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After the night where me and Eunwoo escaped the Bangtan Mafia, I told my brothers and the rest of the Exo Mafia and dad, they all panicked but I assured them that I was fine and safe... but Baekhyun hyung and Luhan hyung weren't convinced about it...

I decided to get Yeonjun and leave the mansion, since today is where I see Jin hyung again... and I'm actually pretty nervous about it... also knowing that Jungkook will be there, and I still haven't erased the scene in my head where Jungkook and me just stared at each other before Eunwoo threw the smoke bomb...

"Are you ok?" I looked at Bogum hyung and nodded

"Yeah! I'm ok hyung" I said trying to reassure him

"Come on Tae, we've been best friends since diaper years, I know when something's bothering you" Bogum hyung says and I just sighed

"Ok, ok, I'm just worried" I said

"About what? Jungkook and the Bangtan Mafia?" He asked me and I nodded

"Tae, if you're that worried about them finding out who you are, they won't ok, Baekhyun, Luhan and Kyungsoo hyung won't let them" Bogum hyung says and I just nodded again and then sighed

"I'm going to their mansion" I said

"What?! Why?!" He asked me

"Ami's pregnant, and Jin hyung's hosting, so Jungkook invited me and Junnie" I said and his mouth was agape

"Do Baekhyun, Luhan and the rest know about this?" He asked me and I just shrugged

"I'm already and adult hyung, and I'll also be careful, I won't risk Junnie getting hurt" I said and he nodded

"Anyways, speaking of Yeonjun, we better get home so I can get him ready, I'll see you guys" I said and left the room

I went into the living room and saw my son running towards me then clung onto my leg as he nuzzled his face onto it, I furrowed my brows and looked at the others who only chuckled and giggled at him.

I just shrugged it off and picked Yeonjun up and he instantly clung onto my neck and muzzled his face onto my chest, I turned to the others and they smiled at me.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow when I drop Junnie off, but we're going somewhere tonight" I said

"And does that somewhere happened to be at the Bangtan Mafia's house?" Luhan hyung asked me and I sighed

"Yeah, Jungkook invited us since Jin hyung's hosting because Ami's pregnant" I said and they nodded

"Just be careful Tae... we all know that you're still a little shaken up last night" Baekhyun hyung says and I nodded

"We'll go now" I said and they all bid me goodbye

I went outside of the mansion, and got into my car and placed Junnie onto the car seat and buckled his seatbelt as I went towards the driver's seat and entered and started the engine.

Soon... we were back at our mansion, and since there was still time, I gave Junnie a bath and dressed him up into a cute outfit.

Then I carried him to my room and placed him on my bed as I turned the television on and he started watching Paw Patrol, while I go and get ready.

I first took a bath and stepped into the warm water as my muscles relaxed, I still can't remove the scene in my head when I was in front of Jungkook and the others while being V.

Soon, I wore my boxer and robe and went into my room and saw Junnie still watching Paw Patrol, so I walked into my walk-in closet and changed into something formal, and even hid some weapons that cannot be easily found.

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now