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Taehyung and Eunwoo arrived at their destination and got off of their car, Taehyung wore his fox masked and strapped it from falling off or being taken off, as they both loaded and readied their guns...

"Ready?" Eunwoo asked him

"Ready as I'll ever be" Taehyung says and they both entered the building quietly like spies

Meanwhile, Jungkook along with Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi arrived at the building and got off of their car and fixed their attire...

"Are you sure this is the place Joon hyung?" Jungkook asked him as he looked at the said man

Namjoon looked at his phone and nodded his head as he looked back at Jungkook...

"Yep, this is where James Pines sent me the location" Namjoon says

"Well, let's get going" Jungkook says

Both thr group and duo entered to find their target/client... James Pines, while the said male was sitting by the corner of the VIPs, drinking his wine...

Taehyung and Eunwoo separated and got into their positions once they saw their target, both males furrowed their brows when they saw 4 other men sitting in front of him...

"Who are they?" Eunwoo asked from his earpiece

"Don't know... I'll take a closer look" Taehyung answers

He tapped his mask and a holographic glass came and he zoomed in to take a close look of the 4 men... Taehyung froze when he saw who they were...

"EC, it's JK, RM, Suga and Jhope" Taehyung says

"What?" Eunwoo asks

"It is, and I think their going to make a trade..." Taehyung said as he continued to look

"Well... what are we going to do V?" Eunwoo asks

"We'll still kill our target and get out of here to not get caught" Taehyung orders

"Ok" Eunwoo replies

Taehyung tapped his mask again and hid well as he gave Eunwoo the signal to aim their guns with silencers on them...

"So mr. Pines, what is it that you want to trade with us?" Namjoon asks in a professional manner

"Well it's simple actually, I want to make an alliance with you" James Pines says

"And what's your offer?" Jungkook asks in a serious tone

"The Exo Mafia leader's name" James Pines says

Jungkook and the other 3 men were interested and looked at each other and nodded as they looked back at the man...

"The name first, then we'll consider" Jungkook says and James Pines shrugs

"Fine, it's Park-GAHHHH!!"

Everyone panicked and screamed once a gunshot was heard, Jungkook along with Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok were shocked then looked around...

"We have to get out of here" Yoongi says

They all ran towards the exit, with Taehyung and Eunwoo doing the same, Eunwoo wore a mask and strapped it from falling off...

The 6 ran, but then ran into each other, Jungkook along with the other 3 widen their eyes when V and EC were in front of them, they held their guns out but EC threw a smoke bomb and then they disappeared...

The 4 coughed and then looked around but the 2 males were gone...

"Damn it!!" Jungkook cursed

"Kook, let's not yell here right now, we have to get out of here!!" Hoseok says

Jungkook nods and they hopped in their car, Hoseok started the engine and drove away while Eunwoo did the same as Taehyung was just silent...

Taehyung and Eunwoo arrived at Taehyung's mansion and got out of the vehicle and entered the building...

"You ok Tae?" Eunwoo asked as Taehyung removed his mask and plopped himself down on the couch

"Yeah... just... tired" Taehyung says and Eunwoo nods

Taehyung then soon stood up and went upstairs with Eunwoo following his steps with a worried expression on his face...

"Oh Tae... I know you were afraid when you saw Jeon Jungkook there" Eunwoo says to himself

While Jungkook and the others also arrived at their mansion and got off as the driver took the car and parked it into their garage...

They entered the mansion and Jungkook just yelled...

"Gah! We were so close and we let them get away!! Ugh!!" Jungkook yelled

Jimin, Jin and Ami went into the living room and towards their lovers as they looked at Jungkook with concern...

"What happened?" Jin asked

"We were close to know the name of Exo Mafia's leader's name... but their assassin V along with his companion EC killed him before he got to finish it" Namjoon explained

"And we had V and EC in front of us earlier, but EC threw a smoke bomb at us and then disappeared before we can catch them" Yoongi continues

"And now that's why Jungkook's like this" Hoseok finishes

"Speaking of V... there's something we have to show you" Ami says and then clicks onto a button

The huge tv screen suddenly lit up and everyone's attention went there, and then another exclamation mark was present...

"What is it?" Hoseok asks

"V got angry again and sent us another warning, telling if you don't stop figuring who Exo Mafia's leader is and who he is under the mask, he won't hesitate to kill all your men Jungkook"

Heyy guys!
Short chapter!
Take care!
I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now