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I was playing with Yeonjun, until my phone rang, notifying me that someone messaged me, so I took my phone and saw that it was from an unknown number.


You really aren't listening to me huh Jeon Jungkook.

You even had the audacity to block and ignore all of my warnings.

So be ready to face your consequences.

But if you don't want to, then you better follow my instructions.

What's it gonna be?

You courting your ex to win him back?

Or your friend's safety?

Tick tock Jeon Jungkook, the clock is ticking.

I felt sweat on my forehead from reading those messages and thought about it, if I distanced myself from Tae, I'll be able to save Jimin and keep him safe.

But, Tae will be broken again and we'll have issues again that I'll never really win him back! What should I do?! I have to tell Namjoon and the others about this, there's no reason for me to hide it from them.

Agreeing with my thoughts, I continued to play with Yeonjun, to distract myself.

"Uncle Kook?" I heard Yeonjun call out for me so I hummed in response

"Does mommy know about you being scared about your phone?" He asks me and I widen my eyes at what he said

"Of course not Junnie" I said

"But you're almost as white as uncle Yoon" he says again and I sighed

"Just... don't tell your mom ok?" I asked and he nodded hesitantly

We started playing again then soon, Taehyung came back with his blazer on his arm and his phone by his ear as he spoke with the person on the other side of the line, soon, he ended the call and plopped down onto my couch as he threw his blazer beside him, I stood up from the floor and sat beside him.

"Rough meeting?" I asked him and he nodded

"Wanna tell me about it?" I asked him and he sighed

"No, it's classified Koo" he softly said

"Alright" I said and looked at my wrist watch

"Umm, Tae?" I called out and he hummed in response

"I have to head back home, I need to discuss some things with the group" I said, in a white lie, hoping he would believe me

"Alright, just be careful on your way back... especially after X" he said and I smiled and nodded

"Junnie, baby, say goodbye to uncle Kook, he's going home now" Tae said and Yeonjun hopped onto my lap and looked at me

"Bye  bye uncle Kook! See you tomorrow!" Yeonjun bid and I smiled and ruffled his hair while he giggled

"See you tomorrow too kiddo" I bid and he hopped down onto my lap

I turned to Tae after Yeonjun returned to watching his ipod, while Tae stared at him while I stared at Tae, I don't know what came over me that I pulled Tae onto my lap while he stared at me, shock with his puppy eyes and a pink blush on his cheeks.

"K-Kookie?! W-What's the big idea?! Junnie's here!" He squeaked while I just chuckled

"Well he's not looking for me to do this" I said as I closed my eyes and kissed him while he gasped

I kissed him softly but deep, and soon he started kissing me back as he circled his arms around my neck, I settled my hands on his slim waist while he straddled me, our lips moving sensually, we soon pulled away and Tae squeaked a cute 'meep' as he hid his face in the crook of my neck while I just laughed at his cuteness.

"You're still shy after kissing me huh?" I teased him and he whined

"Kookie!!" He whined and I laughed again

"But seriously, I need to get going Tae baby" I said

And he stood up and sat back down beside me with a pout on his face, I chuckled but soon pecked his forehead then lips and smiled at him while he smiled back at me with pink cheeks.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said

"See you tomorrow too Koo" he said

I pecked his lips once again and left the office, on my way towards the mansion, where I messaged Namjoon about a meeting about the person 'X'.

I soon arrived at the mansion and got out of my car as the guards took it and parked it in the garage while I entered the mansion and straight upstairs and into the private meeting room, where Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin are, so I sat down onto my swivel chair and looked at them.

"Where's Jin and Ami?" I asked them

"Ami needs to rest while Jin's watching over her" Jimin says and I nodded

"What's going on Kook? Did something happen?" Namjoon asked and I nodded

"Yes, it seems like that someone wants me gone just to get Taehyung, under the code name X" I said and their eyes all widened

"What?!" Hoseok asks socked while I just sighed and nodded

"Do you know who it is?" Yoongi asks and I shrugged

"Taehyung says that it must be a girl named Ryunara Matsuo from Tokyo, Japan that is obsessed over Tae" I said

"Did it send you some threats? Letters? Death notes or messages?" Namjoon asks me and I nodded

"I received a letter months back, then kept receiving messages now" I said

"What did she say?" Namjoon asks

"That she will start harming Jimin if I didn't listen to her" I said and Jimin gasped while Yoongi pulled him closer to him


They all looked at the door once they heard a loud explosion and the alarms of the mansion, set, Hoseok and Namjoon ran out of the meeting room to get to their lovers while Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook ran to go get some weapons.

They all gathered in Ami's room where Jimin screamed when he saw Ami, Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon unconscious, soon he and Yoongi were knocked out cold as well and Jungkook was the only one left standing conscious and kept a cold face to protect his friends, not knowing that he'll get hit in the back of the head with something cold and hard.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... Jeon Jungkook, why do you never listen to me? So now, I hit the jackpot in killing you and your friends!" The voice said with a crazy laugh


Me and Yeonjun were back at our home, and Eunwoo decided to stay with his husband Sanha and their child, Sanwoo, me and Eunwoo were in my office while Sanha stayed with the kids, soon I got a call from Jisung and answered it.

"Jisung? What's-"

"V! She has them!" Jisung says and I looked at him confused

"What are you talking abou-"

"Ryunara Matsuo took Jungkook and the lead members of the Bangtan Mafia!"


Heyy Fam!!
New chapter!!
This is where the action starts!!
Take care!!
I love you!!

Author-nim, over 'n out!!

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