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So this chapter is Taehyung's flashback and what happened to him through out those 3 years... and how he had a son and met Irene, but if Exo or anything related to the mafia and him becoming an assassin is mentioned... he didn't told that to Jungkook and Jimin... just for you guys to know what he has been through... enjoy!


6 days when Taehyung came back to his family's mansion... he has locked himself up in his room... Jungkook along with the others came to their mansion and asked about his whereabouts and told everything that had happened, which made Taehyung's family furious and lied about Taehyung not being inside the mansion...

Taehyung's father knows about the Bangtan Mafia that Jungkook is leading because it's where he saved his wife from... he was also a member of it, but got kicked out when he disobeyed Jungkook's father's orders... which led him to change throughout the years... then he at first didn't trust Jungkook for courting his youngest son... but seeing the love in his eyes made him approve of it... but his trust has been broken... because his son has fallen into the cruelty of love... then the time came where Taehyung and the Exo Mafia left Korea for America...

After they have arrived at America, they all stumbled upon the penthouse that Kim Daehyun has bought for them, and a condominium for Taehyung as he wanted to be alone... once Taehyung entered his condominium and placed his luggages in his room, he broke down and let everything out...

He hasn't moved from his place when he got to his condominium for a whole week... starving himself and not even sleeping... afraid that if he closed his eyes, Jungkook's face would appear and he would have to wail again... Baekhyun and the rest came to know about this and helped him out through the days to get him out of his misery...

He got into a private university called Scorpio University and got taught there and met his first friend named Irene... after the semester has passed, he graduated to become a businessman... then he got trained by his brother's mafia until he has succeeded to become an assassin and named himself V...
"But... w-what about your son?" Jungkook asks

"I'm already at that part..." Taehyung says coldly as he looks at his son for some time

Taehyung was on his way back to his condominium, until he heard cries in an alleyway... and him being a curious person, went in... he followed the cries until he gasped and almost threw up when he saw a dead body on the ground... but his eyes went wide and tears formed in them when he saw a crying baby that was in the box behind the lying corpse... he went over the corpse and took the child and panicked once it was freezing and was hungry and had small scars on its body...

Taehyung sobbed softly as he held the child close to him and left the alleyway and decided to get to his brother's penthouse... once he saw the sight of the penthouse he ran quickly and barged in the house, startling his friends and his brother and cousin who was looking at him with worry...


"Jongdae hyung! Please bring the first aid kit and a basin with warm water and a wet cloth, Tao hyung! Please buy me some baby clothes, Kyungsoo hyung! Please find everything you can about this child, now! Please!" Taehyung pleads and the mentioned males did what they're told

"Taehyung! What is going on?!" Baekhyun asks his brother

"H-hyung, I found a baby in the alleyway behind a corpse! I-I need to save it" Taehyung says with tears in his eyes

Baekhyun and the others were shocked about this and helped Taehyung... Tao and Jongdae returned with the things and Taehyung cleansed and healed the child's wounds and put some clothes on him as Luhan gave him a baby bottle with fresh warm milk as Kyungsoo came down...

"H-hyung?" Taehyung calls

"I did a DNA test on this child and it's a boy... and on what I saw on its medical records... it's been born when we came here... and its parents are..." Kyungsoo stopped and Taehyung looked at him

"W-what's wrong with him hyung?" Taehyung asked

"You, Luhan and Baekhyun are not gonna like this..." Kyungsoo says as he looks at the Kim family with pity

"Just tell us Kyungsoo!" Baekhyun says

"It's Taeyeon and Ethan's son, and he's only 3 years old..." Kyungsoo says

The three froze at the mention of their only female Kim family member... who went to America with her husband... but they found out that he was torturing her and killed her... but they never found the body and Taehyung started crying, once he remembered the corpse he found in the alleyway and began shaking in fear...

"S-so the corpse I found in the a-alleyway i-is..." Taehyung says and Kyungsoo nods

"Is Taeyeon's..." Kyungsoo finishes and the three Kims broke down

Chanyeol held his husband as Luhan was held by his boyfriend... while Taehyung was being hugged by his best friend Bogum, who was crying silently... because he fell in love with Kim Taeyeon... but he never got the chance to tell her... Taehyung looked up when he heard his nephew's cries and took him from Kris's arms and held him close as the child sniffled and snuggled his face in his chest... Baekhyun, Luhan and Taehyung stopped sobbing and their sniffles can only be heard...

"What are you gonna do with the child Tae?" Sehun asks and Taehyung looks at the child and then at them

"I'll take care of him and raise him as my own" Taehyung says and looks at Kyungsoo who got the message

"I'll ready his birth certificate as Taeyeon and Ethan never gave him a name... so Taehyung, what's his name?" Kyungsoo asks

"Yeonjun..." Taehyung says and looks at the child in his arms

"Kim Yeonjun..." Taehyung says again

Taehyung took care of his son with also the help of Irene who came to know about it... while Taehyung trained and is now a CEO of his own company and a well-trained assassin, but he always has time for his son... they went back to Korea for Yeonjun's 6th birthday party... and once Daehyun came to know about Yeonjun, he was also heartbroken but happy as his youngest son took responsibility of his new life... but Taehyung... still thinks about Jungkook, but he still wished for vengeance for breaking his heart... but he could never hurt him physically... but he wants to hurt him some way... and once he came to his office for a collaboration... he found out he got hurt...

Once he saw his son Yeonjun...

Heyy guys!
So this is Taehyung's past!
And how he had Yeonjun...
And REMEMBER!! Taehyung didn't mentioned on how he became an assassin and mentioned the Exo Mafia!!
I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

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