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It was a dark place where Taehyung was, cuffed to a king sized bed, both his arms and legs, his eyes closed shut, with tears streaming down his face, frightened and traumatized from what Taewha's captor and his gang did to him.

*flash back*

Taehyung was set down onto the metal chair and was about to cuff his hands until Taehyung fought, he took out his ball pen which was also a taser and electrocuted his captors, he escaped the room then ran and ran trying to find an exit to escape, not aware that he was being chased by men.

"LET GO OF ME YOU SICK BASTARDS!!" Taehyung yelled with venom in his voice

"Oh sweetheart, why would they even listen to you?" A voice asked and Taehyung looked towards the owner of it and saw a man, clearly half-Korean

"Because all of you will regret it" Taehyung spat with anger and the man laughed mockingly at Taehyung

"You're a feisty one Aphrodite, and I swear I'll give that to Zeus for choosing you over Hera" the man says and Taehyung stopped struggling in the men's hold as he stared at the man in front of him

"W-what?" Taehyung asks and the man smirks

"Oh? Are you surprised? I thought that you knew that you're Zeus's favorite toy-- unless, you aren't his toy" The man says and stepped towards Taehyung who was held down

"Tell me this Kim--- are you, Kim Taewha?" The man asks as he grabbed Taehyung's jaw and forced him to look at him

"Hades" another voice called out and they all looked at the owner of the voice

"Zeus" Hades says

"Let Aphrodite go, you know the rules about touching my doll" Zeus says with a monotonous voice and Hades lets go of Taehyung's jaw and raised his arms in surrender and walked towards Zeus

"Hey, I'm just talking to our future queen of the Vander Mafia" Hades says and Taehyung looks up

"W-what did you just say?" Taehyung asks with wide eyes and both Hades and Zeus looked at him

"Why Aphrodite, why are you so surprised to hear your future mafia's name when you're going to be the queen of it?" Zeus asks him and Hades got the hint

"Because he ISN'T Aphrodite OR Kim Taewha" a woman's voice cuts them off and they all looked at her confused

"What nonsense are you talking about Athena?" Zeus asks her in an angry voice

"Not nonsense, facts, this male right here isn't Kim Taewha but his half-twin brother, Kim Taehyung" Athena says and they all looked back at Taehyung

"My-- just like Aphrodite, a beauty out of this world" Hades says and Zeus growls

"But not enough like MY Aphrodite-- Athena, find Kim Taewha" Zeus orders and Athena nods and leaves

"And Hades" Zeus calls out and Poseidon looks at him

"You can have fun with him since you're interested in him" Zeus says and Hades smirks

Zeus leaves and Hades still has his dark smirk on his face as he looks back at Taehyung and the men holding him down, he looked at one of them and nodded his head while one of the men knows what it means, he took a syringe from his pocket filled with drug and gave it to Hadeswho slowly walked towards them, he harshly grabbed Taehyung's jaw and made him look at him.

"Now, now, pretty, this won't hurt a bit~" Hades huskily says and injected the syringe and the drug in it to Taehyung who clenched his jaw in pain

"Let go of him then leave" Hades orders and they all obeyed and then left

Taehyung was breathing heavily as he started sweating, he whimpers in pain when he felt heat in his stomach and realized that he was drugged by the man above him whose smirk widened.

"Y-you b-bastard!" Taehyung weakly said as he gasps in pain, tears foaming in his eyes

"Well, I was just listening to orders, and I do find you interesting so-- why not play with you for a while" Hades says


But it was too late, for Hades took Taehyung and carried him into his room, with Taehyung weakly punching his back but stopping since the pain was unbearable, when they arrived, Hades slammed the door shut with his foot and locked it, he walked towards his bed and threw Taehyung on it who whimpered in pain as he clutched his stomach.

Hades hovered on top of him and started stripping Taehyung who was weakly fighting back at him, and soon Taehyung was naked and Hades licked his lips and started stripping himself as well, and when he did, he hovered over Taehyung again and leaned into his ear.

"Now if you're brother is called Aphrodite because of his sinful and gorgeous body, then I shall call you Persephone, as no other man will touch you as you are only mine~" Hades whispers

Taehyung could only whimper again then screamed in pain when Hades suddenly inserted his member in him and started thrusting roughly, his head thrown back as he grunted in pleasure while Taehyung begged for him to stop and kept on screaming in pain until Hades slapped him and he just bit his lip as he cried silently as he took every hard and painful thrust Hades did to him.

While on the other side of the room, a person was leaning against the wall as SHE listened to Taehyung's screams of pain and beg to stop Hades and even heard Hades' mean comments and slaps towards Taehyung-- she teared up and walked towards the room besides Hades, and went inside and slammed the door shut and leaned against the door as SHE cried while listening to the noise on the other side-- SHE lifted her head up and stared into the window in the library.

"Don't worry Taehyung-- I'll help you escape this hellhole, even if I risk my life just for you to be safe"

*end of flash back*

Taehyung leaned against the headboard of his rapist's bed, and held the blanket over his delicate naked frame, crying silently as he stared at the blood smeared on it mixed with white substances, he heard a knock on the door and didn't even looked up until it opened, he looked up with wide eyes and started shaking when he saw a woman coming in with something in her hands.

While the woman thanked Zeus in her head that he needed Hades to be with him right now, and was also kinda thankful for Hades to order her to watch his Persephone, which made her roll her eyes at hid words, she looked at the bed and her heart clenched when she saw Taehyung's state.

"I see you're awake" the woman stated softly as she walked towards the bed

Taehyung scurried away, deciding to lean more on the headboard to hide himself, only to whimper and cry in pain when he felt pain and fire in his lower area, the woman's heart softened when she just stared at Taehyung and decided to calm him down.

"Calm down Taehyung, I'm not here to hurt you" the woman says and Taehyung looks at her

"H-how do you know my name?" Taehyung asked in a whisper and the woman smiles

"I am a friend of your twin, Taewha" she answers and Taehyung nods softly

"What is your name?" Taehyung asks

"I can't tell you my real name, but please call me--



Hey Fam!

So how's it going..?

Please don't hate me!!

Everything will get better soon. and who do you think this 'Demeter' might be?

Let me know..

Take care!

I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

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