughs.
Finn rolls his eyes and Nick leaves with a grin on his face,
"Brothers." I giggle.
"Annoying." He sighs.
"Well I wish I had a sibling, I think having a sibling is good, and bad." I shrug.
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't think about how your mom- you know." He sighs giving me a hug,
"Finn it's okay." I smile.
"Okay we'll let's start unpacking." He says placing Marlo on my lap.
Then Theo came on my lap too, and he licked my face.

After unpacking and pulling our clothes in the closet, I helped Finn's mom make dinner.
"You know I've never seen Finn so happy-" Mary says.
"Really?" I ask.
She nods her head,
"When he was with that Sadie girl he wasn't happy, a mother knows when her son is unhappy." She says continuing to cook.
"Then when he ended it with Sadie he told me about you, I've never heard him talk about a girl that way, your special to him." Mary smiles.
"Thank you Mrs. Wolfhard, that's sweet." I smile.
"Your welcome, but remember call me Mary." She giggles.
"Right my mistake." I smile.
Suddenly Theo and Nick ran by the kitchen playing together,
"Seems like Nick needs a dog of his own." Mary laughs.
"Yeah he gets along great with Theo and Marlo." I giggle.
"What are you guys talking about?" Finn asks coming in the kitchen,
"Don't worry Finn I'm not showing her your baby pictures-" Mary jokes.
Finn pretended to sigh in relief then he gave me a hug from behind and kissed my cheek,
"Yet-" Mary coughs.
"I'm not embarrassed if she sees." Finn laughs still holding me.
"We'll see about that." She giggles.

After dinner Finn and I were ready for bed then we got into bed together,
"Your family is so nice." I whisper.
"They clearly love you." Finn smiles.
"How long are we going to stay?" I ask.
"As long as we want, I mean we don't have anything to do regarding our careers." Finn sighs and grabs my hand,
"I haven't check social media, how did they take our sides of the story?" I ask.
"-People are on our side, and some are not. That's just how it is, but this will pass. On your post though, you got a lot of support." Finn smiles cresting my cheek,
"Really?" I ask.
"Yeah they understand us." He says.
"So everything is okay?" I ask.
"Yup, everything is perfect." Finn says pulling me closer to his chest,
"I love you Finn." I smile looking up at him and wrapping my arms around him.
"I love you too beautiful." He smiles too then gives me a kiss goodnight.

;) guys I am currently struggling trying to figure out how to get GIFs onto the image section at the top, it worked before on my old phone and now it does not, forgive the images I hope I can figure it out. Does anyone know how I could do it?

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