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They all stared at Taewha who wore a serious face, but his tone of voice was a sound of relief, they all sighed in relief, until s ringtone from a phone rang was heard in the quiet space-- Taewha took his phone out and saw that it was his friend so he answered it.

"Demeter?" Taewha asks

"KT" Demeter responds

"What happened? Is everything ok? Is my brother with you?" Taewha asks worriedly

"Yes, Taehyung's with me-- and Athena found out that he wasn't you but Kim Taehyung" Demeter explains and Taewha's eyes widen in worry

"What happened then?" Taewha asks worriedly

"Zeus didn't accept it since he wanted you-- so he gave your brother to Hades, and claimed him as 'his Persephone'.." Demeter whispers and Taewha stilled as his heart hammered in his chest

"D-Demeter-- d-don't t-tell me.." Taewha pauses as tears brimmed in his eyes

"Yes KT-- he forced himself on Taehyung.." Demeter says

And with those words said, Taewha paled and felt his legs go weak but luckily Jeongguk was close to him and caught him in time, tears started streaming down his face as his heart started beating in a fast pace when he heard what happened to his brother.

"T-Taewha? What happened? Is everything alright?" Baekhyun asks worriedly

But Taewha didn't respond to him and moved away from Jeongguk's hold and left the living room and towards another space then placed his phone back to his ear.

"H-how is T-Taehyung?" Taewha asks and heard Demeter sigh on the other end

"Weak and mostly traumatized, he even flinched away from me when I saved him from falling earlier, he hasn't said a word other than asking me if he wants something, he only whimpers and hides himself" Demeter explains and Taewha closes his eyes

"Where is he right now?" Taewha asks once more

"In Hades' room, his leg is cuffed to one of the bed posts" Demeter answers

"Has Zeus and the other members planned anything yet?" Taewha asks, with a now serious voice

"Yes, they have a drug and weapon trading to do with a French mafia called GIMS, which was clearly inspired by a French singer named Maitre Gims" Demeter explains and Taewha hums

"Who will be left in head quarters?" Taewha asks

"Me, Helios, Nemesis, Hestia, and some men" Demeter says

"Ok, I already have a plan organized in my head but your guys need your help with it" Taewha says

"You know I'm ready for anything with you KT, you know that Helios and Hestia are also ready to help whenever they can" Demeter answers

"Alright, I need you to help Taehyung escape from the library passage way while Helios and Hestia distracts the Nemesis and the others, me and the Bangtan Mafia will go there to get Taehyung" Taewha explains and Demeter hums

"You got it, I'll send the plan to Helios and Hestia as soon as I can, but what if Zeus and the others arrived here? What are you going to do?" Demeter asks and Taewha bit his lip

"I haven't thought of any plan yet, but I'll think of it and send you the plans alright? Just make sure that my brother is safe and sound-- I don't want to loose him" Taewha pleads

"Of course Taewha" Demeter answers

"Thank you Demeter, see you soon" Taewha says then ends the call

He looked up at the ceiling and tears started pouring down from his eyes as he fell down on his knees as he covered his face and sobbed as he kept on thinking about Taehyung, yes, Zeus treated him like a toy, using him as pleases, but not to the extent of using him for hi sexual desires, he's still a virgin for fuck's sakes!!

He felt arms around him so he removed his hands and saw Jeongguk looking at him with a worried expression on his face, and Taewha felt his heart beating fast as and butterflies in his tummy, he doesn't know what kind of feeling this is, but he wants to explore it more, with only Jeongguk.

"Are you ok? What happened?" Jeongguk asks and Taewha stiffens

"Did something happen?" Jeongguk asks as he notices that

"W-we have to g-go back t-to the o-others" Taewha says and Jeongguk nods

He helped Taewha stand up, and they both walked back towards the living room, and when they got there, everyone looked at them.

"Taewha? Is everything alright?" Luhan asks and Taewha took a deep breath and looked at Jungkook

"A friend of mine from the Vander Mafia called, and said that Taehyung's with her" Taewha starts and they all sighed in relief

"There's a but-- isn't there?" Jungkook asks and Taewha nods and started tearing up

"A-Athena found out that I wasn't Taehyung and told Zeus and Hades-- Zeus didn't want him since he wanted me so he gave him to Hades a-and t-then.." Taewha stopped as he tried stopping his tears but failed

"But what Taewha?" Jungkook asks, worried about Taehyung

"Hades d-drugged Taehyung and then f-forced himself o-on h-him" Taewha cries out as he fell down again but with Jeongguk holding him with wide eyes

All of them froze in their place, Baekhyun and Luhan in their husbands' arms as they cried, Jimin behing held by Yoongi as he sobbed, Jin covering his mouth as he cried with Namjoon holding his waist, Ami hid her face in Hoseok's chest as she cried-- while Jungkook was pale and tears streamed down his face.

"T-Taehyung's been r-rap-ped?" Jungkook shakily asks Taewha who nodded

Jungkook felt like his strength and soul left his body as he leaned back on the couch, his eyes wide with tears pooling in them then streaming down his face, Jeongguk also has wide eyes with tears pooling in them as his hold on Taewha tightened as he shakily took a breath, while the others also had wide eyes with the bottoms cried silently.

"But don't worry everyone--

because I have a plan to save Taehyung"


Hey Fam!!

New chapter and more drama coming!!

Chapter 39 coming soon...

Take care!!

I love you!!

Author-nim, over 'n out!!

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