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To say that the Bangtan Mafia were shock, especially Jungkook, as his heart clenched once he found out about the identity of the man who destroyed almost half of his mafia, the leader of the group who took out most of his men, was the man he loved three years ago, up until now. While V also known as Kim Taehyung under the mask, was just looking away from them, with a guilt in his eyes and expression.

"Why...?" Jungkook asks and Taehyung looks at him

"Why did you destroy my group and decided to save us?" Jungkook asks him coldly

"Is it from your so called 'you own Taehyung a huge favor'?" Jungkook asks him in a mocking tone

Taehyung only remained silent while Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok were also looking at Taehyung with anger and hatred while Jin and Ami were looking at him with a disappointed look while Jimin was looking at him with a pained expression.

"Tell me Taehyung, is this one of your plans to destroy my group?" Jungkook asked with a dead serious voice

"Believe me that I have no intention to destroy nor kill you guys" Taehyung said truthfully while Yoongi scoffs

"Well, was it also your plan to also make us believe in you when you killed half of Jungkook's men?" Yoongi asks

"Believe me or not, they wanted kill you and take over your positions" Taehyung says and Jungkook looked at him with so much hatred

Taehyung felt uncomfortable and felt their stares and glares at them, filled with anger, hatred and rage, but his eyes widen once he heard what Jungkook said.

"I can't believe that I still love the man who wants to kill and destroy my group... and to be honest... I actually don't regret sleeping with Chunseo 3 years ago, just regretted that I killed her" Jungkook said

Taehyung looked back at Jungkook with glossy eyes, but his eyes met cold ones, so he quickly looked away and smiled at the floor.

"I see..." Taehyung says and Jungkook raises a brow at him

"I'll leave now..."

"But Tae-"

Jimin wasn't able to stop the aforementioned when he ran away as he wiped his mask before wearing his mask.

Taehyung hopped onto his motorbike and started the engine then left. He contacted a number from his bike's device and heard it ring, then soon a voice was heard.

"Hello? Tae?" The voice asked from the other line

"Hey Bogum" Taehyung greeted

"Were you sleeping or about to sleep?" Taehyung asked

"No, just finished training, do you need something?" Bogum asked

"I umm... I have a favor to ask you..." Taehyung said

"Sure what is it?" Bogum asked

"Can you take over the company for a while? I have to go somewhere far from here, it's important" Taehyung said

"Yeah, sure... but, I heard that you saved Jungkook, how did that go?" Bogum asked and then he panicked once he heard his best friend crying from the other side of the line

"Tae! What happened?! Did he hurt you?!" Bogum asks worried about Taehyung

"I-I have to g-go, j-just t-tell Baekhyun hyung and Luhan hyung to watch over Junnie, and p-please w-watch over the c-company, ok? See you guys soon" Taehyung says then ends the call

Taehyung wiped his tears and kept remembering what Jungkook said earlier that he didn't even heard and notice a truck honking the horn until darkness surrounded him.

Meanwhile with Jungkook and the others, Jimin still stared where Taehyung just stood and turned around towards the other again and glared at them.

"What is with you guys?!" Jimin asked

"What do you mean Chim?" Jin asks

"You guys seriously made him feel bad!!" Jimin angrily says

"Are you seriously siding with him?! Jimin, he killed half of our men!!" Yoongi says

"But that still doesn't mean that you guys are gonna be so harsh on him!! Remember, without Taehyung, we could be bankrupt from the company" Jimin said coldly

"Are you seriously hearing yourself Jimin? He KILLED half of my men, what if we're his next target?" Jungkook asks him and Jimin glares at him

"You should've asked him for proof if he really said that there are some of your men actually wanted to kill you, and if he lied, then you can do whatever, but I'm always gonna stick with my soulmate" Jimin says with a serious voice

"Minnie..." Yoongi says and Jimin looks at him

"Don't talk to me right now" Jimin says and leaves

They all left the warehouse, and used the vehicles there, Jimin took another car as Yoongi and Jungkook shared one, then they all drove towards their mansion, without even knowing, that something big happened, to the person that saved them.

"Quick!! Call an ambulance!!" A male says, his voice wavering while his companion started calling 941

"You'll be ok Tae... you'll be ok..." the same male says

Soon the ambulance came and the male that was talking earlier called a familiar number that Taehyung has.

"Hello? Sunghoon?" The voice asks from the other line

"Bogum hyung..."

Heyy Fam...
Sad and short chapter...
Sorry for what happened to Taehyung, but I promise that more will soon happen!!
And do you know who Park Sunghoon is??
Take care!
I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

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