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I quickly pushed the button by the bed to signal the nurses and doctors to come in Taehyung's room as the heart monitor continues to beep loudly in the VIP room.

"MOMMY?! MOMMY!! PLEASE!!" Yeonjun cries as he kept on patting Taehyung's face

"Yeonjun le-"

"NO!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! GET ME UNCLE BAEKHYUN!!!" Yeonjun cries and I took my phone out and dialed a number

"Hello? Kook?" I heard Namjoon's voice from the other line

"Namjoon!! You have to tell Baekhyun to get to the hospital, something's happening to Taehyung!!" I yelled

"Ok, ok!! We'll be there!!" Namjoon responds

I quickly end the call and the door was harshly opened as a doctor and nurses came in quickly and rushed towards Taehyung.

"What happened?" The doctor asked me

"I-I don't know, I-I was about to leave u-until i-it happened" I said and he nodded and checked Taehyung, well, trying to


"Son we can't be able to check and save your mommy if you prevent us from doing it" the doctor says

"I don't care!! I heard some doctors can't save all of people's lives!! What if it happened with my mommy?" Yeonjun asks in a weak and broken voice

My, the doctor and all of the nurses' eyes all widen at what Yeonjun says, it was quiet again and Taehyung's condition started to worsen, so I stepped forward, decided to talk to Yeonjun.

"Yeonjun, please... let them check on your mommy, because if they don't, his condition will worsen" I said in a pleading voice

Yeonjun glanced at me and then at Taehyung then back at the doctor and nurses, and then sighed as he turned to me, with tears in his eyes.

"Please don't let them let my mommy die..." Yeonjun brokenly says and I also teared up

"Please uncle Kook... don't let them let my mommy die..." Yeonjun says and I took him in my arms and looked at the doctor, he smiled and nodded

"We promise, we won't let anything happen to him..." the doctor said

I nodded and sat on the couch with Yeonjun in my arms, his face hidden in the crook of my neck as I watched them check on Taehyung. Soon Baekhyun came in with tears in his eyes as he looked at the doctor and nurses surrounding Taehyung.

"W-what happened Jungkook?" He asked me shakily

"I-I don't know..." I whispered and he sniffled

"Give me Yeonjun" he said

I obeyed and gave him the child as they left the room, while I decided to stay in the room, I didn't even know that I fell asleep until someone shook me awake, and that being Jimin.

"Jimin?" I asked and he smiled a small one

"Hey, you've been asleep for 4 hours" he said and I just nodded, I looked around and saw Yeonjun on the bed beside Taehyung

"W-where's Baekhyun?" I asked

"He has business to attend to" he said and I nodded

"What did the doctors say about him?" I asked as I stared at Taehyung

"It's nothing serious, but the doctor said that something triggered in his mind that made his heart unstable and beat erratically like that" Jimin says and I nodded

"And that something is YOU mr. Jeon Jungkook" Yeonjun says

"What...?" I asked

"Just because I let you take me in your arms and comfort me does not mean that I forgive you for what you did to my mommy..." Yeonjun says

I looked away in disappointment with myself and clenched my fists as I felt anger creeping up on me as I'm angry at myself. I looked back at Yeonjun who has his head on Taehyung's chest, he must've fallen asleep, I thought, I stared at Yeonjun's tear stained cheeks as he snuggled up Taehyung. Taehyung... I said in my mind, I stared at his face and he looks so beautiful, even if he's pale and under the oxygen mask.

"Jungkook?" Jimin called out and I cried once again

"I'm so so sorry Jimin hyung..." I weakly say

I ran out of the room and out of the hospital and got into my car, I quickly started the engine and drove off towards the place where I know someone will be able to help me, I knocked on the door and it opened, revealing the person I was not expecting to see again.

"Jungkook?" He said

"Father" I mumbled and he looked at me worriedly

"Are you ok?" He asked me as he led me inside his house

"N-no, I'm not..." I brokenly say

"Why? What happened?" He asked me as we sat on the couch

"I-I got Taehyung into an accident..." I say and he had wide eyes

"What?!" He says but I only remained silent

"Is about that night where he saved you and the others?" He asked me and I nodded

I cried silently and heard him sigh, meaning that I upset and disappointed him.

"Son, I know it's not my place to say this but..." He paused and I looked at him

"What is it father?" I asked him and my eyes started foaming tears again to what he said

"How about you let him go son..."


Hey Fam!!

Sorry for this heart breaking chapter...

But, do you think that Jungkook should let go of Taehyung even if he still loves and regrets doing those things to him?

Give your opinion, and please choose a new character:

a. Do Jihan

b. Park Hyunsik

c. Cho Yoonwoo

Take care!

I love you!


Author-nim, over 'n out!!

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