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After what happened with Jungkook, soon Taewha and Jeongguk arrived with Demeter and Hades and their eyes widen when they saw Taehyung in Jungkook's arms.

"Take him back to the mansion" Taewha orders and Hoseok nodded

"Him as well" Jungkook cuts in as he motions Zeus and Namjoon and Yoongi nodded

The three left with Jin and Jimin, so only the remaining ones were left.

"Demeter!!" Helios calls

As he ran towards Demeter and hugged her, even if she was covered in blood, both him and Taewha set Demeter down and Taewha looked at Hera and Poseidon.

"Where's Hestia?" Taewha decides to ask first and Hera looked down

"Was shot by Athena" Hera answered and Taewha gasped and teared up while Jeongguk held him

"W-why did you decide to help Taehyung?" Taewha asks and Hera looks down

"I-I.. I knew Taehyung's mother, as I was the nurse who helped the doctor to give life to you both" Hera explains and Taewha looks at her with wide eyes

"But why are you here? In the Vander Mafia?" Taewha asks again

"My lover, Zeus, or other known as Robert forced me to join, until we divorced when he found you, at first I wanted to kill you but seeing you again and what you went through made me see another side of you, so I wanted to help you-- until Taehyung was the one brought here, I decided to help him since he has saved my life in the past" Hera explains and Taewha nods

"We have to get back home" Jeongguk says

"But what about them?" Taewha asks him

"Don't worry Taewha, I'll let them stay at my place" Poseidon says and Taewha looks at him

"Thank you Poseidon, for protecting my brother" Taewha says as he bows his head and Poseidon chuckles

"Believe me Taewha, I should be the one thanking him" Poseidon says and Taewha looks at him

"He saved you too?" Taewha asks and Poseidon laughs at that

"No, he didn't save me, more like saved my daughter and helped me reunite with her" Poseidon says

"Taewha, Gguk-- we have to go" Jungkook cuts them off and the said couple looked at him then nodded

"Thank you again, Hera, Poseidon-- and I'll come visit soon Helios" Taewha says and they all nodded

The three walked off with Taehyung in Jungkook's arms, they Jeongguk decided to take Taewha's motorcycle home as Taewha wanted to hold his brother as Jungkook drives, and soon they got back to the Bangtan's Mansion, where Baekhyun and the Exo Mafia were waiting for them. Taewha got out first and Jeongguk held him after he parked his motorcycle and Baekhyun and Luhan ran to him with tears in their eyes.

"Did you get him?" Baekhyun shakily asks and Taewha nods

And right at that moment, Jungkook arrived with Taehyung in his arms, both Baekhyun and Luhan gasped as they ran to him and started to cry silently from so much worry and happiness on seeing Taehyung back.

"What happened?" Bogum asks him

"It changed to what I've planned with Demeter, but let's just say that there has been a change of heart, but where are the prisoners?" Taewha asks

"Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok brought them down to the basement" Bogum answers and Taewha nods

"Taehyung needs medical attention right now, so where are Ami and Minseok?" Taewha asks

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now