Author's Note

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So hey...
Gonna be taking hiatus I think, cause-

That's just the third subject, I'm still not finished, only 6 more to go! And gonna have to submit our module next week, without the teachers from our school teaching us.

My teacher from my school are lazy and selfish, they let my parents pay for the activity books and just lets all of the students rewrite them again, like how I'm doing right now.

So that means that my hand gets cramps and goes stiff, parents are actually pissed once the staffs from the school ignore their question about why should the students rewrite the whole activity book.

My family is also pissed off when the teachers enjoy and do nothing while the students do all the hardwork.

I know life isn't fair, but do they really need to make the students get injured arms and hands just to pass?

Why can't I and my other fellow students just answer on the activity book? You're making lives hard because of that!

Sorry for that, my feelings, stress and tiredness is just showing, I haven't got a good night sleep, just school work, school work, school work and school work.

But, even though I get hand pain, I'll still finish writing just to try and update for you Fam!

Take care and be safe everyone!
I purple you!
I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

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