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After what happened in the conference room, I sent everyone home for their safety while I stayed back and dialed the Deadly Walkers, while I waited, I took a dagger  and spun it around on my fingers with ease and skills, until I heard the door open and saw Jisung, Bogum and the others come in, I gestured for them to sit down as they did while the others decided to just stand up.

"So what exactly happened V?" Jisoo asks me

"Like I said over the phone, I was in a meeting until the glass shattered as a bullet was aimed right towards me" I explained

"You said someone messaged you after you tried to find out who the person was?" Mark asks and I nodded

"Give me your phone" Jisung says and I slide my phone towards his direction

"You're lucky that this was a fake phone" He says and I smirked

"Why would I ever bring my real phone out?" I said and they laughed

"I'll try hacking into the anonymous number, but I'm going to need A6D's help" Jisung says and I nodded

"Thanks, that's all I needed to say to you guys, but also stay alert, and keep close eyes on my kids, I don't want them to get involved in any of this mess" I say with panic in my voice

"Don't worry Boss, we'll look after them" Tommy says and I nodded

"Thank you, you may leave now" I said

"What about you?" Bogum asks

"I still have another person coming in and we need to talk in private, you can all go home now" I said

They nodded and left, but as soon as they left, I heard the window opening then closing and footsteps were heard.

"Are you the one they're looking for?" I asked him with a caring voice and heard him sigh

"Yes..." He answers back and I looked at him worriedly

"I told you to call me if you need me, you know I'm worried about you KT" I said softly

He looked at me and I saw him biting his lower lip as his eyes were foamed with tears, I stood up from my swivel chair and went towards him and then hugged him tight, he started crying in my shoulder as I caressed his back and nape and started whispering our mother's lullaby.

"But you'll never be alone...

I'll be with you till dusk with dawn...

I'll be with you till dusk till dawn...

Baby I'm right here...

I'll hold you when things go wrong...

I'll be with you till dusk till dawn...

I'll be with you till dusk till dawn...

Baby I'm right here~"

I heard him sniffle as I finished the song, and then pulled away from him, I wiped the remaining tears and pecked his forehead while he just giggled and smiled at me while I smiled back, but soon he frowned and looked away and let out a sigh then looked back at me while I looked at him confused.

"What's wrong KT?" I asked him

"I heard that Robert's Mafia almost killed you earlier" he said and I sighed, knowing there's no point in hiding it from him

"Yes KT, he wants you to get back to him, but I won't let it happen to you" I said and he looked at me with wide eyes

"But what about you Tae! You have kids! I obviously can't let that happen to you" KT says

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now