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It was the next day after Vante and Vlad's birthday party, and what their wish made everyone have their mouths agape, especially Jungkook and Taehyung who has evident blushes on their faces.

Jungkook kept avoiding the topic while Taehyung kept it inside as both couldn't express what they were feeling, their twins caught on to their moods and decided to talk to them during breakfast, which made Taehyung and Taewha get into a heated argument as Taehyung kept pushing back the topic while Jungkook got hurt, thinking that Taehyung doesn't want to marry him.

After losing his appetite, Taehyung left the dining room to get to the garage to go work, leaving Taewha fuming in anger, Jeongguk with disappointment, and Jungkook with tears in his eyes and a broken heart.

While Taehyung drove towards his company with a numb feeling in his chest and body, he got out of his car as he walked into his company, leaving his car to the driver to park it in the VIP garage, he walked up to the elevator to his office, and then entered and sat in his chair.

He sighed as he leaned back against his swivel chair and pushed his hair back as he closed his eyes and bit his lower lip as tears started pooling in their eyes.

It's not like he didn't want to get married to Jungkook, it was just that he was not ready, although he already dreamed of getting married to Jungkook, but they only started dating again, and to get married to him this early makes him scared.

And with that, he wiped his tears and grabbed his pen and started reading and signing documents, and thought of some new ideas for his new jewelry set and clothes set for the month, not forgetting to also do the presentations for the meeting.

Putting his phone on silent mode and telling his guards and employees not to let anyone of his family and friends to enter his office nor building and to tell them that he was in a meeting, only having exception for his close friends Bogum and Jisung.


-12:30 PM-

I typed and typed on my keyboard as I wrote the presentations for my meeting with my ally and business partner from China, also not forgetting to continue reading and signing documents and also drawing new accessories for my China branch that is being run by my business partner.

"Come in" I said when I heard a knock on my door

And when I heard the door open, I looked up from my desk and saw Bogum hyung and Jisung walk in with a paper bag in his right hand.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked as I got back to my work

"We heard what happened earlier from Jeongguk" Bogum hyun says and I sighed

"Yeah?" I asked

"Yeah-- are you ok hyung?" I heard Jisung ask as he and Bogum sat down in front of my desk

"'M fine" I said while signing some documents

"Jisoo said that you haven't ate anything yet" Bogum hyung says and I only hummed

"Why?" He asked

"I'm not in the mood, also not hungry, and-- I have to finish these since I haven't been in the office for over a month and a half now" I said and continued my work

It was silent for a while and the only thing you can hear was me tapping the keyboard as I typed, until I internally groaned in frustration when Jisung asked me the question me and Taewha got into an argument with.

"Why did you blow up when Taewha hyung asked you about the marriage?" Jisung asks and I groaned as I massaged my temple and glared at him

"Not you too hyung, I left the house to get away from THAT question, and now you just came here to ask me that as well?!" I angrily exclaimed and he raised his hands in surrender

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