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After Jungkook and Taehyung danced, they started to talk about their collaboration and their forming alliance. Taehyung tried to calm his beating heart as he once again looks into the eyes of the man he used and STILL love, while Jungkook felt a sense of familiarity with the masked powerful mafia leader in Korea.

Shoto and Jisung remained by Taehyung's side, they couldn't help but secretly smile whenever they see their leader laugh along with Jungkook whenever the Bangtan Leader says some light jokes to create a small friendship between him and V to strengthen their alliance and bond, but Shoto and Jisung's hearts also broke whenever they remember the reason on why Taehyung never wanted to approach Jungkook again.

Grunts and groans of pain were heard in the corridors before two men wearing suits, communicators and sunglasses emerged and walked towards a specific room, and the source of the noises? Bleeding to death as they were hidden from the camera's view. The two suspicious men tried not to be suspicious as they also avoided some of the cameras when they knocked on a door, the two heard a 'Coming' before the door was opened slightly.

"Can I help yo—wait a minute, aren't you guys supposed t-GAH!!" The one who opened the door exclaimed in pain as one of the men shot him in the arm

The door was suddenly slammed close as the man who was shot ran towards the male as he protected two children who cowered in fear, when they heard harsh knocking that was followed by banging as the me tried to open the door.

"Hajime? What's going o— your arm!" The male exclaimed but his hand was grabbed by Hajime

"No, take the kids and get out of here! Find Jisoo and the others, I'll distract them while you guys make your escape" Hajime says as he took out his gun

"What?! No! I'm not leaving you here!" Tooru exclaims as tears started building in his eyes

"Tooru, listen to me— we have to ensure Jinsoo and Yeonjun's safety first, I'll find you as soon as I deal with these bastards" Hajime says

Tooru nods before taking the emergency bag of the kids as he wore one of Suna's gadgets before carrying Jinsoo and holding Yeonjun's hand as they made their way to the escape route. Hajime watched as they escaped before wearing the same gadget then signaling the others on the gadget— he glared at the men who broke through the door before he started to fight them.

Meanwhile with Tooru, he continued to escape with the children in his arms as he was getting chased by the accomplices of the men before, luckily the gadget was protecting them and started to taste the men behind as Tooru contacted Hades, and after a few rings, he picked up.

"Tooru?" The voice called out

"HADES-SAMA!" Tooru called out, panting as he continued to run

"What's going on?" Hades asked, more alert as he heard yelling on Tooru's side

"Someone broke into V-nii's room and must've tried to kidnap the kids!" Tooru explains

"WHAT?!" Hades exclaimed, getting himself ready to fight

"Yes! Some of the men are after me" Tooru says as made a left

"Ok, contact the others— I'll go and tell Taehyung" Hades says as he got ready to go to Taehyung

"Wait! He's still with Jeon! He'll recognize you and call you a traitor!" Tooru says

"I'd rather be called a traitor, then let my nephew and godchild get kidnapped and used as a trading card for Taehyung, Tooru" Hades coldly says, "now, contact the others" he continues before ending the call and going out his room to tell Taehyung

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now