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After Taewha, Taehyung's half-twin told us about his past and about the group that took Tae, he took something from his pocket and looked at us with a serious expression on his face.

"Where's your conference room?" He asked with a serious voice

"Why can't you just tell it to us right here?" Jeongguk asks and Taewha looks at him with a 'are you serious?' face

"Well, would you allow anyone to eavesdrop on what I'm all about to tell you? No, no you won't" Taewha sasses and Jeongguk glares at him while I snickered and faked a cough to hide it

"Then follow us" I said

We all walked into the conference room, and Taewha closed the doors and locked it, then looked at all of us with a dark and serious expression on his face, he took something from his pocket, and it looked like a device where you see it from an Iron Man movie.

"Alright, so what I'm about to show all of you, will also give you many information, hiding places hidden passage ways and routes all over the world, but mostly in North and South America, Taehyung already knows all of this so-- can I trust with all of you to keep it a secret and swear that whatever I'm all about to show you stays inside this room?" Taewha asks all of us and we all nodded

"Good" he said, then he took out his gun and aimed it at the window and fired it

We all had wide eyes when a body broke the windows from the fall, and Taewha ran towards it, and hovered over it and then aimed his gun at the masked person.

"Who sent you here?" Taewha asks in a deep voice then he removed the person's mask

"P-please-- s-spare my l-life" the man whimpers in pain and fear and Taewha clicks his tongue

"Not the answer I was looking for, so let me repeat it-- WHO SENT YOU HERE?!" Taewha yells out

The man just whimpered again and Taewha sighed annoyed and looked at us.

"Please get out, only Baekhyun hyung and Luhan hyung can stay, I'll tell you all about the Vander Mafia after I spit all of the answers from this idiot's filthy mouth, now out! Shoo!" Taewha says

We took that as our cue and left the room, and walked back to the living room, I felt someone breathe heavily behind me, so I turned around and smirked as I saw Jeongguk staring at Taewha without even blinking.

"You good bro?" I asked in a teasing way and he looked at me

"Well yes, I am good, and very much enjoying the show" he says and I laugh

"Do you like him?" I asked and he blushed and turned away

"Are you-- blushing?" I asked and he faked a cough and I smirked again

"So you do like him?" I teased and he glared at me

"I mean, who can't? When he's so beautiful but so sexy and insane, it's almost like we're meant for each other Kook" he truthfully says and I laugh again

"Are we good now?" He asked and I looked at him and smiled

"Of course we are Gguk" I say and he smiled back at me and placed his arm around my shoulder as I did the same

"Can't believe we fell in love with twins" I say and heard him laugh this time

"But to be honest, but are beautiful, hot, sexy-"

"Taehyung is smart, caring, and those three things while Taewha is.." I paused

"A mystery that I want to solve" Jeongguk answers

"Since when did you become a cheesy fucker?" I asked and he removed his arm around me and punched me as I laughed at him

"Ok, ok, I'll stop now" I said

We all arrived at the living room and sat down on the couch as we waited for Taewha, BAekhyun hyung, and Luhan hyung to finish off the man, we heard screams of pain and pleads fromtrhe conference room, as well as Taewha's angry deep voice and I felt Jeongguk shiver from beside me and I looked at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked and he looked at me

"When me and Taewha get into a relationship, please remind me to never, and I mean NEVER make him angry" he says

"Gguk, what about me?! Do you even know what I went through when I accidentally made Taehyung mad?!" I asked

"No-- tell me" he says and I gulped

"He almost gave me a black eye and didn't talk to me for 2 weeks" I said with fear in my voice and heard Jeongguk laugh from beside me and I glared at him

"I'm serious! And it was torture to not hear his voice for whole 2 weeks!!" I exclaimed

"Well, I've been in worse situations with Taehyung" Jeongguk says and I looked at him

"Oh yeah? What?" I asked

"Been puked on by Taehyung every night when he was pregnant with the twins" Jeongguk says and his eyes widen at the realization on what he said then looked at me

"K-Kook I am so so-"

"Don't be Gguk, it's not like that me and Taehyung will ever get back together again" I sadly say

"But Jungko-"

Jeongguk was cut off when he heard a loud bang throughout the living room along with a man's shout, and then it went quiet, soon we all turned our heads when he heard foot steps and saw Baekhyun and Luhan there, with Taewha following them, his clothes splattered with the man's blood.

"Did he say something?" Namjoon asks

"We got their coordinates"


Hey Fam!!

I'm back~!!

Chapter 37 will be soon!!

So stay tuned!!

Take care!!

I love you!!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now