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After my outburst to Taehyung yesterday, he ran away from our room and decided to sleep in the guest room, ignoring and avoiding me when we pass each other, not even finishing his meals when we eat to go to the guest room.

And to say that didn't hurt me was a lie, of course it hurt me, but-- it is my fault, I said mean things to him and became an asshole to him.

When Jimin, Seokjin, Ami and Taewha got to know about it, they all slapped and smakced my head for hurting their baby-- and I know that I deserved it.

Then they all told me to make it up to Tae to which I planned, and surprising him on his birthday wich is today.

So, Taewha decided to bring Taehyung to the mall since they both wanted to catch up more on each other, while I arranged the house and decorated it with the rest.

I also invited Yeonjun, Vlad, and Vante to help along with our ally, the Got7 Mafia, since they were also close with Taehyung, escpecially Mark-- and to say that me and Jackson both don't like it.

"Kook! Where should I put this?" I heard my best friend, Yugyeom ask and I scratched my head

"Uhm-- why not ask Jimin? I'm not very good at these-- decorating 'n stuff" I said with a nervous chuckle and he laughed at me and nodded

I watched them decorate the living room, while Seokjin, Yoongi, and Ami cooks the food in the kitchen, while Yeonjun wraps presents with the help of his younger brothers.

I smiled when I watched the three of them interact with each other and also play with Chi, Hope, and Mochi while organizing the presents.

"You ok Kook?" I turned around when I heard my brother's voice and shook my head

"Wanna tell me about it?" He asked and I nodded with a sigh

"What's on your mind?" He asked

"What if-- what if Taehyung doesn't like this? What if he doesn't forgive me? What if he decides to leave me for being an asshole to him?" I worriedly asked, not even noticing that I was tearing up

"Ugh! Why do you sound like Mingyu?!" He exclaimed and I looked at him

"Huh?" I asked and he laughed at me

"Sorry-- you just reminded me of my friend, Kim Mingyu, this also happened to him when he had an argument with his wife, Tzuyu" Jeongguk says and I gaped at him

"Did you just say, Tzuyu? As in, Chou Tzuyu?!" I asked and he nodded

"Do you know her?" He asked and I nodded

"She's Taehyung's secretary" I said and he nodded

"And speaking of Taehyung-- I wonder what he and my Baby Doll are doing right now" Jeongguk says and I sighed, thinking of the same thing


I guess it was my lucky day when Tae Tae decided to treat me a whole day for my birthday, since I wanted to get out of the house, and also away from Jungkook.

Yes, I still hadn't forgave him from his outburst when I told him that I chose him instead of my family.

I mean, yeah, I have to admit that I was wrong when I chose someone else other than my family, but what can I do?

Jungkook loves me and I love him, and my family doesn't like Jungkook for me after everything he has done to me.

So I did the only thing that both my mind and heart says, leave and stay with Jungkook-- but when he found out what I did, he hurt me with his chosen words.

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now