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After the chaos that happened, Uki and Fulgur called off their party but before all of the guests leave they erased their memories using one of Taehyung's men's gadget as Shoto has asked his boyfriends and friends that have an alliance with Taehyung beforehand, if they can erase the memories of the guests if they ever found out about V's identity, and they agreed knowing that it was for a good reason.

The only people who still has their memories, was Noctyx, Luxiem, Jimin, Hoseok who were called, Namjoon and Jungkook— Hoseok, Jimin and Namjoon all stared at their husband/fiancé with hurt in their eyes knowing that they also worked for Taehyung, while Jungkook just stared at the floor, so many things in his head that he wanted to say.

Uki and Fulgur suggested that they go to another room for privacy and they all agreed, Uki, Fulgur along with Shoto's boyfriends decided to stay with the Bangtan Mafia along with Jiaung, Shoto, Yoongi and Seokjin who were just sitting on the other side, the door then opened and they looked up to see Taehyung walking out with his head down.

"How're Tooru and Jisoo?" Shoto asks

"Badly wounded, Tooru hit his head and has a fractured arm and a sprained ankle while Jisoo just has some bruises" Taehyung says, his voice void of emotion, and Yoongi knew as he stood up and walked towards Taehyung


Before Yoongi can complete calling out the male's name, he collapsed and Yoongi caught him and before anyone can say a word Taehyung broke down, not caring that there other people with him aside from Yoongi and Shoto who has saw him break down before. Jimin also teared up, seeing how Taehyung broke down and he couldn't imagine what he would do himself if he also lost his kids, his hand went up to his tummy and rubbed it a little. While Jungkook just watched as the man that he still loves, but still in denial, breaks down while Shoto and Yoongi did their best to calm him down.

"Taehyung..." Yoongi softly calls

"THEY TOOK MY BABIES!" Taehyung cried out as he clutched onto Yoongi's sleeve, crying his heart out into the older's chest who comforted him

Yoongi, Jisung, Shoto and Seokjin stared to get worried when Taehyung started to cough while still crying, Yoongi and Shoto cursed when they found out that the male was hyperventilating— Seokjin then stepped forward with a syringe in hand and injected its contents into Taehyung, and a few seconds later the male passed out in Yoongi's arm.

After closing the door where Taehyung was, I looked up and was met by eyes filled with pain and betrayal and I sighed, knowing that I had no choice but to tell the truth— and trust me, I don't want to do that, but Taehyung told me to tell Jungkook and the others when they found out that I secretly work for Taehyung, and it was for a good reason too.

"Tell me the truth Min Yoongi" Jungkook says, his voice cold and I just nodded at him to continue

"Was it you and Seokjin who leaked our work to others? Were you the ones responsible were loosing our supplies?" He asks me and Seokjin, his eyes held anger and rage and I stared back at him with a blank expression

"Listen Jungkook, I may be a traitor— but I was a traitor for a good reason" I said and he just scoffed

"Good reason? Yeah right, what kind of good reason is it Min? That you were willing to hide so many things from your group!" He yelled at me and I sighed at him

"Taehyung never wanted to cheat on you" I said and he closed his mouth as his brows furrowed before looking away

"Well he did" he said

"Not intentionally Jungkook, Taehyung was drugged!" I exclaimed

"Yeah right he was— wait, what...?" Jungkook slowly says as he turns to look at me before his brows furrowed once more

"What do you mean he was drugged?" He asks me and the others were now so quiet and I sighed, knowing that Taehyung gave me permission to tell, it was so hard to just tell them, but I wanted Taehyung to be happy and Jungkook was the one who made him happy

Yoongi sighed and sat down, knowing that what he was about to tell Jungkook and the others, never ceased to make his knees weak and his heart break.

"After you left, one of Taehyung's men went up to check on him when he didn't wake up for 2 days— and after testing his blood, Akaashi found some traces of drugs in Taehyung and he confirmed that he was injected by it since there was a mark from a syringe on Taehyung's neck, but it wasn't just drugs that were injected into him..." Yoongi paused and made eye contact with Jungkook, "there were more traces of aphrodisiac than the drugs that were found in Taehyung's system" he finished and heard gasps from around him

"D-do you know who did it?" Yoongi heard Jimin ask and nodded

"Who?" Jungkook asked, his voice void of emotion

"The one who injected Taehyung with it, fucked him and the one you shot, was your older brother Jungkook" Yoongi says, his voice cold and everyone's eyes widened, even Seokjin

"J-Junghyun Hyung? W-why—"

"He was jealous of you Jungkook, and if you don't believe me" Yoongi takes out a voice recorder for, his pocket and threw it at the table after playing it, "listen to this" they all went silent as they listened

"You know what to do right?" A voice was heard

"Yeah, that beat won't know what hit him" Jungkook's eyes widen when he heard his brother's voice and flinched on how much hatred was laced in it

"Just remember to get that bitch pregnant, so you get him and I get your brother" the other voice says

"Yeah yeah! I'll get the job done" Junghyun says

"Make sure not to get caught Junghyun" the voice says before the recording finishes

They were all stunned after listening to the recorder, Jungkook felt tears prick his eyes as he didn't feel guilty for killing his brother— but felt guilty for not listening to the male he loves, who supported through his ups and downs, he shouldn't have doubted Taehyung and trusted him, knowing how much Taehyung trusted him whenever he hangs out with others.

"So you're saying that Junghyun is the father of Taehyung's kids?" Namjoon asked, and everyone was now curious as they looked at Yoongi who shook his head

"No, Junghyun was killed before he can even finish inside Taehyung" Yoongi says and everyone's eyes widen once more, even Seokjin before he turned to Jungkook

"If Jungkook killed Junghyun before he can finish inside Taehyung, then that means-" Seokjin says as he made eye contact with Yoongi who nodded and looked at Jungkook who's eyes widened once more when he got the message

"Yes, Kim Jinsoo or should I say Jeon Jinsoo is the biological son of Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook"

Eyyyyyyy! The reveal has come!
Did y'all expect that? Probably?
But what did you guys think?

Author-nim, over 'n out!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now