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After I said those words, all of them looked at me worriedly at me while I just kept on a serious face.

"T-Taehyung! You can't be serious?" Mark says and I raised a brow

"When wasn't I serious?" I asked and he looked away

"Taehyung!! Why would you even risk your life saving him?! He broke your heart 3 years ago!! And just because one of your obsessed fangirls kidnapped him and his group, you WANT to save him?! What's the reason for you to save him anywa-"

"I still love him..." I confessed and looked away

It was silent in the room for the mean time, but my eyes widen when I heard the voice of the person I was avoiding the most about this topic.

"Y-you love J-Jungkook...?" Baekhyun hyung asked me

I slowly turned around with wide eyes when I saw my brother and Chanyeol hyung there, with Yeonjun in his arms.

"H-hyung..." I whispered out and he just stared at me with eyes filled with betray

"You still love him? Huh, Kim Taehyung? After every pain he gave you, you still want him?!" He asked me and I teared up

"B-Baekie h-hyu-"

"JUST STOP KIM TAEHYUNG!!" He yelled and I froze in my place with tears flowing from my face


"I KNOW! I know he hurt me! I know he betrayed me! But that doesn't mean that I will still just let him die..." I sobbed

"I-I love him... I love Jeon Jungkook, and if you don't support me hyung, I'll deal with it, but I can't keep on living like this! Being alone and thinking that I have everything but no! Because I know that there's still something missing in my life, and that is Jungkook... so if you and the others don't support me with him, I'll never show my face again" I confessed

I wiped my tears and walked passed Baekhyun hyung but was stopped by him grabbing my wrist and pulling me in a tight hug.


"I-I'm so so s-sorry Tae... I didn't know..." he said as he cried on my shoulder, I wrapped my arms around him and also cried on his shoulder

We soon let go and pulled away from each other and smiled, Baekhyun hyung cupped my cheeks as he wiped my tears, then kissed my forehead.

"I'll always support you baby brother... I just don't want you to get hurt again, especially what happened to you three years ago" he said and I smiled at him

"I understand hyungie... I'll be careful" I said and held his hands that were on my cheeks

"I'll tell appa and the others about this" he said and I looked at him worriedly

"Don't worry, I'll talk to them, especially Luhan and Bogum, I know that they're very protective over you" he giggled while I laughed

"What brings you and Chanyeol hyung here anyways?" I asked

"Beomgyu wanted someone to play with, but Kyungsoo and Kai were too busy to come here themselves, so me and Channie did" he said and I just nodded

"Junnie baby, do you want to go stay at grandpa's place?" I asked him and he happily nodded

"Alright, did you ready his stuff?" I asked hyung and he nodded

"Of course I did, I have to get ready when me and Channie will get a munchkin" he said

"In 8 months honey" Chanyeol hyung said and my eyes widen

"You're pregnant?!" I asked and he nodded

"Since when?!" I asked again

"I took the test 3 weeks ago" he said

"Aww~ congrats hyung!!" I said and he smiled

We talked for a while, until it was time for them to go. I also let the others leave since their groups and lovers will be waiting for them, but since Eunwoo and his family are staying here, I stayed in the office, thinking of a plan to save Jungkook and the others.

Then I thought of a great plan and decided to save them now, when I remembered what Kitsumi Kiyoko said earlier.

"She will kill Jeon Jungkook if he refuses to listen to her"

So I wore an all-black clothing and geared up, I chose my weapons and some smoke bombs and daggers. I took my mask and walked out of the office and into my garage where my black Ducati Streetfighter V4.

I hopped onto my bike and also wore my mask, and then started my engine, the garage door opened and the waterfall blocking it also opened up and I drove outside, and when I was outside, the waterfall and the garage door closed and I revved the engine and drove towards the location where Jungkook and the others are.


Meanwhile with Jungkook and the others, they were still unconscious, Jungkook, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok were all tied up while Jimin, Jin and Ami were in a cell to their right, one of their foot, cuffed while their hands were also cuffed.

Ami and Jin started opening their eyes and the same goes for Namjoon and Hoseok, they all groaned in pain because of the smoke that knocked them out earlier.

"J-Joonie?" Jin called out

"I'm here princess!" Namjoon responds

"Sunshine! Are you ok?" Hoseok asks

"I am Hobi..." Ami says

Jimin soon woke up then he groaned in pain and the same goes for Yoongi and Jungkook as they raised their heads.

"Yoonie?!" Jimin called out

"I'm here Minnie" Yoongi says

"Where are we Joon?" Jungkook asks as he looks around the room

"I don't know" Namjoon responds

"You are in the place, where I will end you Jeon Jungkook" a female voice says

Jungkook followed the sound of the voice, and saw a figure in the dark, the light lighting up her leg.

"Are you Ryunara Matsuo?" Jungkook asked and the female giggled

"Indeed I am!" She says as she steps into the light with a sinister smile on her face

"Why are you doing this? What have my friends ever did to you?" Jungkook asks

"You stole MY senpai from me Jeon Jungkook! But about your friends... I just wanted something to toy with after I end you" she says then giggles like a psycho

"From what I remembered, Tae wasn't yours" Jungkook says and Ryunara Matsuo scoffs

"Of course he is! We slept together you know? Such a daddy~" Ryunara Matsuo says dreamily

"But from what I have heard Ryunara Matsuo, is that Kim Taehyung switched his drink with yours and let you get drugged by him so his men can have their with you" a deep voice says

Everyone was silent, Ryunara Matsuo froze as her eyes widen while the Bangtan Mafia only has their eyes widen as they were silent when they saw the person who spoke.


Heyy Fam!!
How's it going?
Take care!
I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now