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It's been 2 weeks since we saved Tae from the Vander Mafia, and his PTSD is still worse, Hera comes to visit Tae with Dr. Kim to check up on him.

After 5 days of Tae wearing my clothes, he seems to get used to me and even let me close to him and sometimes hold him, he stutters whenhe wants something and snuggles up to me for warmth and comfort while he was being checked.

And I also notice something about Dr. Kim-- when she checks up on Taehyung, her eyes become glossy and she shakily sighs when Tae scurries away from her and whimpers in fear.

And now about the mafia, we've been busy and Taewha and Jeongguk became official members of the Bangtan Mafia with the code names of KT and JG, as well as Jeongguk asked permission from Baekhyun hyung and the rest of the Exo Mafia to court Taewha which they all agreed and just have to wait for Taehyung's answer once he gets back to normal.

Yeonjun and the twins often visit and Vante slowly opens up to me when Jeongguk explained that he's not really their father, and I talked to Yeonjun about Tae's condition which made him cry but I promised him that Tae will get better.

While me, well, let's just say I became more harsh and mean, and news flash that I left Zeus to live and rot in the basement to hell.

But let's get back to the topic-- Kim Taehrin, I ordered Namjoon to do a background check on her and he found some of her background information, to say that she is a real doctor is correct, but her attitude and movements towards Tae kinda makes curious if she had a past with him or had a bond with him.

"-ook! Jungkook! JEON JUNGKOOK!"

"Huh? What?" I asked when someone yelled my name and I saw it was Yoongi who called me

"Are you ok?" I heard Jimin ask me and I can all see them looking at me with worried glances

"Y-yeah, yeah... I'm ok, I'm ok" I answer

"Is this about your favor to Joonie about Dr. Kim?" Jin asks me

I sighed as I looked at the ceiling when I leaned back on the chair as they caught me through my barrier, so I decided to tell them.

"Yes" I respond and they all looked at me curious

"Is there something going in with her? Is she doing something to my brother?" Taewha asks worriedly and Jungkook shook his head

"Then what's the matter Kook?" Jeongguk asks me

"I don't know, but the way she looks at Taehyung when she checks up on him is-- strange" I said

"How strange?" Namjoon asks

"When she checks up on Tae and he scurries away and hides in my arms, I notice how Dr. Kim's eyes become glossy as she sighs, and a shaky one at that, sometimes it's a sad sigh" I said

"Did you ask Hera if she knows anything?" Taewha asks me and I nodded

"But she said that she also has no information about her, that she and Dr. Kim met in a hospital" I answered

"Did she also say anything else?" Jin asks and I shook my head

"Nothing, other than her name, age and some classic introductions-- nothing" I said

"Well then, either Dr. Kim is a member of a mafia that we still aren't aware of that is sent to spy on us, or that she is an undercover one" Yoongi says and I hummed

"Do not fret, I am neither of them"

We all turned around when we saw Dr. Kim walking down the staircase with Hera behind her.

"How can we be sure that you aren't using Hera to betray us?" Hoseok asks as he aims his gun at her

"Believe me when I say that I have met Taehyung in my past years, he reminds me of my son that I have lost when I gave birth to him" Dr. Kim says with a steady voice the turned to me

"Now if you excuse me, I must leave, Taehyung is asleep, you have to be there by his side so he won't have another attack" Dr. Kim says

After saying those words Dr. Kim walks towards the doors after giving a nod to me, while Hera smiled at us and then followed her.

After they left, I went upstairs to go to Tae and when I got to my room, I smiled softly when I saw Tae drowning in my hoodie as he snuggles up to my pillow.

I softly closed the door and took off my shirt and decided to lie down beside Tae, he snuggled up to me and then whimpered, I softly caressed his hair and he sighed in relief.

While I smiled and kissed his forehead and decided to go to bed, with one question on my mind.

Who are you Kim Taehrin...?


Hey Fam!!

Sorry for not updating recently, because... I decided to watch "The Untamed" since it keeps popping out in my Netflix account, so yeah...

I'm already on Episode 29...

But hope you like the chapter!

Take care!

I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now