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It's been three weeks and a half since Taehyung was sent to Seoul National Hospital and he still hasn't woken up. Yeonjun, Bo Gum, and Taehyung's relatives and their friends were also still angry with me, especially Taehyung's father and cousin, Kim Lu Han.

I started working at my old company since me and Bo Gum would always argue whenever we get the chance about Taehyung, Bo Gum's fiance, Irene, would come over and would be able to calm Bo Gum down and let me leave with a soft and calm tone in her voice.

Me and the others were still guilty and felt regret when we hurt Taehyung, Yoongi was also feeling really down since Jimin stayed at his cousin's place more often now, while I just lost Yeonjun and Taehyung's family's and friends' trust to court him again.

I sighed and slumped on my chair after I finished signing every document, I massaged my temples and looked at the framed photos that are on my desk and smiled when I stared at it.

I sighed and slumped on my chair after I finished signing every document, I massaged my temples and looked at the framed photos that are on my desk and smiled when I stared at it

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I caressed Taehyung's cheek on the glass and immediately teared up

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I caressed Taehyung's cheek on the glass and immediately teared up.

"I miss you..." I whispered

But I know that I might have no chance to win back his heart since I already cheated, said awful things, and caused him misery, because after my Pop left me and my father, I never felt the right love since my father starts neglecting me.

At first, Taehyung used to hate me while I tried to make him fall for me, when I went into his favorite cafe and I bumped into him and he spilled his drink on me, so I blamed him and started yelling, while he just apologized as he kept his head down.

Then I grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the cafe and pulled him into an alley way and pushed him against the wall and trapped him in my arms, and when he looked up, my eyes widen when I saw his ethereal face, his long eyelashes, his puffy bread cheeks, his perfect nose, and plush plump lips that were caught in between his teeth, and his moles in all of the right places.

 My face soften and I felt my chest get heavy when I saw his chocolate brown eyes filled with tears, as he whimpers and cries silently, I let go of him, and then apologized and quickly ran away and hopped into my car and drove off, but not without seeing his confused expression that made my heart beat fast, his head tilted as his bangs were covering his eyebrows.

And that's when I knew that day, that I wanted Kim Taehyung to be mine.

Although, I did always come back to that cafe, and prayed that I would see him again, and my prayers were answered and I saw him there again, he always sat on the table at the back, reading a book as he had headphones on his head, I quietly made my way towards him and I heard him humming to a song I of course know as well, it was Euphoria by Jeong Junghuk, the maknae of my favorite band, BTS.

I then faked a cough to get his attention, and he looked up and I still remember the way his puppy doe eyes stared right into my cold ones, I don't even remember what then, but all I know is that we started talking about ourselves and realized that we have the same similarities.

Like how we're both interested in BTS, his bias being Jeong Junghuk, while my bias was Kim Taekwon, while we both had the favorite song, Mikrokosmos, and then it lead into talking about movies, books and more.

I smiled when I remembered those times, but then the scenes of him being hurt and broken by me flashed in my mind, and I clenched my fist in anger as I remembered how I lost him.

I opened my eyes again when I felt someone tap my shoulder, I saw Namjoon there with Yoongi and Hoseok behind him, looking at me with worry in their eyes.

"You ok Kook?" Hoseok asks me and I nodded

"Yeah..." I mumbled and I heard them sigh and I looked at them

"Everything ok?" I asked them with a raised brow and Yoongi looked at me

"Jimin called me some moments ago and he said something..." Yoongi says

"What is it?" I asked, worried

As I remembered that Jimin was at Seoul National Hospital to look after Yeonjun since Bogum and the others were working, and my eyes widen as my heart hammered in my chest at what Yoongi said.

"Taehyung's awake"


Hey Fam!!

Sorry for updating late, I got a bad fever last week, but I'm back!

So Taehyung is awake, what will happen to Jungkook and the others now??

Find out-

Take care!

I love you!


Author-nim, over 'n out!

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