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It was a good morning here in the Bangtan Mansion, but it was quite lonely, with Jungkook on a mission with Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi hyung, while Jeongguk was working at Jeon Jewelries while Taewha decided to fill in for me at Kim Accessories since I was still a little bit unstable.

Meanwhile with Jin, Jimin hyung and Ami noona were all buying groceries, while the kids were at school, which means I'm all alone,  I sighed as I walked back into the room and closed the doors of the balcony.

I walked out of my and Jungkook's room and decided to go to the library to read some books, and maybe some cooking recipes since I remembered that it was baby twins' birthday today!

I took out my phone and decided to call Jiminie to buy some supplies since I wanted to throw a small surprise party for my Baby Bear and Baby Bunny.

Calling 🥰Soulmate🐶...

I waited for some seconds and then heard a small 'beep' on the phone, indicating that Jimin picked up the phone.

"Hello? TaeTae?" I heard his voice on the other line

"Hey Minnie, umm- can you buy me something?" I asked him with a shy tone

"Sure! What is it?" He asked me

"Can you buy me some party supplies?" I asked him

"Ugh-- sure, but what's the occasion-oh... it's Bear and Bunny's birthday right? Right?!" He asked me with happiness in his voice and I smiled

"Yes, you guessed it right Minnie, so I want to throw a small surprise party for them" I said and heard him squeal

"Ok, ok! I'll buy everything that is needed!" He says and I laughed

"Ok, thanks Jiminie, see you later" I said

"Okie! Bye~!" Jimin says then I ended the call

After ending the call, I thought again and remembered what Jungkook said last night, that when the twins' birthday come, I should tell him since he wanted to surprise our babies.

I took my phone again and opened contacts to see his number, and when I found it I clicked on it to dial him.

Calling 😘Kookie🐰...

I didn't have to wait when I heard the 'beep' and his voice on the other line.

"Hello? Baby?" I smiled when I heard his voice

"Hi Kookie, are you busy right now?" I asked him and then heard a scream

"Hey! Shut him up! I'm talking to my Baby right here!" I heard Jungkook growl angrily and I gulped when I found the growl hot

"K-Kookie?" I called out softly

"Sorry about that Baby, but anyways- why did you call me?" He asked me

"Well, remember when you said that you wanted to surprise Vlad and Vante on their birthday?" I asked him and then heard him go silent

"Kookie?" I called out

"A-are you saying that today is their b-birthday?" He asked me with an unrecognizable voice

"Y-yeah" I answered

"I'll buy them presents after my work, ok? Do they have something in mind on what they really want?" Jungkook asks me with excitement in his voice

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now