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I woke up early in the morning and did my routine and changed into my suit then went towards the balcony to look at the view, it was another beautiful and quiet day in the city of Seoul-


I shouldn't have spoken too soon, well, may as well go down to greet my brother... I went downstairs and knelt down as my son came up to me and I pecked his lips and carried him as he giggled cutely, and walked towards the dining area and saw my beloved brother and cousin sitting the opposite from where me and Junnie are gonna sit...

"Hyung, what are you two doing here so early? Don't you have work?" I asked as I sat down beside Junnie

One of our maids named Kaye set two plates with two omeletes were folded and placed neatly on the plate, I smiled at Kaye as she bowed and left the dining room... I helped Junnie with his food then started to eat mine as I looked back at Baekhyun hyung and Luhan hyung, with Chanyeol hyung and Sehun hyung...

"You guys didn't answer my question, what happened? Is something wrong?" I asked worriedly

They both remained silent as Chanyeol hyung cleared his throat and I looked at him...

"Taehyung" Chanyeol hyung calls out

"Yes hyung?" I asked



As he slammed his hands on the table, startling my son... Yeonjun teared up and I took him and sat him on my lap as I whispered sweet words into his ear then glared at my brother once he calmed down...

"What the heck hyung?! You scared Junnie!!" I said

Baekhyun hyung and Luhan hyung calmed down as they heard my son sniffle and hide his face in my chest, so Baekhyun hyung sat down again and soften his expression, Luhan hyung doing the same...

"We're sorry, but... why didn't you tell us that you and Jungkook made up? I thought we already talked about you not getting involved with him?" Baekhyun hyung asked and I turned away

"Tae?" Luhan hyung called so I looked at them and sighed

"It's true that me and Jungkook made up, but... I don't love him, I'm too busy with the company and my son..." I said as I cleaned Yeonjun's chin and lips from the food thay was smudged on his face

"We don't sound convinced Tae..." Baekhyun hyung says worriedly and I sighed and looked at them again

"You guys and I both know that it's impossible for me to get in a relationship, and it's been 3 years! I'm sure he has eyes in somebody else other than me-"

"Tae! It doesn't matter if that Junglebook has eyes on someone else! We're worried about you! YOU still love him! You're still in love with Jeon Junglebook even after he cheated on you! Even after 3 years! Me and Baekhyun both know that you want Junglebook to be Yeonjun's other parent! Why can't you find someone else instead of that guy?! I'm worried about you! You and Baekhyun are more than just my cousins! You guys are my brothers!! And I hate to see one of you gets hurt!!" Luhan hyung explains with a worry laced in his voice as he looks at me

I stared at Luhan hyung, sadness in my eyes... I sighed and carried Yeonjun towards them and gave him to Chanyeol hyung as I held both of my brothers' hands... as I looked at them and I noticed tears in their eyes...

"Hyungs... I'm sorry for not telling you guys that me and Jungkook made up... I was just.. just scared on what you guys are gonna do to him... even though after what happened 3 years ago, I forgave him for it as he explained everything that happened... but we didn't click into it... because like I said, I'm busy with the company and taking care of Yeonjun... and, I don't think I want to have a partner again... even if dad asks me too, I'll just say 'no'... since he understands and I do have an heir for the company... but if he doesn't want to, I'll think about marrying once Yeonjun grows a little more..." I say and they both nod and then we all hugged each other

"Group huggie time!!" Yeonjun cheers

We all giggle at my son's cuteness as he ran towards us and then clinged onto my legs... I picked him up and hugged him as I peppered kisses on his face as he giggle cutely... I hugged him again and gave him to Baekhyun hyung who made funny faces towards him as he giggled... then I looked at my watch and noticed that I still have 30 minutes... I looked back at the others and they must've noticed it as well...

"Junnie, baby bear... would you like to spend time at uncle Bacon and uncle Hannie's place with them and uncle Channie and uncle Hunnie?" I asked him as I carried him again

I cooed as he smiled brightly and nodded excitedly...

"Yes!! I also get to see bestfriend Beomgyu!!" Yeonjun yells

As you can see... Beomgyu, or should I say Kim Beomgyu is Kim Kyungsoo and Kim Jongin's adopted son... as Kyungsoo hyung can't give birth as he got into an accident last year when he was pregnant and then the baby died which led him to depression... but Kai hyung made him feel better by surprising him with Beomgyu... and now they spoil him and he's Yeonjun's bestfriend... they call each other soulmates, like me and Jimin last time... but, I still haven't caught up with him yet... but I was snapped out of my thoughts as Yeonjun squished my face...

"Yes baby bear?" I asked and he giggled

"You gonna be late papa!!" Yeonjun says and I nodded and kissed him again and then gave him to Baekhyun hyung

"I'll see you later, ok?" I say and he nodded

"And be good to your uncles" I say again and he nodded with a giggle

I smiled and got in my car that was driven by the driver in front of my mansion... then drove away towards my company... when I got there, I got out and all of the employees greeted me and I nodded back... I went into the elevator and then greeted Tzuyu as I arrived at my floor...

"Taehyung" Tzuyu called out and I turned to her

"Yes?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

"Umm... you have a visitor in your office" Tzuyu says stopping her smile

I looked confused and knew who it was and only nodded and walked towards my office... I opened the door and closed it as I was greeted by the person with a wide bunny smile... sitting on my swivel chair, I smiled as well and greeted him with the name Luhan hyung and Baekhyun hyung called him earlier...

"Hello Junglebook"

I'm back!
Did you enjoy?
Take care!
I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

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