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After Yoongi told Jungkook that, gasps were heard in the room, well Seokjin knew after he confronted Yoongi about it when Jimin told him and Jungkook that Jinsoo looked more like Taehyung but had some features from Jungkook— as for Jungkook, he sat down onto the couch as he felt his knees go weak at the revelation. Him? A father? He has a kid with Taehyung? Two at that, even though adopted? With the man that he, isn't denying, still loves? Jungkook felt tears cloud his eyes when he remembered the image of a scared and crying Yeonjun and Jinsoo last night, screaming and crying out to their eomma, not knowing that their appa was also there.

"If you know all of this, then why didn't you tell me? Why tell me now when my kids' life are on the line? Why did Taehyung send you to spy on me?!" Jungkook angrily asks as he was clouded by emotions, was it hurt? Betrayal? Pain? Sorrow? He didn't know, but he looked back at Yoongi when the male sighed

"I meant to tell you Jungkook, believe me, Taehyung told me to tell you when the time's right and I always thought that it wasn't the right time so I kept on pushing the plan back of me telling you everything— it wasn't known or founded out that someone was out to kidnap Yeonjun and Jinsoo— and about your last question, well, Tae sent me to act as one of your trusted members to protect you from his main enemy, Seokjin wasn't supposed to be a part of it but somehow he found out and confronted me if Jinsoo was yours and Tae's kid, and when I told him the truth, he decided to help me from the sidelines" Yoongi explains and everyone was confused, but looked at Jungkook when they heard him take a shaky breath

"Why didn't he tell me?" Jungkook whispered and Yoongi sighed

"Well, Tae didn't want you to settle with him after you knowing that you had kids with him, so when you told him that you didn't want to see him ever again, he followed suit, wanting to grant your every wish and only wants to see you happy, even if it meant him suffering and ignoring his pain" Yoongi says and Jungkook's eyes widened at that

"H-he was willing to do that, just for me?" Jungkook shakily asks and Yoongi slowly nodded his head

Jungkook closed his eyes and clenched his fists when he remembered the day he spent his last moment with Taehyung, ignoring the beautiful male's continuous sorries and forgive me's before leaving him alone in their room, his heart filled with rage and anger— not even willing to listen to his loved one, Jungkook felt regret as he covered his face not wanting to show anybody his pain-filled expression.

"H-he really loves me..." he whispered and Yoongi weakly chuckled as he and Jungkook made eye contact

"He really does, but stubborn to admit it— saying that he loves you back and tries to forget you by sleeping with somebody else, which he doesn't since Tooru always stops him at the right time" Yoongi says and Jungkook was shocked at that, but sighed in relief

"But he does resolve it by smoking and mostly drinking to the point he passes out, drunk" Yoongi says as he ruffles his hair

"W-wait! If Taehyung DID sleep with somebody and he's able to get pregnant..." Jimin says

"Don't worry! Tooru and Jisung made sure to put in birth control pills in Taehyung's water" Shoto quickly says and Jungkook sighed in relief

"But back to my question in mind, Taehyung has a main enemy?" Seokjin asks confused

"Yup, since V always has his mask on and no info is found out about him anywhere in the mafia world, nobody knows that he has kids and a loved, being none other that Jeon, so none of his other enemies know that— except her" Shoto says and growls at the last word, Jungkook slightly blushed when Shoto said that Taehyung's loved one is him but shook it off as they got even more confused

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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