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Months have passed and things at Jungkook's company have become well and more employees have applied after Taehyung helped them stopping the thief stealing his work.

But, on the other hand, Jungkook and his men still hasn't figured the identities of the leader and feared assassin of the Exo Mafia, Park and V... he, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok are still looking and still finding out the information about them.

And as the months passed, Jungkook has started making moves on Taehyung to get him back, and when he confessed to Taehyung again, the beauty only said that he can't but Jungkook still continued, as Yeonjun helped Jungkook win Taehyung's heart.

Jungkook kept on receiving threats more than once but only kept it within him so he wouldn't worry Taehyung and his friends, but Taehyung knows about it and also tried tracking the anonymous writer down.


I was in my office signing some papers, until I heard the door to my office open, so I looked up and smiled when I saw Taehyung along with a sleeping Yeonjun in his arms.

"Hey Tae" I greeted and he smiled back

"Hey Koo, I have to go somewhere right now, so can I ask a favor from you for watching over Junnie while I'm gone?" He asks me shyly

"Sure! I also have to give Yeonjun something anyways" I said and smiled

"Oh! Thank you so much Koo!" Tae says

He plopped Yeonjun down onto the couch and kissed his forehead and smiled, my heart melted at the sight and also smiled at them, then he stood up and looked at me.

"I'll pick him up later Koo, see you!" Tae says then leaves

I started signing my papers again while also glancing at Yeonjun from time to time if he woke up.


After I left Koo's office I went towards my office again and towards my desk and pressed a button that was hidden in my plate name on my desk.

Soon, I heard the sound of the elevator in my office and soon, I was under my company, where my team the Deadly Ethereals, and some of the NightWalkers's hideout is.

The door opened and the guards bowed towards me while I just nodded as I walked towards the meeting room.

I opened the two doors and saw Jisung, Jisoo, Taemin, Eunwoo and my other friend from the NightWalkers, Do Jihan, I sat on the front chair and nodded.

"Alright, from what you sent me about Jeon Jungkook's anonymous writer, I saw the one who delivered the said letter" Jisung says while I remained quiet

"It seems that it was a member from a Japanese Mafia named Sakurai, also known as from the name Samurai" Jisung continues and Taemin snickers

"Well that's a stupid name" Taemin says

"Yes Taemin, it is a stupid name for a Japanese Mafia, but they're also known as drug addicts" Jisung says

"And do you know who runs or leads that mafia?" I asked and he nodded

"A girl named Ryunara Matsuo"

Heyy Fam!!
Gonna leave it here cause...

___________Heyy Fam!!Gonna leave it here cause

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It's ya'll girl's birthday!! So yeah

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It's ya'll girl's birthday!! So yeah... haha😅
Take care!!
I love you!!
I purple you!!

Author-nim, over 'n out!!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now