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To say that everyone was shocked is an understatement, especially Jeongguk when he saw Taewha's auburn eyes that held mystery and mischievous in them.

"T-Taewha!!" Baekhyun calls out as he runs to him and hugged him tight as he sobbed on his shoulder

"Bacon hyungie" Taewha says softly as he hugs Baekhyun back

"Is that really you Taewha?" Luhan asks as he tears up as Taewha nods

"Yes Hannie hyungie, it's really me" Taewha says as he and Baekhyun pulled away

"B-but h-how?!" Luhan asks

"Umm--I'm sorry for intruding on this lovely reunion, but, who is this? And is it true that he's Taehyung's twin brother?! He never told me anything!!" Jimin exclaims and Taewha looks at him and smiles

"Yes, I am Taehyun's twin, but only half since Taehyung's mom is my surrogate mother, they all never expected for Taehyung to be born, but it was a mystery on how Tae didn't get the same genes from my parents, even doctors and scientists also don't know how it was possible for him to not have the same genes with me, but we have the same blood, so that makes us half twin brothers, but Taehyung's mom died after giving birth to him" Taewha explains and they all nodded

"And you know which group took Taehyung?" Jungkook asks and Taewha looks at him and frowns

"And you are?" Taewha asks coldly and Jungkook frowns

"Jeon Jungkook" Jungkook introduces and Taehwa clicks his tongue

"Oh yes, the one broke my Tae Bear's heart" Taewha growls then saw Jeongguk who was looking at him and smiled seductively

"Well hello handsome~" Taewha winks as Jeongguk blushes while Taewha smirks

"Aww~ why so shy handsome~?" Taewha asks again and Jeongguk glares at him, still blushing

"Shut up princess or I'll do something to you that you might regret" Jeongguk growls and Taewha's smirk widened

"Oh please! I would never regret anything with you handsome~" Taewha says seductively again and Jeongguk just growls in annoyance

"Are you just flirt with each other then fuck with an audience around you guys or we're going to save Taehyung?" Jungkook asks and Taewha frowns when he looked at him

"Well I want to save my baby brother from Zeus's grasp" Taewha growls then turned serious in 2 seconds

"The group Taehyung is named the Vander Mafia, and yes, they are an American Mafia, they used the Greek Mythology as their code names with Zeus being the leader,  his real name is Robert Samson, then you have his right hand men Poseidon and Hades who are his brother in arms-- then you have the hackers, Hermes, he's the one who sends messages to other groups to trade with them-- Hephaestus and Ares are his top and skilled fighters-- Athena, is the one who does the planning-- Apollo and Artemis are twin and who are great with long range kills-- and lastly, Dionysus and Hera are the spies" Taewha explains

"How do you know so much about this?" Namjoon asks and Taewha looks at him

"Because I was the club dancer at their filthy club" Taewha confesses and everyone looks at him with wide eyes

"When I was only 15, my mother died in an accident that I was also in then she died will I survived, when my father knew of that and started abusing the day when I came home and continued it until I turned 17, he sold me to the Vander Mafia-- they made me into a Club Dancer and named me Aphrodite because of my looks and body-- and then I ran into Taehyung again in America and told him everything, he broke down and told me that he will make up a plan to save me from my nightmare" Taewha tells with anger, venom, and disgust in his voice as he had his head down

They all looked at him with wide eyes, Baekhyun and Luhan teared up when they heard what Taewha went through, while Jeongguk felt his heart clench when he saw Taewha with his head down while he told them the story of his past.

And that was when he knew that his heart doesn't beat for Taehyung anymore but for the twin who is in front of him--he fell in love with Kim Taewha, he fell in.. 



Hey Fam...

Short chapter...

I'm sorry...

Take care!

I love you!


Author-nim, over 'n out!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now