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Daily reminder: nothing ever last forever.

Sophia's pov

"Oh my God, Y/n texted me she's ready to start pushing!" I squeal.
"No way!" Gaten smiles.
"We have to go to the hospital right now!" Caleb cheers.
"I like how we're just at their house while they're at the hospital." Noah chuckles.
"Oh we're just dog sitting." I say petting Milo and Theo.
"Hey Nick! Y/n's about to have the twins hurry your ass out the shower!" Gaten yells in the bathroom.
"Holy shit!" Nick says turning off the shower-
Then in two minutes running out with his crutches and dripping wet hair,
"Let's go!" Nick yells.
"Don't fall." I giggle.
"Please I can outrun all of you with these crutches." Nick laughs.
"I'd like to challenge you at that." Caleb says.
"Come on guys no horsing around, let's go!" I say as I open the front door.
They all walk out and Noah drove us all to the hospital, when we got there we heard she was still pushing from the nurse.
"I'm so excited." I squeal as we sit in the waiting room-

Finn's pov

Y/n has been trying to push for about thirty minutes, I could tell she was scared.
"Come on Y/n give us a big push." The doctor says.
She squeezed my hand again and I fixed her hair out of her face, I tried to be supportive but I don't know how to be-
Y/n groaned in pain-
"Okay we'll try again when you get another contraction which should be in about twenty seconds." The doctor says taking a step back.
I turned to Y/n-
"I can't push anymore I can't." She cries.
"Yes you can- your the strongest person I know." I say looking down at her.
Y/n continued to cry, she's exhausted- I could tell by the way she was taking deep breaths.
"You got this my love." I say giving her a kiss on the cheek.
She nodded her head-
"The contraction is coming." The nurse announces, since Y/n can't feel the contractions anymore from the epidural, they had to use a machine to determine when they were coming.
"Okay let's try again, you've really got to push on this one Y/n. Give me your best push." The doctor says preparing herself.

"Okay push-" The doctor says.
Y/n started pushing-
She groaned in pain loudly.
"Your almost there love." I whisper.
I could feel her body shaking-
"Push push push." The doctor says.
Y/n squeezed her eyes then suddenly a baby started crying. Y/n was trying to catch her breath and we both looked as the doctor held up our first baby.
"It's a boy." She smiles.
The doctor let me cut the umbilical cord, then she handed Y/n the baby. Since they need the direct skin contact with their moms first- she kissed his forehead and started crying. I put my hand on his hand, he wrapped his hand around my finger. In that moment when I looked down at my son taking his first breath's, I felt this joy fill my entire body. He continued to cry on Y/n's chest and I got lower so I could be with him.
"The next baby should be here in about ten minutes." The doctor smiles.

Y/n and I smiled, we couldn't help but tear up- it was hard to give him up so he could get his check up. But it's a requirement and necessary thing to do so we know he's healthy. The time came sooner than expected and Y/n had to push again-
"Come on Y/n, one more baby-" The doctor says getting prepared for the next baby.
"Push!" The doctor announces,
She squeezed my hand and started groaning in pain again-
"She's almost here, our little girl." I whisper to her. They say the second baby comes much easier when you push because the first one is always the hardest. So Y/n pushed and crying suddenly came from our little girl-
"And here's the girl-" The doctor says holding her up. Y/n and I looked at her,
"There she is." I smile.
She handed her to us and we gave her kisses-
Then they took her to get a check up as well. When everyone was focused on the babies I crested Y/n's cheek,
"You did it." I smile.
She smiled, but after the doctors checked her, they gave us the babies to hold-
I held my little girl and she opened her eyes to look up at me-
"She's so beautiful." I say to Y/n.
"He has your curls." She says, I look over and see he had opened his eyes opened too.
"Do we have names yet?" The doctor asks.
"You ready to announce they're names?" Y/n asks.

We hadn't told each other the name we picked yet, so this was a moment I've been waiting for. Even though I already knew the little girls name I had chosen,
"This is Miles." Y/n smiles.
"Miles, I love it- this is Sage." I smile.
"Aww I love it." She says.
I handed her Sage so Y/n could hold them both at once-
"How cute, I'll put it on there birth certificate as Miles and Sage L/n." The doctor says.
"Oh no Miles and Sage Wolfhard." Y/n says correcting her. I smiled, even though we're not married yet- she is thinking about the future.
"Of course, I'll give you both privacy- and we'll check on you in a bit." The doctor says leaving with the nurses.
She held them both while they looked up at her-

Y/n pov

All the pain was unbearable, it was hard to imagine myself giving birth- but it was worth every second once I held them in my arms.
"They're perfect." Finn says touching Sage and Miles curly hair.
"I can't believe they're here now." I chuckle still with tears of joy in my eyes.
They both were looking at Finn and I,
"They have your eyes." He says.
"They're just mini us." I giggle.
Finn chuckles and grabbed Miles-
I smiled watching him holding him, it's crazy how one minute I was taking a pregnancy test and the next we're here holding the babies in our arms finally. After a while everyone came in to meet the babies- Finn left me alone with them to go get them. When they walked in they smiled-
"Oh my God." Sophia smiles.
Everyone else awed-
"We'd like you to meet your newest members of our family- Miles and Sage." Finn says grabbing Sage from my arms.
"Miles Fairchild." Caleb chuckles.
"Can I hold him?" Gaten asks.
"Everyone will get a change to hold them." I smile.
Sophia held Sage,
"Hi little cutie, it's Sophia- your auntie." She smiles.
"And your uncle Noah." Noah says.
We all spent the rest of the day being with the babies- later I breast fed them, then put them to sleep. Finn and I struggled putting them to sleep- I don't know how we did it. But we're a team, we got this from now on.

I was so exhausted, Finn was dozing off on the chair-
"Hey you awake?" I whisper.
"Yeah sort of." Finn yawns.
"Come lay with me." I giggle.
"No no your the one who needs to rest the most love." He says.
"You spent hours on a plane before coming here- your just as exhausted as I am." I say.
"Fine- only because I want to hold you." He smiles then lays in bed next to me. Finn wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.
"You know what? I still can't wrap around my head how all this happened- because of a deal." He says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"I mean, we started off as fuck buddies- then suddenly we were more than that. I don't think we'd be here today if it weren't for that deal." He yawns.
He's right. Finn and I would have never made a move on one another- we would have been unhappy in our relationships for God knows how long. But I do think people are destined to fall in love, I know we would have fallen in love ten million other ways. Then in another life our souls fell in love all over again. All I can say is I have no regrets.
"Have you ever heard of lust for life?" I ask.
"No, what does it mean?" Finn asks.
"It means : a strong desire to live a full and rich life. Before we met each other, that's what we both wanted deeply." I say.
"We definitely got what we wanted." He smiles.
I gave Finn a kiss,
"I love you." I giggle.
"I love you more gorgeous, your the love of my life- things are only going to get better from now on." Finn says.
I watched our babies asleep on their tiny bed next to us, then looked back at Finn. Our future is only brighter from here- and I for one cannot wait.

The end

I'm not crying you are! haha I'm kidding. Thank you so much for reading my story!! Literally all of you are fucken amazing and I love every single one of you. The amount of support I get daily from you guys is unimaginable, I appreciate it so much :) Make sure to follow me to see my other future stories!! I hope you all have an amazing day and stay safe ;)

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