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After Baekhyun and his husband came to drop off Yeonjun at Taehyung's company... the child was very excited in resulting for many employees to fall for his cuteness... but the child was very shy... Tzuyu was waiting for him and sent him up to her boss... Yeonjun jumped towards his father's office and opened the door widely, and his smile brightened once he saw Jungkook...

"Daddy!!" Yeonjun yells as he runs towards his father and clinged onto him

Meanwhile the two adults both cooed and laughed at the child's actions...

"Hi Junnie! Were you good at your uncles' place?" Taehyung asked my son

"Yes dada!!" Yeonjun says as he nods happily

"Why don't you greet uncle Kook?" Taehyung asked as he walked over to Jungkook and Yeonjun waved happily

"Uncle Kook!" Yeonjun smiled as his father sat him on Jungkook's lap

"Hello Jun" Jungkook greets with a smile

Taehyung smiles at their cute interaction... then answers the intercom that has been ringing on his desk...

"Yes?" Taehyung asks

"Sir, you have a meeting in 5 minutes" Tzuyu says from the other line

"Alright, are the copies of the presentation done?" He asks her again

"Yes mr. Kim" Tzuyu answers

"Alright, I'm on my way" he says and took his coat off the racket and walked towards the door

"Jungkook, please help yourselves for some food in the kitchen, Junnie knows where it is... I have a meeting, Junnie! Be good for Jungkook ok?" Taehyung says as he looks at the two

"Yes daddy!!" Yeonjun says nodding cutely and Jungkook only nods

"I'll see you guys before, during or after lunch" Taehyung says as he opens and steps out of his office then closes the door


Wow... Tae's gotten pretty serious and hard-working... guess Yeonjun's his inspiration... but wait a minute... I clearly remembered what Tzuyu told me earlier that Yeonjun isn't his only inspiration and that it's for his special someone... meh... Tae's single! And I wouldn't even allow anyone to court him because he's only mine! I thought...

"Uncle Kook?" I looked at Yeonjun as he called me

"Yes?" I asked him

"I'm worried for mommy..." he says and I furrowed my eyebrows mommy?

"Uhh... Jun, who's your mommy?" I asked him

"Oh! Dada is mommy! But he doesn't want to be called that... because he's a guy, but he's to pretty to be a dada... but insisted until he finds me another dad!" Yeonjun says and my eyes widen at what he said finds him another dad?!

"Do you even want to have another mommy or dad?" I asked him and he shook his head

"No! I don't want anyone... only my dada, grandpa and uncles and mommy!" He says and I remembered a woman who he calls 'mommy'

"Yeonjunnie... who is your other mommy, who is 'Irene'?" I asked him

"Oh! He's daddy's friend! She's married to uncle Gummie!" He says and I grew confused

"Gummie?" I repeated

"Uncle Bogum" he says and I nodded and he rubbed his stomach and then pouted while I chuckled

"Are you hungry baby?" I asked him and he nodded his head cutely

I carried him as I walked towards the kitchen with him giving the directions... and wow... this place is a spacious...

I felt a tug on my pants and saw Yeonjun looking at me with puppy eyes that somehow reminded me of Tae

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I felt a tug on my pants and saw Yeonjun looking at me with puppy eyes that somehow reminded me of Tae... actually, Yeonjun does look like Tae a little bit... but I shook my head and lifted him up onto one of the stools...

"What do you want little one?" I asked him as I looked into the fridge for food

"Me want strawberry milk!" Yeonjun says and I chuckled

"Alright, strawberry milk it is, and for lunch?" I asked him as I gave him his milk

"Japchae please!" He said with a bright smile

"Alright, japchae for lunch it is!" I said as I started getting some ingredients for the japchae


After the meeting, I slumped in my chair as I watched Jungkook and my son through the camera in the kitchen in my office... I placed that there in case Yeonjun goes there by himself so I have to call Tzuyu or one of my trusted employees...

I stared at Jungkook and Yeonjun for too long that I didn't notice Tzuyu calling me...

"Yah! Kim Taehyung!" She called out

"What?" I asked and she looked at my computer screen with a smirk on her face

"Ooh~ so you're watching your baby and future husband? Aren't you warming up~" she teased while I rolled my eyes

"Whatever Tzu..." I said as I rubbed my temple

"There's someone that wants to talk to you..." she says again, more serious and I straightened my posture

"Who is it?" I asked now focused

"Mark Tuan and Han Jisung" she says and I nodded

"Let them in" I said and she nodded and left me alone

I changed the theme of my laptop into the small mafia group that helps Exo... we called ourselves, the Deadly Ethereals, and yes... we are five... with the members consisting of, Mark Tuan; the assassin from the Got7 mafia, Han Jisung; the hacker from the Stray Kids mafia, Lee Taemin; the weaponsman from the Shinee mafia, Kim Jisoo; the seducer from the Blackpink Mafia... and me, Kim Taehyung; the stealthiest assassin and unmatchable hacker from the Exo mafia and being the leader of the small group...

My members were still apart of their own mafias, but since they've been going on with problems... they decided to be on 2 groups... I looked up once I heard the door open and they all entered...

"What is it that you want to tell me?" I asked them as they all sat down

"The Bangtan Mafia is still continuing hacking our systems to figure out who Baekhyun is... and who V is"

So... sorry for the slow update...
Take care!
I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

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