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To say that I was completely shook and hurt when that guy said that he has a boyfriend, but, Taehyung said that he never moved on from me? But, then again, I saw a ring on his finger the same as Tae's.

"Who's at the door Hyunsik?" I heard Bogum's voice from behind him

"It's Jeon Jungkook" the guy named Hyunsik says

"What are you doing here?" Bogum asks me coldly

"I-I wanted to see Taehyung again, and also apologize to Yeonjun" I said and he scoffed

"Yeonjun doesn't want to see as well, so you better leave?" Bogum says

"Please, I just want to see-"

"Who's at the door uncle Parks?" I hear Yeonjun ask

"It's just Jungkook Jun" Bogum says

"That guy again? I thought I told him that I never want to see him again?!" Yeonjun says

"Don't worry Jun! Your uncle Hyunsik will take care of him!!" Hyunsik says

"Thank you uncle Hyunsik!!" Yeonjun yells

"You go inside with Yeonjun Gum, I'll take care of him" Hyunsik says and Bogum nods

"I want to talk to you Jungkook, follow me" Hyunsik says as he starts walking while I just followed

We walked outside of the building and went to a cafe by the building, we both entered and sat down on the chairs as a waiter gave us menus.

"Bogum told me everything you did to Tae" Hyunsik starts and I fidgeted

"Y-yeah" I mumbled

"I know it's not in my place to tell you but, why did you say those things to him?" He asked me

"I-I, I don't know either, I-I guess it just slip out of my mouth" I said and he nodded

"I get it" he says and I looked at him confused

"What you said and did, I get it, my partner did the same thing with me, and now he's happy with his wife" Hyunsik says

"What exactly happened?" I asked

"I also found out that he cheated on me with his wife, then we worked things out, until he started acting harsh with me and we broke up and now he's happy, while I'm still sulking" he says sadly

"I'm sorry that happened to you" I said and he smiled

"That's in the past now, but let's get back to yours and Tae's" he says and I sighed

"I literally messed up everything, and now when he wakes up, he's gonna hate me" I said

"I don't think so" he says

"Huh?" I asked

"Like you said, those words you said to Tae just slipped out of your mouth, but you regretted it... listen Jungkook, sometimes, love, can make people crazy that it goes at a point that we hurt them with words or actions" Hyunsik says

"But there's always a way to make it right" he says again

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked him and he chuckled

"What else? Of course to win back Taehyung's heart!!" He exclaims and my eyes widen

"What?! But I thought that-"

"That me and Tae are in a relationship? Nah, I'm just kidding, I only see him as my little brother" Hyunsik says and I sighed in relief

"I guess that you really want Tae all to yourself huh?" He teased as I blushed

"Yeah, I'm possessive over him, I mean, have you seen those curves and looks?" Jungkook says and Hyunsik laughs

"You're a great guy Jungkook, but always be keen of you words, actions and more, for Tae, ok?" Hyunsik says and I nodded

"I promise Hyunsik hyung...

I'll make things right with Taehyung"


Hey Fam!!

Short chapter!


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I just watched this and cute TaeKook moments!! Jungkook looked after Tae to prevent him from falling! What a great boyfriend!!

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I just watched this and cute TaeKook moments!! Jungkook looked after Tae to prevent him from falling! What a great boyfriend!!

But anyways, Take care!

I love you!


Author-nim, over 'n out!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now