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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S BEEN TAKEN?!" Jeongguk yelled out furiously

After the call was cut off by a person on the other side of the phone, I told them what happened and what I heard on Tae's side, Jeongguk yelled out, in with anger and panic in his voice.

"Namjoon, try to hack into Taehyung's phone with his number and see if you can find anything" I ordered and he nodded

"A-Appa?" We all turned towards the voice and I saw Vlad there in his pyjamas and Cooky plushie as he rubs his eyes

"Bun, what are you doing up so late?" I asked him as I walked towards him

"I heard Dad yelling about Eomma--what happened? Is he ok?" Vlad asks me with worry in his voice

"Everything is fine Bun, your Eomma just had some difficulty in work.. would you like to go back with your brothers? They missed you, and I have some work to do, are you ok with that?" I asked him and he nodded hesitantly

"Alright, Jimin, can you pack Vlad's things?" I asked and he nodded

"Come on Bun, let's go ready your things" Jimin says as he and Vlad went back upstairs

"Jeongguk, take Vlad back to the mansion while we try and track Taehyung down" I said and he shook his head

"No, no, no, no, no, not a chance Jungkook.. what if the group who took Tae are more stronger than you? Let me help, I'll contact some of my men to come here" he says and I shook my head and sighed

"Jeongguk you know how far New York is to Seoul, it may take days for your men to arrive here to help us save Taehyung, so please listen to me and just take Vlad to Vante and Yeonjun and protect them, if the group who took Taehyung will come for them.. let me gather up some allies to help me save him, and I promise I'll bring him back home safe and sound" I explained and he nodded with a defeated sigh

"Fine, just promise that you'll bring him back safely" Jeongguk pleads

"Trust me Gguk, I'll never let anything harm him again after what I've done to him" I said and he nodded


Soon Vlad came downstairs with Jimin and then he and Jeongguk left the Bangtan Mansion to go back home to the Exo Mansion, and when they got there, Vlad ran up to Vante and Yeonjun and they giggled when they hugged each other.

"Where's Eomma?" Yeonjun asks Jeongguk as the said male just sighed

"I can't tell you right now Fennec, let's get inside, I also have to tell your uncles" Jeongguk says and Yeonjun nods

They all went inside and Yeonjun took his baby brothers up towards their room, then came back down to go into the living room and sat beside Beomgyu as they both stared intensely at the adults.

"T-Tae was t-taken?" Baekhyun whispered and Jeongguk looked down

"Yes Baekhyun hyung, Taehyung was taken, Jungkook called him and then an explosion was heard, we don't know what happened next until Jungkook yelled out Taehyung's name until his face had a worried and confused expression on it, like he might've heard something and wouldn't tell us" Jeongguk explains

"What did Jungkook do?" Luhan asks

"He ordered RM to try and hack into Tae's phone and see if he can find anything, then told me to take Vlad home since he heard me yell at Jungkook, I told him that I would call me men to come here to help them, but he told me it wasn't necessary and that he will seek help from Bangtan's allies" Jeongguk says and Luhan nods

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now