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Finn's pov

I was mad that Y/n and Jack were still together, she knows what he's doing, trying to break us apart again. Meanwhile I have to get Sadie off my ass and have her believe we're going to get serious again. Making her apologize to Y/n, probably not the best idea. Sadie was walking back from talking to Y/n, I saw Y/n sit down on the other couch by the stairs, she looked happy. Sadie on the other hand looked pissed. But Theo jumped off my lap and ran to Y/n. I watched him get picked up by her, I was watching so closely I didn't notice Sadie sitting down next to me.

"We're okay." Sadie says.
"What?" I ask shocked.
"Yeah she said it was cool." She lies.
She thinks I dont know when she's lying.
"That's good, was there arguing?" I ask.
"No." She lies again.
I just nodded my head and stopped asking questions because I know she'll just keep lying to my face about it. The only way ill know the truth is to ask Y/n. I saw her take Theo upstairs,
"Well im happy you did it." I say.
"Ugh I hated every second of it, but im doing this all for you." She says leaning her head on my shoulder.
"Yeah um I'll be back, I remember I left my shirt in Jack's room a while go." I lie.
"Oh okay." She smiles.

I stood up and went upstairs, she's in Jack's room, before I walked in I looked inside the room. She was on the floor stomach down playing with Theo. But he was just biting her fingers, he's still teething.
"Jack might be right-" I hear her whisper to Theo as he nibbles her fingers.
"But Finn's also right-" she sighs.
"Im starting to think Finn does have feelings for me, which would be why Jack is trying to break up our friendship-" She says.
"But Finn, he's just an amazing person. He's my closet friend, well we're not best best friends but he's all I have as a friend besides Jack. I've never had a friend like Finn, he's always been there for me. He even tells me the truth when he knows I won't like it-" she stops talking and picks up Theo and put him on her lap.
"You probably don't understand a word im saying." She giggles as Theo played around her lap.
"But its okay, I like talking to you, your a good listener." She smiles.

I immediately left and ran into the bathroom next door,
Its so adorable she talks to our puppy, it makes him even more special to us. Then what she said about me, it made me have butterflies in my stomach.
I never realized that she doesn't have best friends. Duh she has the guys but not one girl friend. It irritates me she's friends with Millie, but thats why I keep trying to get her to leave Jack. If she just left him she'll never know the truth. Wait she said that I tell her the truth even when she doesn't like it. Fuck.

I went back out and saw her standing there by the edge of the stairs,
"Finn, did you have Sadie apologize to me?" She asks with her angery face. Even her mad face is cute,
"Yeah, I did." I sighed.
"Why?" She asks.
"To show her she doesn't get off easy for what she said to my closet friend." I say.
I watched her expression change slowing as I finished my sentence.
"Closest friend?" She asks.
"Y-Yeah Y/n, ur my best friend." I sighed, I hid my nervousness.
She looked down, then at me.
"Ur my best friend too, but you can't get mad at me about who I want to be with." Her voice started to crack, I know that voice anywhere, she's trying to hold in tears.
"I never get mad at you Y/n." I say.
"Then what's all the yelling and screaming for?" She asks.
"I get disappointed with you, because I know your better than this." I sigh.
"Your with Sadie, im with Jack. We're just great friends who have a pet together." She says.
"We're more than that and you know it." I say coming closer to her.
"Not here Finn." She says backing away.
"We have sex, best friends dont have sex." I say.
"I know that, let's just finish this conversation another day." She sighed and went downstairs with Theo following.

I watched her walk down the stairs, Jack came inside from the backyard then hugged her tightly. He was smiling, he enjoys doing this in front of me. Fucken asshole. Sadie came up the stairs,
"Did you find it?" She asks.
"Uhm no, Jack must have lost it." I shrug.
"Sounds like him, want to um-" She grabbed my hand and was about to grab my-
"No, not today." I say moving a little.
"Sorry, we just haven't done it in so long." She sighs.
That's because Y/n's been fulfilling my needs, the sex is better than anything I've ever done.
"Right, well we were having problems so it didn't feel right to do it." I lie.
"That makes sense, how about tomorrow night, I could set up candles-"
"Sadie no." I cut her off.
"Why? I fucken apologized to her." She says madly.
"Im not in the mood." I sigh.
Not in the mood for you, but for her.
"Fine, can we just go cuddle on the couch?" She asks.
Thats the least I could do,
"Sure." I say.

We went downstairs and she layed down on me, I wrapped my arm around her.

Y/n pov

Usually when I am upset, I'd like the pleasure of Finn and I having sex. But how could I do that when he's the reason I'm upset. He called me his best friend. That make my heart skip a beat. We love eachother as friends but I cant help but feel so lured to Finn more than my own boyfriend. I am a horrible girlfriend, obviously. Jack's guests were about to arrive soon, Jack was clingy on purpose in front of Finn again the whole time while we waited for guests.

When people started arriving quick Jack completely forgot about me and didn't care. He was drinking with Asher and his guy friends from It. I just sat down by myself and my soda, I wish Theo was here. I had to put him in Jack's room so he wouldn't get hurt or lost out here. Noah, Gaten, And Caleb would come hang with me here and there. Those guys are my favorite. I checked my phone, damn it's only ten. Jack's parties always go till two or three am. I sat there bored and examined the room, Finn's with Sadie, the guys are all together drinking, and Jack is taking shots back to back. I finished my soda then got up for more, I was filling my cup,
"No beer?" This girl asks.
I look up and its Sophia,
"Oh hey Sophia, no not tonight, im not in the mood." I fake smile.
"Well, same here." She sighs.
"I haven't seen you in a while, how are you?" I ask.
"Ehh, im okay you?" She asks.
"I'm ehh too." I say.
"Its weird I've never seen Jack away from you, the first time I saw you two at a party together he was all over you." She mentions.

That's when he used to fucken love me.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas♡
Love you all, stay safe :)

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