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I woke up to someone shaking me and opened my eyes and saw my youngest son, Vlad, I smiled softly then squinted my eyes to the bright light but got up and ruffled my bed hair and then looked again at Vlad.

"Morning my Baby Bunny" I yawned and he smiled his bunny smile at me

"Morning Eomma" he greeted

"Are your brothers and Dad downstairs?" I asked

"Dad left for work, saying he'll be here when we go to the airport, Bear is downstairs with Fennec hyung who is making waffles" Vlad says and I nodded

"Ok. did you pack your things already Baby Bun?" I asked and he nodded with a hum

"Is something wrong Bun?" I asked him worried

"Will I see Appa there?" He asked me with hopeful eyes and I looked away as I bit my lip

"You still haven't talked to him yet, right?" He asked me and I looked at him with tears in my eyes

"I-I'm sorry Vlad, I-I still can't talk to him" I stuttered and he sat next to me on the bed and hugged me while I sniffled

"It's ok Eomma, I understand, please don't cry" he said in a whisper and then he pulled away from me

He smiled at me and stood up, I bit my lip as he was about to leave the room.

"Vlad" I softly called out and he looked at me as he opened the door

"I'll talk to your Appa so you can meet him, would you like that?" I asked him and he looked at me worriedly

"Are you sure Eomma? Cause last time when you called uncle Jimin that you wanted to talk to Appa-"

"I'll do it because you do need to meet him Vlad, I can't just keep you to myself right?" I asked with a giggle and he did the same

I stood up and opened my arms as he ran into me and hugged me back, then he pulled away and kissed my cheek as he left the room, my smile went down as I grabbed my phone, and decided to message Jeongguk.



I sent and waited for his reply which was fast.

Yes Doll?

Vlad came up to me and asked me something...

Let me guess, he wants to talk to my brother?


Well we can't stop the kid for asking for his real father when we told him that he, Vante and Yeonjun have two fathers Taehyungie

I sighed on what Jeongguk said was right.

You're right Ggukie, so I told him that I'll call Jungkook...

Seen at 8:02 am

And I got nervous when he just seen my message and calmed down when he replied.

It's ok for me Tae, you know that, but are you sure you can talk to him?

I don't know Ggukie, but I'll try, for my Baby Bunny...

Ok Doll, I believe in you, now go call him, I'll just finish some things with the gang and come home before we all leave to the airport, ok?

Ok Ggukie, see you then

See you Doll, I love you❤

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now