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"I'm sorry... what?" I asked them

"Kim Namjoon from the Bangtan Mafia is still continuing hacking into our systems just to figure out Exo Mafia leader's identity and as well of who is underneath the fox mask with the code name V... with the help of the Got7 Mafia" Jisung says with a serious voice

"Seriously?! When will they ever learn?!" Taemin yells in frustration

"Calm down Taemin, remember, a Deadly Ethereal never yells... but it is quite disappointing that they still didn't listen to my warnings... Jisung, try another warning that'll make sure that they'll never mess with us again... and if not, tell them I'll go to their place and won't hesitate to do something to their men" I said and they all nodded

"Alright, any other information?" I asked and Mark nodded

"A new target that was assigned by Kyungsoo hyung" Mark says and he pushed a folder towards me

I took the folder and opened it and then started to read the information...

"James Pines... a client who betrayed my brother..." I read then placed the folder back on the table and placed both of my elbows on the table and looked at the others

"Do you guys have any missions?" I asked them and they all nodded

"Well... I'll ask Eunwoo to come with me, you are all dismissed" I said and they all stood up and left

If you are wondering who Eunwoo is... he's my original hacker before I met the other Deadly Ethereals... but I only call him sometimes since he has his own family... his husband Cha Sanha and their little boy Cha Sanwoo, who is 7 years old now... and I also allowed him to stay at headquarters for safety... I took out my phone and dialed my friend...

"Hello... Tae?" I heard him from the other side

"Hey EC..." I said with serious voice

"I know that voice... target's name?" He asked and I smirked

"James Pines" I said and he hummed in response

"Got it... what time?" He asked me

"Quarter to midnight... think you can tell San?" I asked him as I remembered Sanha always gets worried for him

"Yeah... I'll tell him" he says with a sigh

"Alright... see you later" I said

"Yeah, yeah... see you later" he said and I ended the call

I put my phone on the table as I slumped back in my chair and then sighed as I massaged my temple... ugh! Jungkook and his mafia! They always get into our system... but not enough for their hacker, Kim Namjoon to get through... I closed my eyes then I heard the door open but I'm to lazy to open my eyes...

"Mommy?" I opened my eyes as I saw Yeonjun on my lap with Jungkook behind him, sitting on the chair beside mine

"Junnie... I thought I told you that I'm not a mommy..." I said with furrowed eyebrows and he pouted and shook his head

"But you're too butiful to be a daddy!" He whined with a pout and I laughed at his pronounciation

"Ok ok... but Junnie, it's beautiful... not butiful" I said and he tilted his head like a little puppy in confusion

"Butiful" he says

"Beautiful" I said

"Butiful!" He said and I laughed at him and smiled at him

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now